SAMs happy-hour-GMT+1-daily-work-COFFEE BAR


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
:D LOVE this pic :D

Good morning everyone! Another day in the office...well, day #2 actually. But it feels like I never was off ;) I like being at work. It gives my daily life a structure and some kind of a meaning. Plus I love to be together with my colleagues. Sure, there are times where we quarrel and argue. But most of our common time we are having fun (besides of doing our work).

Yesterday at lunch, my one colleague - who I know now for at least six (seven?) years - told me, that she again heard my music and that she enjoys it every time she hears it sooo much etc. pp.
That made me think; think about how many time I had for myself when I was young(er). And where this time is left. What has become of my hobbies and interests? Why do we (I) play computer games or hunt Pokemon instead of doing something creative just like former times? I know the answer: because there is no time left between work and family and house (and sports perhapts). But is there really no time? Or do we forget how to do something aside from sitting apathetically in front of displays, tip and swipe with nothing but our fingers?

So many times I really wanted to be again creative; so many times I failed, wasted my time in front of the computer instead of playing piano or organ or writing a novel (which I also once did). Strange thing, to be a grownup but not be able to fully grow up ;) *deepsigh* Well, to say it for myself: I think I will never again compose music as I did in my youth and young adult times. But to sit down and write again - that I'll try so much so that until I've found a strategy to push myself away from computer games back to my own creative world of thoughts.

How about you? Same thoughts? Different? Other experiences?

Oh, and in case you want to listen whats that music my colleague enthuses about:

Well, the day goes on, its 11 a.m. So lets have a coffee and enjoy the day :)

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
:D LOVE this pic :D

Good morning everyone! Another day in the office...well, day #2 actually. But it feels like I never was off ;) I like being at work. It gives my daily life a structure and some kind of a meaning. Plus I love to be together with my colleagues. Sure, there are times where we quarrel and argue. But most of our common time we are having fun (besides of doing our work).

Yesterday at lunch, my one colleague - who I know now for at least six (seven?) years - told me, that she again heard my music and that she enjoys it every time she hears it sooo much etc. pp.
That made me think; think about how many time I had for myself when I was young(er). And where this time is left. What has become of my hobbies and interests? Why do we (I) play computer games or hunt Pokemon instead of doing something creative just like former times? I know the answer: because there is no time left between work and family and house (and sports perhapts). But is there really no time? Or do we forget how to do something aside from sitting apathetically in front of displays, tip and swipe with nothing but our fingers?

So many times I really wanted to be again creative; so many times I failed, wasted my time in front of the computer instead of playing piano or organ or writing a novel (which I also once did). Strange thing, to be a grownup but not be able to fully grow up ;) *deepsigh* Well, to say it for myself: I think I will never again compose music as I did in my youth and young adult times. But to sit down and write again - that I'll try so much so that until I've found a strategy to push myself away from computer games back to my own creative world of thoughts.

How about you? Same thoughts? Different? Other experiences?

Oh, and in case you want to listen whats that music my colleague enthuses about:

Well, the day goes on, its 11 a.m. So lets have a coffee and enjoy the day :)
I completely understand this Sam. I grew up drawing. That's my God given talent. I used to draw pictures in almost all my free time: on the bus, before bed, in class, basically everywhere, all the time. I even went to a very prestigious art school in Vancouver after I finished high school.

I got into some bad stuff and never ended up pursuing that career though. And sometime while I was doing that bad stuff, I stopped drawing.

Now, years later, I want to get back into my at I've bought all the supplies, I have an amazing art tablet, even bought digital art programs.

And I'm still not drawing. I just don't seem to be able to find either the time or the inspiration. Between work and family, there not much "me time" left. Now, don't take that as a complaint, just an observation. I love every minute I spend with my wife and son. But in the context of this discussion, its pertinent. I crave the time to sit and draw, to rediscover my talents. However, there always seems to be something else I'm doing. And when I do get a couple hours to myself, it's usually late at night, and in more likely to just play a video game for a couple hours.

Just my observations. I agree, there probably is time. I just need to be better at budgeting it. And right now, I'm not. I keep telling myself that once my son is older, and doesn't require constant supervision, I'll have more time. But I feel like this is a fallacy. I just need to make the time, and stop making excuses.


Vice Admiral
Apr 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Sam, I'm getting on in years and had a pretty crazy youth. I had a lot of hobbies now and then.
Now I'm relatively newly remarried and have time, as I sweat bullets avoiding another 9-5 job.
I spend my time where it gives me joy and let's me share that joy.
If I had a musical bone in my body, I'd probably dive deep into music. But I don't. (tested, explored, pushed... No talent)
I envy musicians. I appreciate music, but that's not an outlet for my energy.
I spend time gardening. Enjoy it.
I spend time flying, one of the hobbies denied me in real life. Enjoy it.
I spend time thinking up ways to make my wife giggle or melt. Enjoy the hell out of that :-)
The rest of my time I float on the breeze, doing what needs doing or what should be done to keep karma smiling on me.

P.s. Sit apathetically?
Last night I was on my niece's new account trying to get her some REC so she can have decent weapons on her new 315p...
Wave 18 of VS, one Omnisky remaining, 6 elites left...
Missiles to the right of me
Missiles to the left of me
Deathwish like a tick on my tail
and I noticed...
My joysticks were sweaty...
I was on the edge of my seat...
I was sub-vocalizing something like "Aaaarrrrggggggg! Not this tiiiiiiiiiiime...!"
and I thought...
This is why I love Star Citizen.

P.P.S. Yeah, I won. =)

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Sam, I'm getting on in years and had a pretty crazy youth. I had a lot of hobbies now and then.
Now I'm relatively newly remarried and have time, as I sweat bullets avoiding another 9-5 job.
I spend my time where it gives me joy and let's me share that joy.
If I had a musical bone in my body, I'd probably dive deep into music. But I don't. (tested, explored, pushed... No talent)
I envy musicians. I appreciate music, but that's not an outlet for my energy.
I spend time gardening. Enjoy it.
I spend time flying, one of the hobbies denied me in real life. Enjoy it.
I spend time thinking up ways to make my wife giggle or melt. Enjoy the hell out of that :)
The rest of my time I float on the breeze, doing what needs doing or what should be done to keep karma smiling on me.

P.s. Sit apathetically?
Last night I was on my niece's new account trying to get her some REC so she can have decent weapons on her new 315p...
Wave 18 of VS, one Omnisky remaining, 6 elites left...
Missiles to the right of me
Missiles to the left of me
Deathwish like a tick on my tail
and I noticed...
My joysticks were sweaty...
I was on the edge of my seat...
I was sub-vocalizing something like "Aaaarrrrggggggg! Not this tiiiiiiiiiiime...!"
and I thought...
This is why I love Star Citizen.

P.P.S. Yeah, I won. =)
Very good point Rolo. As much as I do wish I could recapture some of those glory days of my art, I don't live in regret. I try to enjoy every minute of every day.


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Hot?o_O Thats winter weather buddy, need a woollie cardigan just thinking about 29C! You Brits! ;)
34 degrees in my office today! We're melting here!!! If this is what happens when we leave the EU I want back in!!!


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I completely understand this Sam. I grew up drawing. That's my God given talent. I used to draw pictures in almost all my free time: on the bus, before bed, in class, basically everywhere, all the time. I even went to a very prestigious art school in Vancouver after I finished high school.

I got into some bad stuff and never ended up pursuing that career though. And sometime while I was doing that bad stuff, I stopped drawing.

Now, years later, I want to get back into my at I've bought all the supplies, I have an amazing art tablet, even bought digital art programs.

And I'm still not drawing. I just don't seem to be able to find either the time or the inspiration. Between work and family, there not much "me time" left. Now, don't take that as a complaint, just an observation. I love every minute I spend with my wife and son. But in the context of this discussion, its pertinent. I crave the time to sit and draw, to rediscover my talents. However, there always seems to be something else I'm doing. And when I do get a couple hours to myself, it's usually late at night, and in more likely to just play a video game for a couple hours.

Just my observations. I agree, there probably is time. I just need to be better at budgeting it. And right now, I'm not. I keep telling myself that once my son is older, and doesn't require constant supervision, I'll have more time. But I feel like this is a fallacy. I just need to make the time, and stop making excuses.
That is interesting, thanks a lot for sharing these personal views and experiences. I always thought that I seem to be pretty alone with this "problem", being an adult but having problems to manage my "me-time" with actions, which are more active, creative. Every other person around me is writing or dancing or whatever, nearly noone is interested in playing computergames or at least wasting time with social networks (okay, last point either counts for me). But looking to myself, when I'm finished with my day and have reached the late evening, I'm kind of wasted. The remaining bit of energy only lasts for passive things like watching a movie or playing a slow strategy game or the like. Some action like @Rolo describes - sorry, I'm out. Too much stress. BUT at any time I'm doing "nothing" there is this little voice which is pricking me: "you are lazy, you could do more, look at yourself you lazy b...." Yeah, kind of :D Good point is my family who tells me, that I've earned lazy time. Then I'm feeling a little bit better ;)
So, long story short: thats it? My excuse for being lazy? Oh, no, I didn't tell you one little detail. I lately found a new strategy how to push myself being more creative: every evening I'm reading bed time stories. And my idea now is *drumroll* to write own stories for reading them. Is this a good idea? I don't know. But I will test it and then tell you about the result. :D

Sam, I'm getting on in years and had a pretty crazy youth. I had a lot of hobbies now and then.
Now I'm relatively newly remarried and have time, as I sweat bullets avoiding another 9-5 job.
I spend my time where it gives me joy and let's me share that joy.
If I had a musical bone in my body, I'd probably dive deep into music. But I don't. (tested, explored, pushed... No talent)
I envy musicians. I appreciate music, but that's not an outlet for my energy.
I spend time gardening. Enjoy it.
I spend time flying, one of the hobbies denied me in real life. Enjoy it.
I spend time thinking up ways to make my wife giggle or melt. Enjoy the hell out of that :)
The rest of my time I float on the breeze, doing what needs doing or what should be done to keep karma smiling on me.

P.s. Sit apathetically?
Last night I was on my niece's new account trying to get her some REC so she can have decent weapons on her new 315p...
Wave 18 of VS, one Omnisky remaining, 6 elites left...
Missiles to the right of me
Missiles to the left of me
Deathwish like a tick on my tail
and I noticed...
My joysticks were sweaty...
I was on the edge of my seat...
I was sub-vocalizing something like "Aaaarrrrggggggg! Not this tiiiiiiiiiiime...!"
and I thought...
This is why I love Star Citizen.

P.P.S. Yeah, I won. =)
Wait: you won the VS session with only one Ominsky left against 6 elite fighters? You should do a dogfight against @marcsand2 (and for sure film it). That would be most interesting video material :)

Anyway, there is a good point within your text (if my understanding is correct): enjoy your time of joy. Thats a point - perhaps typical German - I have huge issues to fulfil. Having joytime, I'm immediatly becoming a bad conscience if this "joytime" is not filled with productive things like gardening or cleaning or cooking. Exception: watching a movie. I'm usually watching movies in english language so I can train my language skills as a side plus :D

Very good point Rolo. As much as I do wish I could recapture some of those glory days of my art, I don't live in regret. I try to enjoy every minute of every day.
Yeah, the days of youth. These parties all the time, lots of smoke, alcohol and rave music culture :D

34 degrees in my office today! We're melting here!!! If this is what happens when we leave the EU I want back in!!!
"Only" 30°C over here - but its enough, don't need higher degrees. 25°C would be perfect :)

Well, I'm up since 5.20 a.m., been at the gym until 8 o'clock. Now its nearly 10 a.m. and I have to rush a little bit with my work.
Have a coffee - and a good start into this sunny day! :)

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Glad I could help Sam.
Yeah, kind of :D Good point is my family who tells me, that I've earned lazy time. Then I'm feeling a little bit better ;)
I tell my wife this same thing all the time. She feels lazy. But she doesn't realize how hard she works in the run of a day. She works so so hard. She earns that's "lazy time". As I'm sure you do too Sam.
And my idea now is *drumroll* to write own stories for reading them. Is this a good idea? I don't know. But I will test it and then tell you about the result. :D
Please keep me posted. Perhaps I shall start drawing at bedtime. :)
Yeah, the days of youth. These parties all the time, lots of smoke, alcohol and rave music culture :D
Oh. My. God.
I lived that culture in Vancouver in the late 90's. Hahah
Eat. Sleep. Rave.
Peace love unity rave!
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