So something that came up when I was on mumble(yeah I got on!) a few days ago to show off STC3 was that people like reading Ship Talk, they just don't like the wall of texts I write. I know it is a problem but it isn't all my fault.
So here is the deal with that. I'm limited in my options for formatting and presentation on the forum we have here because long articles like Ship Talk are not meant to go on forums. The pictures between the sections are an attempt to break things up so it isn't quite as bad. And I get it, it is a wall of text when I read my own stuff at work because imgur is blocked. It is daunting and I would like to do more with the formatting. This leads me into my next part.
Some background! So when I was going to college for my degree I worked in IT in the computer labs helping students and apart from that I was selected to help keep our website up to date and help faculty update their departments. I got to be very familiar with the design elements we used and the code for that(HTML and CSS) and I still retain that knowledge today. I use that knowledge now to edit my usercontent.css file in firefox to block crap I don't care for and to do some modifications I want to how sites display. What I'm saying here is if in the future we get a website up such as and if I was still doing this by then(which I plan to) then I can do custom CSS code for my articles that will make things read much better than they do now such as floating pictures and text wrapping around them.
And I don't apologize for the walls of text. These are meant to go over all aspects of the ships and I think I do that fairly well but the length comes from that. Anyway, we get a site or something up, I can do cool code and make a more readable article. Cool?
p.s. the Freelancer Talk is the only one so far i have deliberately tried to make longer than the previous longest one because I wanted to see if i could do it and if there was enough to say. I accomplished that.