I am SlvmL0rd, Chief Technology Officer and Lead Gamer [Interim] here at Head2Head Gaming in Portland, Oregon.
We own and run a Gaming Bar. The first Gaming Bar I have ever seen to be honest.
I am super stoked. I hope you guys are as well.
We are dedicated to becoming the premier Star Citizen Headquarters LAN Gaming Command Center. We are dedicated to TEST, but ssshhh ;) don't tell anyone as those dirty Corp spiez! are everywhere. We will be super-recruiting, IRL, for TEST.
I happen to be one of the best Brand Ambassadors and Recruiters in the business.
Commander Kip is my IRL Commander in Chief here at H2H Gaming but yeah, he's just about the coolest and most awesome dude ever and I can not thank you enough sir, for everything. A real damn honor and pleasure. Every single ship I ever get will be yours to command my brother.
Also, I have about another 10+ Citizen's I need to sit down and sign-up for TEST. I have been working from 4am-11pm or so on this Project.
Do you guys even think this is that cool? My dream has been to open a Gaming Bar for a longtime, well I am finally doing it. It is really freaking cool.
We are also going to do some LAN Events like this: http://www.meetup.com/StarCitizens/ and such.
Anyway, without further adieu:

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