SC community freak out over warbond perks (video)


Space Marshal
Jan 3, 2015
RSI Handle
Throwing my 2 cents into the arena... I actually agree that LTI isnt worth the arguments.. I have no problem with the perk or that warbond stuff costs a bit less than reused money. Butttttt... the free tank with the warbond gunship.. well... its already $100 difference.. add in a $105 tank and all of a sudden you have a $205 difference in actual value.. thats too much.. that part is unfair.. surprised i havent seen any comments on that...

I did in my post haha!


Space Marshal
Jan 3, 2015
RSI Handle
That is where I see a big disconnect. There is no "losing out" because you can't own every single thing in the game one day 1.

This community has evolved into a "must catch them all" crowd mentality, which is great for a crowd funding project like this, but then leads to issues like we just saw.

But there is losing out you don't get $100 worth of tank . sure you cant own everything at the start but that but paying more money for less stuff is losing out. If you upgraded from a cutlass or a freelancer or whatever really to a herc you you are $700 and you wanted the tonk another $100 your up to $800 vs someone who just went and straight up got a the gunship version who only pays $600 that IS losing out because someone did it a slightly different way.

They make fun of EA for shitty business tactics with their version of EA and WOOSH they pull the EA rug right out of under our feet.


Space Marshal
Nov 17, 2015
RSI Handle
Throwing my 2 cents into the arena... I actually agree that LTI isnt worth the arguments.. I have no problem with the perk or that warbond stuff costs a bit less than reused money. Butttttt... the free tank with the warbond gunship.. well... its already $100 difference.. add in a $105 tank and all of a sudden you have a $205 difference in actual value.. thats too much.. that part is unfair.. surprised i havent seen any comments on that...
But the whole thing is the offer is open to literally EVERYONE, its almost like people think it is an insult to previous purchasers lol, its NOT.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Hopefully you are also providing the quality wine to go with that delicious looking cheese
This is TEST. We are happy to gulp cheap, crappy wine as well.

Here is my problem. . .

. . .CIG suddenly changes a core principle of buying ships with LTI. There was no warning, no transition time, no tokens, no store credit refunds or anything else.
It is however true, that if you write a thoughtful and respectful note, CIG is willing to bend over backwards to please their supporters. While such a note may not change policy, they make exceptions for individuals. So for example, when Blind Owl had an emergency at home, CIG bought back all his ships. That has always been astonishing to me and proof positive that they do care about their supporters, whatever their polices shape may take. If you got backed into a corner somehow, they might help you out given a respectful request.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
It is however true, that if you write a thoughtful and respectful note, CIG is willing to bend over backwards to please their supporters. While such a note may not change policy, they make exceptions for individuals. So for example, when Blind Owl had an emergency at home, CIG bought back all his ships. That has always been astonishing to me and proof positive that they do care about their supporters, whatever their polices shape may take. If you got backed into a corner somehow, they might help you out given a respectful request.
True story! AndAive done my level best to repay their commitment to me by continuing to support this game. I think the changes made make good sense from a business perspective, and I support any decision made that will ensure this game gets released.


Space Marshal
Oct 30, 2017
RSI Handle
It is however true, that if you write a thoughtful and respectful note, CIG is willing to bend over backwards to please their supporters.
Sadly, i already tried communicating with my CIG concierge service guy about this issue and all he replied was (summed up):
- he can help me buy back any ship from the past 30 days (not helpful)
- CIG would not be bale to offer any kind of refund from virtual money to real money (ToS) = there was no chance to get my store credits refunded
- He exlained that in 2014, there was "an article" (with link), which hinted at "a change"... that literally made me "what the fuck?!"

So i told him, that there is no ToS being able to overwrite an older ToS, without it being scamming, as any contract change has to be communicated beforehand. I also stepped my foot down and demanded my store credits back, but he simply stuck to his argument and told me it was handed over to another team, but may take several months without a promise of a good solution.

Then someone told me, i could still ccu a token into a concept ship without losing the gifting part (although RSI's shop page marks this transaction otherwise in the check out process).


Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2014
RSI Handle
Here's my 2 cents. (I only pop back onto the forums for Drama :blush: )

CIG can't really say "LTI is totally worthless in the real game guys!" while also holding it above peoples heads as a perk for not using any credit. Either it's worthless so everyone gets it, or its worth something and you have to explain why some people don't get it.

War Bonds were a good idea originally- % discount (10% off, iirc) for not using any credit. A nice perk, but nothing to break the bank about. But having a 100 dollar discount PLUS including a free digital item worth 100 dollars is waaaaaaaaaaay past "minor incentive for using all new money" and straying into "punishing people for not wanting to drop 600 more dollars into SC"

Sorry CIG, I'm basically tapped out at this point. I gave you a shitton of money back in the day in Kickstarter and 2012-2014, and it honestly seems unfair to me that my credits are seen as subpar to some new backers cash. LTI getting removed is just the icing on the cake. If I wanted to get the A2, either I can pony up a CCU cost and be paying an "extra" 100 dollars and be missing a tank, or I can just not get one because to be frank I'm not giving CIG 600 more dollars.

As an aside, this is a big fuck you if you already owned a tank and wanted to get a transport for it- since the expensive version comes with a free tank and can only carry a singular tank, you either are stuck with an extra tank you can't carry, or going to have to melt and pay even more, and still be missing a tank :thinking:

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
But having a 100 dollar discount PLUS including a free digital item worth 100 dollars is waaaaaaaaaaay past "minor incentive for using all new money". . .
That is really the issue. It is such a great deal for new money that people want it without spending new money, hence the whining. It's not straying into anything. If you're not open to injecting new cash into the game, you can be jealous of those who are, but complaining is really not called for. Just be happy for the folks who get a tank. If you really are upset, you can sell your stuff on EBay, take the cash and get a Herc and tank. No biggie.


Space Marshal
Nov 17, 2015
RSI Handle
That is really the issue. It is such a great deal for new money that people want it without spending new money, hence the whining. It's not straying into anything. If you're not open to injecting new cash into the game, you can be jealous of those who are, but complaining is really not called for. Just be happy for the folks who get a tank. If you really are upset, you can sell your stuff on EBay, take the cash and get a Herc and tank. No biggie.
Pretty much this, if yo uwanted to put new money in, its still an option with a great deal available to all, if you didnt want to put new money in, you can still upgrade to this ship if it really speaks to you. I just think many people think along the lines that Montoya mentioned i nhis earlier post, "I have to have each new ship now" or even "the next big ship is always the best ship".


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
You know, in all this hoo-haa i'd almost forgotten that if I wanted this ship and didn't want to pay for it, all i'd have to do is get it in-game by playing...

...hell I probably wouldn't even have to earn it. Just take one or two of my larger ships to Crazy Bobs Used Ship Sales and cash 'em in for a brand new or slightly used Hurc.

It's going to be one hell of a kick in the pants when I take my Ground Assault ship to take on the mightiest other players only to find everyone goes and hides in the Cathcart system, which has no planets and thus no ground to be able to assault in the first place.


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Then someone told me, i could still ccu a token into a concept ship without losing the gifting part (although RSI's shop page marks this transaction otherwise in the check out process).
If the LTI token is bought with cash and is giftable, you can CCU it to anything and sell it.

Yeah. Personally I would not spend cash on ships that aren't in game. You can get them when they come, so why not invest in the ones you can fly when you spend the money?
This can be accomplished, spend cash on a huge ship which isn't in game yet, melt it and use the credits for the ships that already are in game.

My policy was the other way, buy smaller ships, vehicles, BUKs and Modules, when a big ship comes by, melt the small stuff and buy the big ship with credits. After that big melting and credit purchase, buy back the smaller ships, vehicles, BUKs and modules with cash. This way I could spread the monthly contribution to the development of SC.
My first policy however was never to buy a ship more expensive then € 200 (the only exception was the Warden which costed me $240 cash). The credit policy bypassed my first police.

I guess this procedure is history now, but on all good things comes an end. Don't mourn it, be happy the time you could enjoy it.


Space Marshal
Apr 5, 2017
RSI Handle
This is TEST. It is however true, that if you write a thoughtful and respectful note, CIG is willing to bend over backwards to please their supporters. While such a note may not change policy, they make exceptions for individuals. So for example, when Blind Owl had an emergency at home, CIG bought back all his ships. That has always been astonishing to me and proof positive that they do care about their supporters, whatever their polices shape may take. If you got backed into a corner somehow, they might help you out given a respectful request.
I can confirm that they bend over backwards also here are my 2 stories. When i bought my Javelin i noticed it didnt come with the javelin model like the original concept one so i nicely asked them to add it on if they could then poof there it was. Then when the phoenix emerald sold out while i was sleeping and they didnt split it up into different periods to buy so i had 0 chance of getting one unless i woke up at 5am my time they allowed me to buy one and gave me a special link so i could get the rare limited ship.

I know people think its unfair but as stated above this warbond is available to ANYONE just like the ccu is. It's a deal just like the catepillar was with 2 dragonflies. everyone is on the same playing ground just learn to manage your money better so that when stuff like this come out you get a chance to get it. We should be happy we can melt at all this is not a normal thing in games hell i played league of losers for years and spent countless money on that stuff just to see prices of skins and characters drop or special packs which were limited i couldnt trade in for those could i. So I had to choose either buy that awesome Veigar skin or not and never have a chance to get it again. This is the way the world works you cant always get what you want. Another good example you could buy a car for X money then a month later the "limited eddition model" comes out that you wish you had gotten but hey you cant trade your car in for full value and get the limited edition model either you pony up and pay or you live with what you got. For kickstarters you guys got the cheapest starter packages with LTI and cheap other ships such as the 890 jump when it was 600 some od dollars with LTI, starfarer, bmm, and anything else that came out. People who still have money to spend now cant get those deals only you can. Then you can choose to melt them and buy them back at any time hell you could goto the grey market and make a profit off some of that stuff.
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