Video: Anthem the game by Bioware, will it save them?


Space Marshal
Feb 4, 2016
RSI Handle
Pretty sure it will not get enough time. That's what ea does. And they still make enough money doing it. Battlefront was no surprise for me. I have to admit that I love me some FIFA matches with my buddies but over the last few years they did nothing to improve the game at all (only thing that could count is the frostbite engine, but they just adopted it, it was already an existing in-house engine from battlefront etc.) even though FIFA is one of the biggest releases year after year. For example: they released a new feature .. after years of doing nothing .. the feature .. a story-mode.. it was total bullshit. You play the game as an attacking player .. you make 4 goals per match (you would be considered the messias IRL if you would pull this off for you americans) and you get send to the second division because you are not good enough .. so the way you play has absolutely no effect on the outcome .. but that is what ea tries to tell you for 2 years now .. and that story-mode is the only new feature in the past .. 5 years? And it also takes about a weekend to play through ..
And mind you .. that game is 40% of ea's revenue according to Forbes..
And the loot boxes is nothing new for us FIFA players .. it is an ingame feature for years with ultimate team .. you play matches online to get money witch you need to buy packs of players .. random players .. or you use real money to get those ransom packs.
So FIFA can f**k off and go bankrupt. They suck.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
why does montoya talk about everything except SC?
Because TEST Squadron is a powder keg just waiting to go off... Why trigger us over and over again when Montoya obviously needs us to keep our Knee-Jerky potency for the BIG org actions later when the game is ready.


Space Marshal
Nov 7, 2017
RSI Handle
I can't *bleep* Darth Vader, either. :laughing:

As far as Anthem goes, i am tentatively hopeful, though it's getting absolutely slammed by basically everyone else on youtube. It would make sense if EA gave em more time/leeway, but then the question is, do I trust EA to actually make sensible decisions? Jury's still out on that one.


Space Marshal
May 22, 2014
RSI Handle
Its not about Bioware not being able to deliver a good game, its about EA still coming out with micro transactions and locks behind a pay wall. It reminds me of a Halo spin of only thing here is the suits can come of.

EA are just plain greedy and Bioware no matter what they come out with will find their game handicapped so that EA can sponge of its customers.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Finally watched the video.

I feel in the last few years it has been more about squeezing the highest return out of the smallest player-base companies can scrape together rather than about making forms of entertainment.

When a computer game is built around a transaction system, it isn't a computer game, it's a Ponzi Scheme, it's a Pyramid Scheme, it's a Timeshare in the Seychelles because its intent is not to entertain, its intent is to generate cash. But just like Pyramid Schemes and the like, there is only so long until people have been stung enough to reacognise one when they see one and work out: If looks like a money making venture, it is probably not a game. It happened with Evolve, which was heavily anticipated, looked great, played great and was crushed by the micro-transaction system because for the greater part thats what it was.

I don't think Games are EA's "electronic art" anymore. I think finding new income generation models is, and its hurting the games they build the transaction systems through, because when a transaction becomes a mechanic in a game or worse a major mechanic in a game, it is no longer a game, it's just a money making machine.


Nov 2, 2017
RSI Handle
A difficult position to be in is to want to support the dev but not support the BS the publisher shoe-horns in. we vote with our wallets, the downside is that our favorite dev can get shut down by our trying to make a statement to a shitty publisher.
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