Hey fellow TESTies,
since I have kindly been outfitted with a UEE 2948 Explorer Package by a fellow TESTie I melted my original pledge and jumped on the said „Special Mantis CCU“. With it you are able to CCU any Aurora (no other ship!) to a LTI Mantis for a good price, warbond only though. Nice undersuit and helmet comes with that, too.
CCUs from there are currently only possible to the two new Vanguards and the Defender.
BUT! When you look at the Mantis it shows „Insurance: 6 Months Insurance, Life Time Insurance“. If you purchase one of the possible further CCUs and want to apply it, it shows the Mantis crossed out in red and the dropdown menu let’s you select... the Aurora
So to me there is a chance to lose the LTI in one of the available further CCUs from that „Special Mantis CCU“. I have a Mantis to Harbinger CCU sitting there now and won’t apply it until I get clarification from support (yeah, ticket opened...) about how the insurance will behave upon CCU. Clearly, in this case the usual insurance carry-over MAY not apply.
Anyone else have an idea on that? Is there precedence to this kind of a „special CCU“?
since I have kindly been outfitted with a UEE 2948 Explorer Package by a fellow TESTie I melted my original pledge and jumped on the said „Special Mantis CCU“. With it you are able to CCU any Aurora (no other ship!) to a LTI Mantis for a good price, warbond only though. Nice undersuit and helmet comes with that, too.
CCUs from there are currently only possible to the two new Vanguards and the Defender.
BUT! When you look at the Mantis it shows „Insurance: 6 Months Insurance, Life Time Insurance“. If you purchase one of the possible further CCUs and want to apply it, it shows the Mantis crossed out in red and the dropdown menu let’s you select... the Aurora

So to me there is a chance to lose the LTI in one of the available further CCUs from that „Special Mantis CCU“. I have a Mantis to Harbinger CCU sitting there now and won’t apply it until I get clarification from support (yeah, ticket opened...) about how the insurance will behave upon CCU. Clearly, in this case the usual insurance carry-over MAY not apply.
Anyone else have an idea on that? Is there precedence to this kind of a „special CCU“?
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