Haha, sneaky :D
I needed a break of all that whining and moaning at home about father-in-law, who now lies in coma since 12 days. In the office I'm also having kind of chaos and sometimes bad emotions - but thats temporarily and I can handle this. Here I'm having nice colleagues and hot coffee and something to do which keeps my attention, making me happy. Oh, and during lunch time I'll go to the gym, yay. Burn it away, this xmas chubbiness :grin:
On the 10th birthday of our son, which is on the 29th of December, I was totally lazy. We went with some of his friends to a so-called "
Fun-Arena". And I said to myself "Well, having nothing to do regarding preparation or else, I will at least have some fun with the kids, chasing each other, climbing, shooting etc., yeah". Long story short: as soon as I sat in the chair, I slept during the whole time; five hours, only woke up for having two or three cups of coffee, then slept on. Kids had fun without me thou. Was a good birthday party :D