Thanks for response, everyone!

Before we kick-off with the Org-wide event (date TBA), let's start with an ad-hoc meet-up on Daymar tonight or tomorrow, depending on the availability of all interested Testies.
Pre-Kickoff Meet-up
Date: January 31, 2020
Party Launch time:
20:30 UTC / 12:30 PM PST / 03:30 PM EST / 07:30 AM AEDT
Event Start time:
20:35 UTC / 12:35 PM PST / 03:35 PM EST / 07:35 AM AEDT
Location / Assembly Point: Daymar, Shubin Mining Facility
Comms: Discord #rally-team channel
Discord is great for playing games and chilling with friends, or even building a worldwide community. Customize your own space to talk, play, and hang out.
Voice: Rally Team Pre-Kickoff channel
Add me to your contact list in case you don't have me already added -- RSI handle: wmk
- Have fun,
- Check if the Red Cyclone is really faster than the White one,
- Check if keyboard + mouse can be still used in the recently changed gravity and updated vehicle handling; laugh at those trying to use Xbox controller (like me),
- Impress others with your Knox,
- Kill at least 5 Testies when your Knox goes haywire,
- Attempt to follow a test route to Earger Flats Emergency Shelter; cooperate with the support ship.
Some air support required:
-- Event security (1-2 fighters),
-- Air Support (Valk / Starfarer / Starfarer Gemini),
-- A single Cutlass Red (optional)
@Denerius @LoicFarris @placid @Big-Moose @Smithory @Lorddarthvik @Ryonin Shonin @Jangmo @marcsand2
Also paging...:
Owner of the pretty red toycar
@Printimus and