The Acolyte

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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
. . .debuts this coming week. This in mind I thought I’d reiterate what I believe is the proper response to this perverted project of the Star Wars franchise.

There are many observations to make about the radical feminist underpinnings of this new series. I think these are all very secondary issues. Fans make judgements about the sketchy calls and poor storytelling of this or that portion of the franchise. They will all get their fair air time.

Rather instead, I want to call attention to what feels utterly narcissistic, and certainly evil—evil in a way that is self revealing.

In George Lucas’ cosmology, good and evil are seen through Zen Buddhist eyes. George is Buddhist and he has every right to write a cosmology that reflects the values he holds. So for George and the original intent of Star Wars, avoiding suffering is the key greatest good. This is nothing like monotheistic cosmology, theology and ethics, and I could argue it fails in many philosophical tasks as result, but Lucas had and has a right to choose his cosmology as intrinsic to his world building. You can argue that Jedi should be able to marry but you can’t deny the self-effacing, humble and self denying life presented as part of The Good, leads to a great deal of good and reduced suffering. George told a dramatic and powerful series of tales centered on this very Zen notion, that denying self is a way to avoid suffering. The Sith are the opposite: they embrace their most base passions and use them for personal gain. We view them at the height of their power during temper tantrums. “The hate is swelling in you now.” They are evil, at least according to the creator of Star Wars.

Enter Leslye Headlund. Leslye doesn’t care what George thought, thinks, said or did. The Star Wars property is in her hands she feels to do with whatever she likes, and she has been most clear the Force is now female, it’s time to make up for lack of female heroes, “it’s time to queer Star Wars”, “nothing is sacred”, and yes: even the notions of right and wrong need to be changed. We are above them. We, through the eyes of our protagonist whose eyes the audience shall watch, we are “above notions of good and evil”.

This is ancient Gnosticism.

Many may not care. Most don’t philosophize. Most absorb thoughts from around them without two minutes reflection, based upon how a notion makes them feel. Hence the culture of narcissism loosed upon the world.

Upon that self-absorbed culture we are now about to get a very unhealthy dose of evil incarnate—teaching that we are above notions of right and wrong. “There is no right and wrong, there is only power, and who gets to wield it.”

This is as evil a teaching as any could possibly be. You can imagine Hitler’s mantra as he sent 6 million Jews off to gas chambers, and facilitated the deaths of 55 million people—all for some power. You can imagine the thoughts of Nimrod, and Stalin, and Mao, all justifying their horrors while telling themselves they are above notions of good and evil. You can imagine any atrocity rationalized by a lie like this. Believe this lie, and your conscience will lay mute and dormant forever. There will be nothing to stop the evil.

This is EXACTLY what Headlund intends to feed the public, and why for the first time in almost half century, I will not be watching any of a Star Wars project—this abomination, The Acolyte. . I will not support this kind of evil.

That is all.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I couldn’t help but notice you guys proving my point, that “Most absorb thoughts from around them without two minutes reflection, based upon how a notion makes them feel.” Two posts with no recognition of the thread’s intent nor knowledge of its content, responding to a completely philosophical, a-political, non-partisan perspective. Guys who can’t grasp real issues who simply absorb the party line dogmas of the day.

For each one of you there are a couple people write me and thank me, but they don’t post publicly because they don’t want to be bullied. That’s how those championing censorship are seen—you’re simple bullies. I’m sure you must have made dramatic protests on Memorial Day, hating as you do notions like free speech. Men and women died so we can have this conversation, and it must irk you to no end your side in each of these squabbles for freedom, your side lost. (Well, except in China and Russia and Iran and North Korea—there are actually a lot of places bullies would feel more at home.)

Freedom reigns. That’s what Memorial Day was all about. It’s just a shame we have to tolerate the bullies but, yeah. Even they get protection.
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Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
I truly want you to know that I read 0% of any of the text-walls you post, reapster. And you're damn right, Thug. If only they stopped hiring the producer's cousin to write all the scripts. Things can be bad without girls being at fault, it turns out. Or the gays...I kinda lost track of the narrative.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
you’re simple bullies
Bullying and/or accusations of bullying are serious and must be addressed.

If you or any other members of the forum (such as those who have contacted you) have concerns, please address them to moderation/The Glorious Leader who will take the appropriate action - remember Moderators decisions are final.

Thank you.


Space Marshal
Mar 11, 2016
RSI Handle
I couldn’t help but notice you guys proving my point, that “Most absorb thoughts from around them without two minutes reflection, based upon how a notion makes them feel.” Two posts with no recognition of the thread’s intent nor knowledge of its content, responding to a completely philosophical, a-political, non-partisan perspective. Guys who can’t grasp real issues who simply absorb the party line dogmas of the day.

For each one of you there are a couple people write me and thank me, but they don’t post publicly because they don’t want to be bullied. That’s how those championing censorship are seen—you’re simple bullies. I’m sure you must have made dramatic protests on Memorial Day, hating as you do notions like free speech. Men and women died so we can have this conversation, and it must irk you to no end your side in each of these squabbles for freedom, your side lost. (Well, except in China and Russia and Iran and North Korea—there are actually a lot of places bullies would feel more at home.)

Freedom reigns. That’s what Memorial Day was all about. It’s just a shame we have to tolerate the bullies but, yeah. Even they get protection.
in all honesty i did read your post before replying. But the state of the star wars universe right now is so bad in my opinion that it hardly warrants a thought. i have given up on the star wars universe after seeing what disney has done to it. there was the mandalorian, but they went and politicized it also. with everything disney has done in the past few years, all of disney is dead to me. I know i am just one person, but i can guarantee that me or my household will not watch nor contribute a single penny to any disney franchise. will it change anything, Nope. but at least i can say i am standing my ground and sticking to my morals. my decision is not homophobic based or anything against any other type of person. it is against the policy disney has of now abandoning and rejecting the very family values that disney was founded on. and the blatant fact that i cannot wrap my head around how the rest of the world has to bow down to a group of people that represent 1% or less of the population. in the end everyone just needs to realize that you should treat people ( all people ) how you would like to be treated.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
While I appreciate Naff taking me seriously, I don’t think I need help defending myself from bullies. I’m simply remarking this behavior has happened not once nor twice, but is a pattern that follows again and again, that certain people harass others here in the forum with whom they disagree, even on topics over which they don’t. Han and Aram might well find upon consideration that they too object to ancient Gnosticism being used to cudgel Lucas’ life’s work into woke submission. Could be they like what George created half century ago. Could be they agreed with my entire post but we won’t know because Han tells us he didn’t actually read the post. He just decided to leave a snide remark anyway. That’s bullying, and why many people won’t post in this forum. We saw it with Aram trying to quench freedom of speech over firearms discussions, and we’ve seen it a lot of other places besides. It is alarming but I don’t think moderation is what we need so much as common sense and courtesy.

As per Ensign Peter’s request, first; welcome to the forum and to TEST. Sorry you need to see this squabble. Most times we’re quite nice and helpful to each other.

As per ancient Gnosticism—it is a cult manifestation that goes back as far as history, in the form of Babylonian Mystery Religion. The Mystery, or secret knowledge possession of which supposedly creates cult membership, is that there is no right and wrong, and that “all is permitted, all is lawful”. IIRC, Anton LeVay lifted this for his first commandment when he wrote Satan’s Bible back in the 70’s. “Do what thou will shall be the whole of the law.” It’s not strictly speaking immoral, but rather amoral. It’s proposing we are above notions such as right and wrong, and so generates with one single lie, the most immoral kind of person you can imagine.

We find this throughout the world. It is everywhere from medieval alchemy texts to the teachings of mesoAmerican sorcerers Don Juan and Carlos Castaneda. It is, in a single catchy meme, an invitation to transcend above humanity, but is actually the precise opposite. It strips the human soul of its god-like image, by dismantling our knowledge of good and evil. It is an occult doctrine that has earned the ire of every society in human history, so inescapably wicked is its intent. It is pure evil. Not the essence of evil, nor its only form, nor any of that generative stuff. It’s just a generic sort of Invitation to debase oneself. Pure evil.
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Rear Admiral
Nov 19, 2023
RSI Handle
Star Trek > Star Wars. This ongoing discussion helps prove it. :-)
Growing up, I always had an affinity for Star Wars over Star Trek. I loved the grittiness of the world more than the idealized/polished one of Star Trek. But now, I'm not so sure. Both products had some great and less than stellar movies and TV series. Overall, I might have to agree that Star Trek might be overall better. To me, it comes down to writing and story telling. I think that we can all agree that there are plenty of Star Wars movies with terrible writing. What do I know though?

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I think there are cases where Star Trek succeeds and where it fails, mostly based upon the skill of the storytellers involved. It’s generally a high quality product closely monitored for success, and it’s successful.

Complaints about Star Wars fails are based primarily around the philosophical bias at Disney. This is a very different issue. Sure, there were pre-Disney complaints about Jar Jar Binks, etc., but fans understood Lucas was deliberately appealing to a new generation of young fans, so they cut him some slack.

The complaints about Disney Star Wars are different. They center around the ideological sand bagging of the IP. This was mentioned above. Disney has turned its back on the values that made it successful. Disney has an axe to grind, and anyone even remotely familiar with the trades or the vids about the trades, can see for themselves the kinds of responses Disney makes through public statements daily. Every work day, someone involved makes a new public statement blaming the fans for their misogyny, or bigotry of some sort, because the fan base has by large rejected Disney’s philosophical bias. You see the same thing here in this forum.

Probably the bullies here are not bullies except unless they feel the need to defend the current Disney immorality. This from children with no moral training. They don’t know any better. And who can blame them.

If I were a pajama-wearing incel living in Mommy’s basement, with no real education, no critical thinking skills, no moral upbringing, no sense of history, or art, or beauty, or right and wrong, whose primary training is in Pokémon and other utterly useless stuff, I think I’d act out against people who know better than me too. People failing at life call for help in all sorts of ways.

Thing is, this isn’t really the kind of place to get help. Y’all need to go to church and pray for help.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
If I were a pajama-wearing incel living in Mommy’s basement, with no real education, no critical thinking skills, no moral upbringing, no sense of history, or art, or beauty, or right and wrong, whose primary training is in Pokémon and other utterly useless stuff, I think I’d act out against people who know better than me too. People failing at life call for help in all sorts of ways.

Thing is, this isn’t really the kind of place to get help. Y’all need to go to church and pray for help.
Damn boys, he got us there.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
So I turned on Star Wars Theory to get their take on Acolyte, just in time to watch thirty seconds of Lesley Headlund telling the main protagonist actress seated with her, that C3P0 is gay, and R2D2 is lesbian. She said it twice. Then the Star Wars Theory host said “no. . .no. . .no. . .” for about a full minute in disbelief. He gasped a bit, struggled and said he thought the droids were both guys.

Headlund and co were both laughing nervously and looking around the empty studio they were in, as if expecting the adults to come and reprimand them. If you had to dub dialog onto the weird scene, I’m certain Headlund would be asking “can we say this?”

That was enough for me. This deconstructionist stuff is just too much. That nervous laughter will likely haunt me forever. I’m scarred for life.

I have to wonder, if you asked Headlund if indeed it was her plan to “break Star Wars” by deconstructing it, whether she wouldn’t gleefully admit this is her intention.

Maybe this is the core of the rub for folks. We didn’t want our toys broken. We just wanted new toys too.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
The reviews are the most brutal I’ve ever seen. Apart from all the ideological nonsense, people are saying the acting, dialog, presentation in general is just bad. Even sources sympathetic with The Message, are claiming its terrible.

I’m surprised about this. The general outline of the plot seems it would have been promising were it not for all the garbage imported.


Nov 12, 2020
RSI Handle
Wont they let that god awful cheesy franchise die, always been infantile and pretty sad, second place goes to that canadian nonsense Expanse. Jeez
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