Start Me Up - Ship Talk #11: The Starter Ships

You just started the SC PU and can choose 1 Starter. What will it be?

  • The Aurora ES

    Votes: 4 11.1%
  • The Mustang Alpha

    Votes: 4 11.1%
  • The Reliant

    Votes: 28 77.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
Start Me Up - Ship Talk #11: The Starter Ships

Welcome back to Ship Talk! For those of you new to this series(where have you been? Seriously where?), Ship Talk is where I take the current on paper stats for a group of ships similar in either role or hull, analyze them, and give my own thoughts on how they compare to each other. Below you can find links to previous Ship Talks and Ship Talk Commentary. This Ship Talk was a request from thanatos73 and it will compare the 3 Starter Ships as designated by CIG.

Ship Talk #1 - Exploring the Unknown: The top 4 Exploration Ships
Ship Talk #2 - Aurora Rain: All about the MVP of TEST, the Aurora + Variants
Ship Talk #3 - Squadron Reporting - Ship Talk #3 'Fighters' Part 1
Ship Talk #3 - Squadron Reporting - Ship Talk #3 'Fighters' Part 2
Ship Talk #4 - Cargo Cult: The Cargo Haulers
Ship Talk #5 - Avast Me Hearties! - Ship Talk #5: The Cutlass
Ship Talk #6 - Goin Freelance: The Freelancers
Ship Talk #7 - The Redeemer
Ship Talk #8 - Wild Horses: The Mustangs
Ship Talk #9 - Stars Above: The Constellations
Ship Talk #10 - Hornets Attack!: The Hornets

The Aegis Vanguard - Ship Talk Commentary #1
The Hull Series - Ship Talk Commentary #2
The MISC Reliant - Ship Talk Commentary #3

So just a recap here and other info. Last Sunday I put up STC #3 for the Reliant. From the poll and replies I think people like the ship quite a bit. I personally can't wait until we get it in our hands along with the variants. The Reliant Q&A Wednesday can be found here and the one on Friday can be found here. I like these new Q&A they are doing because it enhances the ship in many ways and curbs unreasonable expectations. One thing that did come up and I completely missed this until I saw it on RSI is the cargo capacity of the Reliant is probably very wrong. No Sunder surely not, CIG wouldn't do that to us! I'm afraid it is true. The concept pic shows a 30m³ hold. Therefore the listed value on the site is not in SCU. Derp. I hope in the end it becomes 30 SCU but we will see.

Now the Starter ships are meant to be ships you start out in. Imagine that :). As such they are not the juggernauts of space like other ships and are fairly weak and minimally armed but can do many things. They are also ships you want to get out of asap and into a real ship so you can start down your chosen path. If anyone has played Eve Online you'll remember the starter ship they gave you. It was little more than a bit of protection for your pod but it was maneuverable and would warp quickly.

Disclaimer now, I don't consider the Reliant to be on the same level as the Aurora and the Mustang but a half step above because of its price and capabilities(Which you'll see in glaring detail below) but I still do believe it can be classed as a 'Starter'. From the Q&A of the Reliant Friday: "We’re still working out many of the plans for post-launch, but the current idea is that the Reliant (and similarly priced ‘tier 2’ ships) would be part of slightly more expensive packages. It’s 100% a ship intended to start the game, though! Like the Aurora and the Mustang, the Reliant was designed from the ground up to allow players to experience as many different opportunities in the Star Citizen world as possible." You can draw your own conclusions but I don't think this is anything to worry about and we should embrace because these are going to be starter career ships that are more specialized such as the Terrapin, Dragonfly, and Hurricane.

I'm rambling. I am happy though that my speculation that maybe the 300i could be considered a 'Tier 2' was dead wrong. This will be a rather short Talk because I've done pieces on all of these ships now so please go read those. Anyway let's get to the comparisons and how unfair some of them are:

My Thoughts on the Ships(Mustang Alpha, Aurora ES, Reliant)

General Thoughts on Stats

First let me acknowledge again that these stats and listed equipment are all subject to change. However, unless something drastic occurs in testing I would expect these stats to still give a good overall direction and capability for each ship. Below is a link to a composite picture I made with all the stats listed from the RSI site:

All Starter Stats

Descriptions and Roles

Because each of these ships is stated to be a Starter I think we know what their role is. However the Reliant being what it is as a 'Mini-Hauler" is a bit more specialized than the Aurora ES or the Mustang Alpha but can still fulfill several roles like the others. It is just more geared toward hauling where the others are more generalized. For the descriptions of each ship I would say each one paints a good picture of each in how they can be used.

Structure and Propulsion

Lets get down to the meat of these ships. For cargo capacity you have the Alpha at 10, the ES at 13 if you equip the box. The Reliant is....debatable. As I said at the beginning the concept picture only shows 30m³ which comes out to about 15 SCU. If that is the case it is still a good number but a bit of a letdown. You would be better off at that point getting an Aurora CL to haul with until you got enough to upgrade to a larger ship. For manpower the numbers on the Alpha and Aurora are the same: One. The Reliant of course needs 2 people but this makes it an excellent training vehicle for many types of multi-crew roles, particularly weapons. The max power plants on these ships is a 3 for the Alpha, a 2 for the Aurora and a ??? for the Reliant. The max size for the reliant is listed as a Size 2 on the spec chart on the concept sale page but I'm hoping it is raised to a 3 when they nail it down.

Moving down for max engines you have a couple TR2s for the Alpha. A single TR3 for the Aurora and 2 TR1s for the Reliant. Now wait a second TR1s for that size ship. Yeah.......supposedly the engines for that are really good because it was stated in the Q&A they want it to go faster than an Aurora but slower than the Mustang. This proves that TR ratings are in fact bullshit and a max speed is very arbitrary. I don't discount the idea that alien anything would be much better than our own tech. If you assign a rating to that engine saying it will output X thrust and then say a ship will still move dead slow compared to another despite a lower mass then something is wrong. I'm talking about the Aurora of course.

Moving along to maneuvering thrusters you'll see that the Reliant has 12 while the others have 8 TR1s. Now I'm expecting the Reliant to be very maneuverable because of this despite the length of ship. For a shield on each ship the Alpha and ES both have a Size 2 while the Reliant is a size ???. The concept sale page says a Size 3 but this is tbd like the power plant.

Weapons and Equipment

I like weapons, do you like weapons? The Alpha comes with 2 fixed Size 1 weapons and mounts a turret underneath the cockpit to accommodate a couple more Size 1 weapons. The ES ups this by having 2 fixed Size 2 weapons and a Size 2 missile launcher. Now we get to the Reliant. Like the Alpha it fixes 2 Size 1s beside the cockpit. Down on one wing you have 2 Size 1 missile launchers. The big draw here is the Size 3 mount on the gimbal. From the Q&A you can mount one of 2 things to this: A fixed Size 3 weapon, The stock Size 2 turret with tractor beam or swap for a S2 weapon, and finally you can mount a couple Size 1s as shown in the animation.

As you can clearly see the Reliant has the most options for weaponry. The tractor beam makes it a candidate for S&R because of the additional seat while the other weaponry makes it a worthy space fighter on par with more advanced variants of the other Starters.

For equipment there is nothing to see. Optionally for cargo the ES can take a Mini container that is put underneath the craft. The Alpha? Nothing. The Reliant? They are still discussing if the Reliant will come stock with a Jump Engine or not. All 3 of these ships can be upgraded with a Jump Engine which begs the question of why they don't include Jump Engines as standard equipment on all ships but snub fighters. Seems to be a no brainier.

Continued Below....

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
The Long and the Short

Mustang Alpha - The Alpha is a glass cannon with some good speed to try and dodge your various killer bullets, lasers, and missiles. I foresee this being a ship you get when you start and by day 2 have gotten out of because it doesn't work or you found something better. If there comes a time where it is economical to buy these in bulk and outfit them a certain way to fulfill a very specific task then I can see that happening easily. You don't want to risk a good ship on something like that. I don't know if the upgrade potential is really there for the ship seeing how compact the frame is but I imagine you can do a few things with it in the final game. I don't know if it's just me or the fact that newer ships have some along but I don't find the idea of flying this ship attractive anymore except maybe as a shuttle to go from A to B quickly.

Aurora ES - The 2nd starter in our discussion here. I find it to be slightly better than the Alpha in many ways and I believe it has more potential for upgrades than the Alpha. Cheap would be a good way to describe this and people may opt instead for one of the variants over it if they have enough cash starting out. Like the Alpha I would consider this to be a good shuttle but that's it. If any of you played Eve Online you'll remember the venerable Rifter. It was cheap and easy to fit out for a noob and what you did was get all your new people together, give them a bunch of these and go wreak havoc on people because they were disposable. I see the ES as being like that due to its stock weaponry and because we are TEST we'll probably do this for fun on Friday every so often. There is a certain quality to quantity.

Reliant - If you couldn't tell I like this ship the most of these 3 and that bled into everything I wrote on this one. I'm sorry. Frankly I see this ship being our 2nd most used on in the org and for good reason. It is a cheap trainer for multi-crew. It is a cheap ship to drop a friend off with or transport someone to a place. It has good weaponry over the other starters and maybe can compete with the more military variants like the LN and Delta. It just looks cool and the variants will enhance this even more. The Reliant is a platform to build off of even with its role as a mini-hauler. Granted I believe this is because of its 'Tier 2' status. This is a money making ship in many respects because of these attributes.

Closing Thoughts

With the release of the Reliant something came to me and it isn't all CIG's fault, its just the evolution of the product and the desire for more ships in more roles. What I'm talking about though is the idea that older ships just don't seem as appealing as they used to. Granted we have been following the game for a while now(I started in January 2014) and we've seen things happen but with the Reliant I just don't feel the same way as I did about the Mustang or the Aurora and that goes for their variants too. And that is the beauty of what CIG has done: Make us want more ships, better ships, and more role specific ships. Now that we've been shown a Reliant it kinda does encompass what the other 2 starters can do and does it better. It can carry more cargo, it has more firepower etc etc. I'm not seeing a big downside except its huge side profile. And it isn't CIG's fault its just that Tier 2s can do better even if they are still classed as Starters.

None of that probably made much sense so here is the short version: Newer ships=AWESOME. Older ships=Not as Awesome. If they could do something that said the Aurora or Alpha are really good at X and Y respectively but the Reliant couldn't that would be one thing but we haven't seen that yet. Until we do I'm going to want and like a Reliant a lot more than the other Starters and it isn't their fault.

So this coming week there will be no new Ship Talk(BURN SUNDER AT THE STAKE!). I need a break and recharge the batteries. I'm going to be working on my new Rock Raiders post and getting that up as a new thread(10K character limit!). If any of you are interested in the more industrial side of SC check out some of the threads in the Professions forum below. Nothing is official yet but I'm hoping that RR will become an official Group in TEST and my updated post will greatly expand on the one currently down there.

The next Ship Talk will be the 890 Jump. I want to do something different and it seems like a good candidate. I think Luxury ships in SC will be a lucrative thing to have transporting high level NPCs around and having parties. We all know the best luxury ships though are capital class that will be flown into the sun. Best parties ever.


Montoya: "What do you mean you are out of Auroras? We just got 2000 of them here yesterday!"

Ship Sales: "Yes sir you bought out our entire stock and we won't get any more for another week"

"What will we do in the meantime? We used the ones you sold us when our more 'zealous' FCs took a thousand each and formed fleets before heading off into the Danger Zone to fight pirate NPCs. They all met each other after a few hours,got bored, and killed each other."

Ship Sales: "That is unfortunate but we don't have any Auroras to sell."

Montoya: "Whatever. Give me 1000 Reliants instead. "
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Rear Admiral
May 25, 2015
RSI Handle
I'm either going to wind up with a default Reliant and a News Van, a Default and a Combat one, or a Combat one and a News Van. It really depends on what changes they make for the skirmisher and the news van.

So pretty though.


Space Marshal
Oct 12, 2014
RSI Handle
This proves that TR ratings are in fact bullshit and a max speed is very arbitrary
I love you

Also, I'm really wondering how maneuverable the reliant will be compared to an aurora, its got twice the mass, only 50% more thrusters and a significantly larger moment of inertia for roll and yaw...
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Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
I love you

Also, I'm really wondering how maneuverable the reliant will be compared to an aurora, its got twice the mass, only 50% more thrusters and a significantly larger moment of inertia for roll and yaw...
I wouldn't put much stock into the mass number they present because the ship has not been properly modeled or put into the engine yet. We can say that is will be heavier than the Alpha or the ES for sure but how much? Who knows.


Space Marshal
Oct 12, 2014
RSI Handle
I wouldn't put much stock into the mass number they present because the ship has not been properly modeled or put into the engine yet. We can say that is will be heavier than the Alpha or the ES for sure but how much? Who knows.
Mass we are unsure of, but moment of inertia will(should) be a real bitch as long as it has those wings. Moment of inertia goes up with sum of the sides squared, so something twice as wide is 4 times harder to rotate.

I'm gonna get my nerdrage on if they just hand-wave around simple physics #tears


Rear Admiral
May 25, 2015
RSI Handle
Moment of inertia goes up with sum of the sides squared, so something twice as wide is 4 times harder to rotate.
*all other things being equal.

The fact that they are adding 50% more thrusters than the 'Stang or Aurora could be the form that said magic hand-waving takes place in. Plus, their rating hasn't been states so if it has 50% more thrusters that are a class more capable it would really make good sense for it's relative rate of rotation to be much higher than the other two starter ships (or even equal to it).


Space Marshal
Oct 12, 2014
RSI Handle
The thrusters are all TR1, they might be slightly more powerful but I do not think it will be significant.

And being 3 times as wide makes the moment of inertia ~9 times greater.

Say all the thrusters are on the wingtips, so they generate 3x the moment, there are 1.5 times more, and say(generously) that they are each 50% more powerful. 3x1.5x1.5/9 is 75% the roll or yaw of an aurora, assuming that the mass distributions are comparable. If the wings are mostly empty then it could be comparable or slightly better, but I think it's just a silly design.


Rear Admiral
May 25, 2015
RSI Handle
The thrusters are all TR1, they might be slightly more powerful but I do not think it will be significant.

And being 3 times as wide makes the moment of inertia ~9 times greater.

Say all the thrusters are on the wingtips, so they generate 3x the moment, there are 1.5 times more, and say(generously) that they are each 50% more powerful. 3x1.5x1.5/9 is 75% the roll or yaw of an aurora, assuming that the mass distributions are comparable. If the wings are mostly empty then it could be comparable or slightly better, but I think it's just a silly design.
Don't forget the the main engines are gimbaled. While not having the 360-deg rotation that the Cutlass's engines have, they will be aiding in maneuvers.

No less silly than the Khartu-Al.


Space Marshal
Oct 12, 2014
RSI Handle
Don't forget the the main engines are gimbaled. While not having the 360-deg rotation that the Cutlass's engines have, they will be aiding in maneuvers.

No less silly than the Khartu-Al.
They said the engines will gimbal a little, but not the full 90-deg shown in the pictures, so it could only help with roll, not yaw. I know I'm just complaining about the handling of an internet spaceship, but who makes a flying wing spaceship???


Rear Admiral
May 25, 2015
RSI Handle
They said the engines will gimbal a little, but not the full 90-deg shown in the pictures, so it could only help with roll, not yaw.
I may have missed that. During the Q&A they only said "not 360 like the Cutlass." Also I haven't been considering yaw so much

I know I'm just complaining about the handling of an internet spaceship, but who makes a flying wing spaceship???
Not much else to do regarding the Reliant at the moment. Plus I love this shit. : )


Space Marshal
Oct 12, 2014
RSI Handle
It might have been during RTV or I could be remembering wrong...

Fingers crossed they do everything out physically like they've been saying.
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Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2014
RSI Handle
If it's a choice between the base models, I'd probably go with Mustang. More speed, and 4 guns.

If variants are allowed, I'd probably go with either an Aurora LN (extra hardpoints + better shield for 5 bucks makes a nice little combat ship, and you can swap in the CL's big box for almost as much cargo as the Reliant) or maybe the Reliant Skirmisher.

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
If it's a choice between the base models, I'd probably go with Mustang. More speed, and 4 guns.

If variants are allowed, I'd probably go with either an Aurora LN (extra hardpoints + better shield for 5 bucks makes a nice little combat ship, and you can swap in the CL's big box for almost as much cargo as the Reliant) or maybe the Reliant Skirmisher.
Reliant has 2 fixed S1s and can replace the bottom point with a fixed S3, a S2 or 2 S1s. It also has 2 S1 missile racks atm. I'd say that is more firepower than an Alpha can muster.

Agree with you about the LN but I think the 'Skirmisher' Reliant will be above that enough it wouldn't even be close.


Feb 16, 2015
RSI Handle
I'm going with the Reliant. Those wings will make it easier to block out the sun and then blind our enemies with said sun when we go vertical.


Space Marshal
Nov 21, 2014
RSI Handle
ok, the speed thing, it makes sense..... mostly. The Aurora has 1 TR3, the Mustang has 2 TR2 and the Reliant has 2 TR1. Now, we don't have exact numbers for what the TR for each level is, so lets throw some "reasonable" numbers in. Let's say that each TR is 1.25 times the previous TR, so if a TR1 produces 5000 ft/lbs then a TR2 would produce 6250 ft/lbs. And a TR3 would put out 7800ish ft/lbs. Now, that puts the Aurora at 7800 out the door, the Mustang at 12500, and the Reliant right in between at 10000. It was mentioned in one of the "10 for the...." that the TR rating was an engineering thing, that the mounts could only take so much stress, so a 1.25 increase in actual power per level is pretty reasonable.
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Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2014
RSI Handle
ok, the speed thing, it makes sense..... mostly. The Aurora has 1 TR3, the Mustang has 2 TR2 and the Reliant has 2 TR1. Now, we don't have exact numbers for what the TR for each level is, so lets throw some "reasonable" numbers in. Let's say that each TR is 1.25 times the previous TR, so if a TR1 produces 5000 ft/lbs then a TR2 would produce 6250 ft/lbs. And a TR3 would put out 7800ish ft/lbs. Now, that puts the Aurora at 7800 out the door, the Mustang at 12500, and the Reliant right in between at 10000. It was mentioned in one of the "10 for the...." that the TR rating was an engineering thing, that the mounts could only take so much stress, so a 1.25 increase in actual power per level is pretty reasonable.
And then the Cutlass with 2 TR4 + 2 TR3 assisting only goes 180 m/s ayyy lmao "accurate physics model"


Space Marshal
Oct 20, 2014
RSI Handle
I'm really torn between choosing the Aurora or the Reliant as my starter. It really comes down to whether or not it will be feasible to man it right out of the gate. Will it be able to make enough cash to offset the cost of either hiring an NPC immediately, or splitting profits with another player.

I voted for the Aurora simply because we know the ship and how it is expected to function. Once we get some more hard data on the Reliant I might change my vote, but as it stands I'm personally not sold on using it as an immediate starter. Maybe use an Aurora for a few hours (or however long it takes to get enough cash to hire an NPC assistant and then switch to it.


Space Marshal
Nov 21, 2014
RSI Handle
It will still be flyable for a single seat, one of the drawbacks, though, would be the limit to the firing arc of the gimbal on the wing.
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