The Acolyte


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Best villain in recent star wars too.
And the body count... I've not seen anything like it since the Death Star moseyed on past Alderaan.
It was a bit slow to start but it’s getting better. I think audiences and reviewers ought to finish the entire season of the show before passing judgment. I mean there are some who completely write off the show based on third hand reviews from random YouTubers. Same folks who write lengthy diatribes against something while admitting they haven’t watched it yet.

Funny right?
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Best villain in recent star wars too.
I’ll agree he’s a decent villain, but did you really think he compares with Grand Admiral Thrawn? I thought Thrawn was great in both Ahsoka and Rebels. In the latter he was down right creepy, he’s so smart. Also I thought Ray Stevenson’s Baylan Skoll was pretty full of awesome.


Rear Admiral
Dec 6, 2021
RSI Handle
I’ll agree he’s a decent villain, but did you really think he compares with Grand Admiral Thrawn? I thought Thrawn was great in both Ahsoka and Rebels. In the latter he was down right creepy, he’s so smart. Also I thought Ray Stevenson’s Baylan Skoll was pretty full of awesome.
I like thrawn as a villain, but never loved him.
He always felt devoid of personality and kind of one note.
I love the idea of 'supergenius villain', but they're actually hard to pull off without using the trope of 'no matter what the heroes did, it was actually always part of his plan anyway,' rather than watching things you can think 'wow, that's actually really clever'.

The closest thing he had to personality was a love of art.
Otherwise he's devoid of emotion, weakness, or anything interesting to latch on to, to make him a truly memorable villain.

The actor who played him in Ahsoka did pretty well to bring him as much life as possible.

Skoll is something else entirely. Ray's impression of him was fantastic. I was cheering for him as much as the heroes, because there was a part of him that wasn't entirely villainous. He just felt like a decent sort on the wrong side, for reasons we didn't yet understand.

But he wasn't really... well, villainous. Loved him, but he wasn't the bad guy like Qimir was shown to be in the last episode. Skoll didn't really do anything wrong in the entire series. It's episode 5 of Acolyte, and Qimir has slaughtered his way through half the cast, all while making you question whether he's the bad guy, or was it the Jedi for bringing children to war...


Rear Admiral
Dec 6, 2021
RSI Handle
So recently revealed is that part of the reason Bob Iger cancelled Acolyte season 2, is that he and several execs were angry that Headlund lobbied strongly for $10M to shoot a single scene, and after shooting it, removed it from use.

Disney has neither confirmed nor denied whether there will be a season 2, so cancellation rumours are just that: Rumours.
In addition, a recent interview with the Headland just a week ago, there are suggestions of what might come in a season 2.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
So recently revealed is that part of the reason Bob Iger cancelled Acolyte season 2, is that he and several execs were angry that Headlund lobbied strongly for $10M to shoot a single scene, and after shooting it, removed it from use.

As someone who actually works in production I’ll have to raise a red flag on this. No single scene costs $10m. Costs of episodic TV these days can be upwards of $10m per episode, not $10m per scene. The most expensive TV show I’ve ever worked on cost $7-8 million per episode and it had all the bells and whistles.

Iger is angry because the Acolyte show runner lobbied hard for $10mil to shoot a scene, shot it, then scrapped it? Yeah I don’t think so. Nobody is that irresponsible and a Line Producer or Production Manager would stop that from even happening.

Sounds like more Mike Zero hogwash. The man posts nonsense non stop and you just lap it up. He’s not an ‘industry insider’ and I’ll bet good money he’s never worked in the industry.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Disney has neither confirmed nor denied whether there will be a season 2, so cancellation rumours are just that: Rumours.
In addition, a recent interview with the Headland just a week ago, there are suggestions of what might come in a season 2.
While it’s true Disney has not announced Acolyte’s official cancelation, that doesn’t mean much. They would never make an announcement that would deter people from watching what they are offering. That’s a silly supposition and a straw man argument.

What we know is:

a) Acolyte was delayed release for well over a year because Disney feared the backlash of making a product that directly contradicts Lucas’ cosmology. They knew portraying the Jedi unfavorably would lead all the long term fans to object.

b) We know Acolyte is the least audience approved Star Wars project in the nearly half century of the franchise, including the infamous Holiday Special.

c) We know it is bringing in far fewer viewers than Ahsoka did, and viewers is the metric that matters most when looking for a second season.

d) We know industry insiders claimed it had been cancelled back in March.

e) We know that Lesley Headlund has been removed from all contact with current Star Wars projects and that Tony Gilroy (Andor) has replaced her.

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