One of the things I like best about DCS is the IRL travel time between way-points. Even in Elite Dangerous, before I became tired of the grind, I enjoyed planning my way around a system that had a planet 100k+ Ls from the main star while exploring. needless to say, I got a lot of reading done while playing ED. It seems like Star Citizen will take that one step further by allowing the player, especially on multi crew ships, to do other tasks as mentioned in the Noob's commentary. I have this idea in my head of using the down-time during a long flight to finalize plans of operation for whatever mission is at hand. Alternately, if just aimlessly traversing space, allowing the player to get out of the pilot seat and, say, preform some cartography from previously collected data. It all seems like an interesting mechanic to combat the grinding that ED has become. It also provides a new level of skill that will be required to operate with corporate efficiency. I like the idea pf playing in a QRF role, however, if it takes 45+ minutes to react to a threat that an element has encountered- well, what's the point? Now, if you know that you are going to be too far from any support, you better plan accordingly. This seems, in my mind, to also help the economy in needing to contract tactical and/or logistical support in order to be successful in any long-range operation.