Yeah, come on over to us. This is the land where milk and honey flows in the rivers, roasted chickens flying in the air and cake and cookies are growing on the trees. Everyone is always happy and having sex with anyone anytime...... Kind of this story I think some bad guy must have told all these refugees which came here the last months, together with expectations which rushed up high as the sky. Sad enough that we now have to carry their frustration as they begin to realize that something went wrong, that even in Germany are Ghettos and everyone has to work for his/her success. Looking at me, yes, I studied twice(!) during my working time, at the evening hours when others were already at sleep. The price? Deaf on one ear because of all the stress (because there was also a little bit family besides), but also a fine job with a bunch of nice incentives. Now there are people, looking on my job, envy me. They may; but I also tell them: no fate; everyone can reach a fine job if he/she is targeting it and working hard for.
Well, gotta go into a fon conference. Have a nice day!