TESTies, how did you think up your current handles?

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I got REAL sick of "thomasm77". So:
I love owls. Ultimate nocturnal hunter.
I used to get blind drunk.
Seemed simple
And I'm not that witty.
Also, it turned out to be a book about death and murder that was written between 1925-1941. Death and murder usually go hand-in-hand with video games.

And changing handles is BS. So I'm sticking to it.
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Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2016
RSI Handle
I was working as a park ranger and I had a neckbeard, a beard, and a moustache...
I used to track moose.... I had a large camera, and a lot of supplies, and this big radar dish that would beep if I was close to a moose, short tone for living, long tone for dead... and I would spend a day or two hiking around looking for dead animals so i could recover the tracking devices.
Occasionally I'd find humans couples copulating. You might not know this, but we park rangers have an illicit underground black market of "People having sex in national parks" pictures....
Anyways, you can imagine what people said when a naked man holding a radar dish started giggling while photographing them...
I'm probably responsible for for 25% of "Sasquatch" sightings in Canada.


Space Marshal
Jan 13, 2016
RSI Handle
My handle is from my making a Xbox live account. I'm a HUGE fan of Predator (movies and games) and have used that nickname in almost all games i have played.

But since "Predator" is a popular name in the game world, i had to think up an alternative. I ended up with GeneticPredator (thinking of a geneticly improved predator).

And the handle has stuck since then. And now i kind of like it...

It works good in chat aswell, since people call me "GP" witch is short and good.


Space Marshal
Feb 2, 2015
RSI Handle
In this day in age this story might offend people so I am sorry.

I have been called Bigcracker since I was 15. I live in Philadelphia and went to a inner city public school. I was one of a very few caucasians that attended that school. Being 6,4ft in high school I stood out like a sore thumb. On a regular basis I would be called that name or some variants, it also even stuck with me through 4 years of college. So I just went with it all these years.


Space Marshal
Dec 31, 2014
RSI Handle
My name started when I first played EVE in 2004. I had a girl char and I tried to think of a spacey name and I came up with TAKARIA. But I imagined it being phonetically said TAA - AK - ARIA. I sold her in 2006 and in 2007 left EVE to play BF and COD. Went back to have a look at EVE in 2013 and got hooked again started a new boy char Lord Takarian, In keeping with my first love Takaria. Not played much last year due playing a bit of SC and ED. Knocked the Lord off to end up in SC with Takarian. Not the most interesting but that's where my name come from.


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
I've had tons of names for MMOs over the years, bit this one came from Lord of the Rings Online.

I started with a Dwarven character and wanted a very dwarfy name so I took an existing one and added a few letters, as that's what it seems dwarves do naturally.

So I took Gimli and added the R&B (cause I got soooooouul! ...maybe not) hence Grimbli!

Then after that I started spoofing most of the names, I had a long list such as: Legomyass, Stareatporn, Gondarf (my favorite), and one that was based on Frodo but took the hobbit silliness to the next level.

His full name was Frobobabobo Bobabobaboabobo. But most name slots aren't long enough for that so I stuck with Grimbli.


Space Marshal
Dec 9, 2015
RSI Handle
Used to be [CoFR]DoG (Crusty old Fossil Rocker DoG) since the counterstrike days or some variation of it (Dogtags, CoFRDoGtags etc.). Grew out of it I suppose and wasnt really part of the CoFR community anymore.Plus people kept thinking I was French :P

One day I created a character in Planetside 2 that would become a dedicated MAX build and the name Bigtimes was born.
Since MAX' are big.
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Xian-Luc Picard

Space Marshal
Jan 9, 2016
RSI Handle
I was working as a park ranger and I had a neckbeard, a beard, and a moustache...
I used to track moose.... I had a large camera, and a lot of supplies, and this big radar dish that would beep if I was close to a moose, short tone for living, long tone for dead... and I would spend a day or two hiking around looking for dead animals so i could recover the tracking devices.
Occasionally I'd find humans couples copulating. You might not know this, but we park rangers have an illicit underground black market of "People having sex in national parks" pictures....
Anyways, you can imagine what people said when a naked man holding a radar dish started giggling while photographing them...
I'm probably responsible for for 25% of "Sasquatch" sightings in Canada.
That has to be the most Canadian story on these forums....


Space Marshal
Aug 11, 2015
RSI Handle
Back in the '90s i got into mechwarrior 2. i played the single player for a bit then decided to try multiplayer. i used to be a car guy and was reading an article about a guy who owned a Olds 442 by the name Cheeno. so i stole that name and played in the Zone and Mplayer as Cheeno for a time. after a time, part of my clan decided to split off and go to Kali to play Mechwarrior 2. during that change i decided to change my name to NightHawk. unfortunately, there was someone already there with that name, so i changed it to BlackHawk. the extra K at the end of my name stands for Kalasa. it is a blood name of the Clan Diamond Sharks. the Clan i used to lead on server 252 of Kali. i have played and been in leagues of every variation of mechwarrior since those days and BlackHawk Kalasa or some variance has been a part of that. i have played other games as well but usually use BlackHawkK, or sometimes i go by VoidHawkK.


Space Marshal
May 20, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm not exactly sure, when I was younger I had a username named "Jedibutter" (Yea i know stupid name right) and then I decided "this username is a little outdated" and there it was born "Dragonslaya54". It just kinda sprang into existence or maybe I actually killed 54 dragons and all of this is a lie...
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