Fun today. 8 hours drive, 15:00 check-in, 18:00-20:00 diner, lets leave at 7:00 Am, then we can check-in before diner.
Reality was: leave at 8:30, check-in at 19:00 so hurry, change clothes and have a fast diner.
We did 8 or 9 pits stops, including 3 times refueling. The best still was: dad!!! Stop the car, I feel sick, I must puke (after 3 drinks within 2 minutes)
NOW I get it - it wasn't you who had to puke but one of your kids! Hahaha, and I thought you were writing of yourself, haha :DOkay, what? Now I'm puzzled. Perhaps its too late, midnight over here.
Good night!
Nipple piercing authorization, hahaha, that made me laugh at Monday morning in the office. Thanks for that :DThat's when you start making up forms that need to be filled out...
"Nipple piercing authorization? I'll need to send this to battalion for approval."
Well, to stay at the topic:

It it Monday morning, and lucky us Germans it currently is cloudy at wonderful 20°C. That said, I'm afraid of Thurday and Friday: Sahara heat is coming, and the weather forecast this morning said something about 35°C with tendences to 40°. That'll be two wonderful, wonderful days in the office...
Coffee anybody?
Have a nice Monday morning! :)è.gif