Tried multiple times to end with 15006...
Went to play GTA V, got the Hunter helicopter, flew around a bit, modder blew everyone up, closed the game.
Tried getting on again, got into menu, load Space Port, BLACK SCREEN with 1-5 fps running.
Force close, tried again, same thing.
Force close, got into Aeroview Hangar, played around with a few ships, 25fps around, walked into elevator, no more console to get me to Universe.
Go back to Main Menu, load Space Port, BLACK SCREEN again, but decide to wait it out.
5 mins, 10 mins, tab out, tab back in and I'm in the bed... but still 1-5 fps. sometimes go up to 8 or 9.
Get up, walk out, spawn a 350R, tried to get in.
Climb up, and walk towards the pilot's seat, and I fall through the ship to the ground.
Climb up again and try again to walk towards pilot's seat, but crouching this time, maybe my head pushed me out... nope. Still fell.
Climb up again, open up the bed, climb into bed... ok I didn't fall... let's get out.
F > Click on EXIT. Nothing. Low framerate, maybe it didn't register? I try for many more times... nothing.
Exit the game, went to the bed in real life.