Well boys, coming from a 38 year old man who has never been 'ripped' . . .
fuck me is staying in shape difficult.
I work out 5 days a week minimum. This last transitional period has been hard as hell on my body, and for the first time in my life I broke 240 lbs. It's a slow crawl back to where I wanna be. But I've managed to shed 10 lbs and 3 inches since February, so there is that. Currently 46" gut and 238 lbs. So the goal is to get to 40". I don't give two shits about my weight, so long as I'm not carrying a spare tire.
So I usually do a high intensity workout in the AM. 100 burpees for time, 100 x 53 lbs kettlebell swings for time, 10 x 100m or 5-7 x 200m sprints. A couple days a week I toss in some nice compound exercises, like deadlifts (265 lbs ATM) or pullups, core, etc.
I just started running again as well. Started with a little 6 km run pushing my son in a stroller last night. I was going to try and loose my weight without running, as I have read that it increases cortisol levels and can be counter productive. However, my attempts to burn the belly fat without it haven't amounted to much gain (lose?). So I will be doing a 5-7 km run 3-4 times a week from hear on out.
So if this thread stays alive, I'll keep y'all posted on my progress going forward.
Cheers lads and lasses.