The Acolyte

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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
So just to sum up my experience the last couple days. . .

I have watched more than twenty hours of reviews. One ninety minute review showed the vast majority of the forty-four minute episode, so I have seen it as well as seen it through the eyes of a score of reviewers.

What I have not seen is anyone connect the dots between four events:

1). The coven assembled around a hole in the ground that appears to be a dark side “vergence” or natural focal point of the force. It also bears a strong resemblance to the burrow or den of a creature. Not a single reviewer has noted this.

2). As an act of aggression, the witches seem to possess or somehow take control of Toman, one of the Jedi; for an extended period of time. His eyes go black and he becomes unresponsive.

3). This same Jedi who was attacked/possessed later goes catatonic for a decade and does not speak to anyone, culminating with him killing himself at Mae’s instruction. It’s noteworthy that he is exhibiting extraordinary force powers of constant levitation and force encapsulation, almost like he has been cocooned. No reviewers note this either.

4) Sol says to OSHA that the fire has killed all the coven but what we see are dead bodies with no burn marks. It may be Sol lied about how the witches died.

So I’m admitting I’m hooked in that I want to know what’s up here. If I were writing this, the dark force creature of lore from this period that feeds on force users would appear from the hole in the ground and would be the true assassin, and had possessed Tobin and fed off him psychically for a decade. I’m not betting this is the solution, but it is worth noting that it is SW lore that during this period, a coven of force witches did pander to a demon of sorts that consumed force users. Could a bargain with such a creature explain the virgin birth of the girls and the murder of the coven?

There are several creatures in Star Wars that feed off Force users, including:
  • Terentatek
    These creatures feed on the blood of Force-sensitives and live in caves and tombs that are strong with the dark side of the Force.

  • Nameless
    Also known as the Shrii-ka-rai, or "Eaters of the Force", these creatures prey on the Living Force and can cause hallucinations, loss of connection to the Force, and even death in Force users.
  • Anzati
    This humanoid species from the planet Anzat feed on the life force of other sentient species. They are telepathic and can dominate someone's mind to feed. Anzati who drink the soup of another Force-sensitive can strengthen their connection to the Force.”
I don’t think Lesley Headlund would off her lesbian interpretive dance group in such a fashion.Whether she’ll blame their deaths on the Jedi, that seems too much too. Keep in mind, this was planned as multi-year story and was later cut down. So we will likely not see a fitting resolution.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Rotten Tomatoes Audience Approval score now down to 20% and continuing to plummet. Looks like Mike Zeroh’s prediction of numbers in the teens are hours away.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Rotten Tomatoes Audience Approval score dips into the teens. Still relatively few Disney+ subscribers watching and less than 1/5 approving.

Sky Captain

Space Marshal
Oct 13, 2018
RSI Handle
Reviews by the countless 'Jedi naysayers who make money on streaming nothing but gripes' be damned.

I watched the first episode of the Acolyte.

Generally I liked it. And compared to what my wife likes to watch on TV, I liked it a lot!

I liked the 'set up' that there is some moral choice between the Jedi and the Witches. That is 'age old' star wars.

I liked the emphasis on the witches having some moral code of their own when it came to avoiding conflict where not necessary.

I liked that the Jedi were portrayed as the ... mysterious ... 'other party' in this episode. Different perspective.

I liked the cinematography and soundscape work. It was good enough.

Overall an intriguing first episode. Certainly one that raises many more questions than answers. But an intriguing episode.

Interested enough to see what they follow it with.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Dissenting opinions are certainly welcome here, but you need to catch up on the other two episodes before reading much in this thread. There are spoilers throughout.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Rotten Tomatoes Audience Acceptance score still in free fall, down to 18%. It’s hard to say just how low the rating can actually go. The firestorm around dishonoring the Jedi is not dwindling over time but rather the negative reviews are multiplying. There is virtually no mention of the alphabet mafia values invasion. People don’t seem to care about lesbian witches and bad interpretive dance. Outrage over upstaging Anakin’s story, by inventing other people born of the force, is growing geometrically.

It’s important to note virtually all of the defensive statements by Disney have been painting the fan base with isms and phobias, while the actual complaints don’t seem to have much to do with them. People are pissed about tarnishing the Jedi and diminishing Anakin’s story.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Just to remind, I do not personally have a problem with a cult of communist, lesbian space witches, nor that they utilize a different conceptualization of the force. Different force traditions should call it different things.

What I have a problem with is any radical alteration in St. George’s work, and with dressing up evil to make it appear good. I hate the lie that people can ever be above notions of good and evil, and I hate the deliberate deconstruction of Star Wars.

But, now we’re starting to see claims of Headlund’s occult connections and influence, and other despicable stuff. I’m not going to copy any of that here until real evidence is brought forth, but apparently some of the lesbian cult chanting in episode 3 has real world connections to devil worship. If that’s true, that is very not cool. Occult practitioners should always be ostracized because they always center around socio-pathic and anti-social elements. They’re bad for society regardless whether they’re connecting with anything real. Charges like this therefore need more direct evidence than I have seen. Note though, the space witches say of themselves they were cast out for what others consider “unnatural and dark”. They exhibited anti-social behavior. If that’s being normalized here, there’s a real problem brewing. Claims are even that Headlund identifies with the Sith, but I have not found a trace of this and suspect this is just angry hype.

This however, is just simple common sense:


Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Sanity pokes through. The Disney Board of Directors has pressured Bob Iger to remove Headlund from the achievement path she was on to eventually head all of Lucasfilm Disney, and has actually banned her from all Lucasfilm sets. Totally shocking. Apparently the reaction of the board to the dismal audience approval and to Headlund’s apathy toward market rejection.

Don’t you wish they had done this a year ago?


Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Most of the feedback on Episide 4 is just that it is boring. The real news about The Acolyte seems to be the huge numbers of people being demonetized over criticisms of The Acolyte. That’s playing dirty.

Amidst complaints that nothing happens and it is boring, is the complaint that we’re seeing woke pronoun bullshit. Okay well that’s not a surprise and if you don’t mind pissing off the vast majority of fans, that’s what you should expect. Perhaps this is why the Disney board finally required Bob Iger to demote Lesley Headlund, for this clearly demonstrates she is not prioritizing shareholder value. She’s damaging the brand.

One final complaint is that in the closing, the Sith that shows up clearly demonstrates power with the Force that is well beyond anything we have seen to date. The over-the-top stuff isn’t selling well here. If the writers need to resort to demonstrations of the Force that diminish those who are supposed to be at the top of their game, like Darth Vader; then again we have franchise breaking bullshit. Force pushing a dozen Jedi at once is that. Again, disrespect for no reason, save upstaging the past. Not cool.

My own personal complaint, one I haven’t seen in the reviews; is that having Mae repent and decide to turn herself in was poor writing in two ways. First, had they set this up with some yearning on Mae’s part for her sister, this could have made sense, and they did not. Bad writing. Second, this continued reliance upon cheesy melodrama through role reversals is just sick. It’s as if none of these writers were ever taught why melodrama is a poor excuse for drama. Like the writers were never taught how to write. That’s bad. That earns you one-half star out of five. Really bad.
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  • Glorious
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Fascinating take on KK blaming the audience for not liking what she serves up. Her continuing explanation is male fans don’t like female led projects. That does not explain Ahsoka, and certainly doesn’t explain the 89% acceptance rate for Fallout. Yet KK persists in blaming the fans.

A key insight is that KK started doing this before Acolyte release. So one wonders, if she really believes males will reject a show just because it has a female lead, why would she keep serving up projects with female leads? She has a responsibility to shareholders to seek success and it sounds like she has a different agenda. That could get her in serious legal trouble with the SEC.

  • Glorious
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Out of all the complaints streaming in over the writing, one of interest pops up as surprising. Did anyone here note the reference that the Wookie is “ten miles” away?

Miles? How many pairs of hands did this script go through in order to become a $23M episode, and no one caught this? The ACTORS were all so checked out they didn’t catch this? How could no one catch this and the critics caught it in a single viewing? How did no one in post-production catch this?

Who are they paying and if there are no qualifications, why not save money and pay chimps with bananas?
  • Glorious
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