[Video] - Gimbal assist arguments continue


Vice Admiral
Mar 1, 2019
RSI Handle
@Montoya really good video.

As I've mentioned before, I played the game years ago when Arena Commander released but quit the game shortly after. I still credit you mostly for my return. But anyway to the point, what you said in the video was spot on, I gave up on Star Citizen because it was simply too difficult. At the time I was about to turn 40, I had a new-born son, plus 2 other kids and a nephew to support. On top of that there's the whole day job thing as well. I just didn't have the time or interest to become good enough to master Star Citizen "Hard Mode" and learn real space physics. My gaming time needs to be relaxing and fun, that's it. To be honest, the old flight model and targeting system was not fun... for me at least.

I like and agree with what you said about using countermeasures to throw off the auto-aim, I'm sure other things could be used as well, such as forms of electronic warfare etc. In short, things that either should put your guns in a locked position or cause them to aim away from the target for a brief period of time.

Will I rely on Gimbal Assist 100% of the time? No, but I will probably rely on it 75% of the time. This makes it so that a guy like me can play, I know I'll never be the best pilot on the server, but I'd settle for average or if I'm lucky, slightly above average. 😁


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
@Montoya really good video.

As I've mentioned before, I played the game years ago when Arena Commander released but quit the game shortly after. I still credit you mostly for my return. But anyway to the point, what you said in the video was spot on, I gave up on Star Citizen because it was simply too difficult. At the time I was about to turn 40, I had a new-born son, plus 2 other kids and a nephew to support. On top of that there's the whole day job thing as well. I just didn't have the time or interest to become good enough to master Star Citizen "Hard Mode" and learn real space physics. My gaming time needs to be relaxing and fun, that's it. To be honest, the old flight model and targeting system was not fun... for me at least.

I like and agree with what you said about using countermeasures to throw off the auto-aim, I'm sure other things could be used as well, such as forms of electronic warfare etc. In short, things that either should put your guns in a locked position or cause them to aim away from the target for a brief period of time.

Will I rely on Gimbal Assist 100% of the time? No, but I will probably rely on it 75% of the time. This makes it so that a guy like me can play, I know I'll never be the best pilot on the server, but I'd settle for average or if I'm lucky, slightly above average. 😁
This is realy well said you know. I am glad CIG is doing the gimble assyst. The good combat players can continue to be good, but won't completely dominate the more average players. We still might get lucky once in a while. What it does is allow for a more even playing field, without giving any advantage to players who have not mastered combat. Instead it kind of brings things back toward an even keel.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
This is realy well said you know. I am glad CIG is doing the gimble assyst. The good combat players can continue to be good, but won't completely dominate the more average players. We still might get lucky once in a while. What it does is allow for a more even playing field, without giving any advantage to players who have not mastered combat. Instead it kind of brings things back toward an even keel.
Multiplayer game balance is tricky. You do want to make it easy to get into and given StarCitizen high AI population it does allow for the average player to win a lot of combat engagements. But at the same time you need to have a depth of skill to keep everyone interested in learning and practicing to be even more effective next time. I like the fact that there is still fixed weapons that give an advantage on dps over the gimbled and there needs to be a way to be able to break the lock by maneuvering (seems to be lacking at the moment but that could be more a factor of the new flight dynamic and a new learning curve).

I would point towards PlanetSide in that even though Montoya was never an ace pilot he still put in hundreds of hours in an attempt to get there. Were as games like Battlefront which greatly reduces the effect ones mastery has on combat trivializes it to being more of who pulls the trigger first and has more favor with the RNG wins greatly reduces the long term play-ability of the game. Of course you can also go to far in the other direction with game play elements favor the skilled to the detriment of everyone else like Counter Strike. While its longevity is greatly due to the skill required to master it, the player population is greatly reduced because of it.

I honestly think Star Citizen has an advantage here due to the fact that they can make a easier introduction to combat against the vast verse of bots while still allowing players to challenge each other in contested space.


Space Marshal
Jan 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Only solution to 3rd party aim bot's would to give everyone aim assist and make time to kill very long.
Having a very long time to kill would make ship combat not about the GUNS.... and more about strategy, power allocation, component quality, crew quality, real time repairs....
Arena commander can remain an arcade game used to hone you skills, but in the universe... a battle should be %#$^ epic... around and around, back and forth, and no one comes out completely unscathed.
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Space Marshal
Jan 2, 2016
RSI Handle
General Fisting
Only solution to 3rd party aim bot's would to give everyone aim assist and make time to kill very long.
Having a very long time to kill would make ship combat not about the GUNS.... and more about strategy, power allocation, component quality, crew quality, real time repairs....
Arena commander can remain an arcade game used to hone you skills, but in the universe... a battle should be %#$^ epic... and no one comes out completely unscathed.
Arena commander is the problem currently as the most vocal whingers are holding it up as representative of the actual game, when its not. The PU is the one and only consideration for balance and ship performance.

If size 3 singe cannons are dominating arena commander and everyone is dying in micro seconds, thats tough shit, if they are not a problem in the PU, they stay as they are.

Gimbals are currently 0 issue in the PU so as far as i am concerned they stay.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I don't play AC anymore.

I'm not saying the Aces aren't good, i'm not saying the Aces haven't worked hard and have skills because of that, I'm not saying the Aces don't deserve their kill-streaks and five foot long e-peen.

But I am saying I'm not surprised no one wants to play with them anymore.

I didn't quit AC because of the flight model. I didn't quit AC because of the Meta that keeps happening in there resulting in one-shots. I quit it because being a genocide victim in a population of one isn't fun.

How many times do you have to die before laying down and staying down? From personal experience, about 24 times in 20 minutes. Yeah, that killed my cooperation with AC, and that time I wanted to stay dead, so I did.

Good luck trying to get me to go back in there.
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Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
I have to agree, I've been confused for a while by the lack of gimble assist.

The issue is definitely not gimble assist right now (which does need more refinement), the issue is with the new flight model being too linear, the heat mechanic is far too aggressive on overheating, and ship weapons need a serious rebalancing now that gimble assist and heat are implemented.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
I honestly think Star Citizen has an advantage here due to the fact that they can make a easier introduction to combat against the vast verse of bots while still allowing players to challenge each other in contested space.
Well said, your hole post! The other thing CIG is doing that I like is fleshing out other game play elements. It's not just about combat, they are also putting in place elements of an in game economy, kind of the "reason for the combat" as we might have to compete a little for resources. That makes for some tremendous game play potential if it's done right.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Has anyone tried to use their gimbals to giude their fixed guns? Say on the Sabre, can you use the autotargeting to guide your flghter so all 4 guns come on target? Does the display actually tell you where in the box the gimbals are pointing?
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Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
Fearless Leader is right

I'm looking forward to the fleet fights

large fleets and elite skills are a contradiction in terms

it's gonna be about the strategies and tactics we use to win with our terrible pilots


Space Marshal
Jan 2, 2016
RSI Handle
General Fisting
So the video below has been made by a backer called "2tap".

"2tap" claims his opinion on the fm and auto gimbals has weight and validity because he is an "ex-combat pilot"

2Tap has made the grave error of also posting the below video under his own name on the star citizen uk facebook page.

2tap seems to still be living in the 90s and doesnt understand the internet sees everything , and that oh dear, the fun I could have with this lad if i was so inclined.



Space Marshal
Jan 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Fearless Leader is right

I'm looking forward to the fleet fights

large fleets and elite skills are a contradiction in terms

it's gonna be about the strategies and tactics we use to win with our terrible pilots
I'm hoping we can all get together on a Saturday night, get drunk, look for trouble, and have a big space brawl.
I have confidence in Montota's ability to stir up some s*** and lead us to victory, or the emergency room, either way it'll be glorious.


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Ditto...I was watching RedLir yesterday, and we were all going "wtf?"

Thinking about it more, I think it is a wonderful solution to many problems. They've always said that about 80% of the players do NOT want to do combat, but would rather do trade, mining, salvage, exploration, science, etc. Right now, if you want to just fly around and have fun, you have to hope you don't run into any griefers or pad campers, or other asshats.

With gimbal-assist, now you can make the odds a bit more even if you just want to get away. I know there have been plenty of times at Grim or Olisar where I just wanted to get away, but even just running (my only option) I would get taken out pretty quickly. Now, instead of running from, I'll try running at the guy, hose him down a bit with gimbal assist, and then fly by and quantum away.

CIG had to be getting tons of complaints about people getting griefed, when all they wanted to do was play. This may be at least one way of resolving some of these issues.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Well said, your hole post! The other thing CIG is doing that I like is fleshing out other game play elements. It's not just about combat, they are also putting in place elements of an in game economy, kind of the "reason for the combat" as we might have to compete a little for resources. That makes for some tremendous game play potential if it's done right.
All the more reason why I am glad to have invested in this project. Eve was another game that was very successful in giving a reason for the combat.
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