VirtualAce (Now N_forcer from Aerospace Alliance) Exploiting / Lag Switching Drama Queen


May 28, 2017
RSI Handle
Yes their new tactics are torpedos and if that doesn't work they camp cry astros and even kamikaze at Olisar. The strange part is they call everyone else, yes everyone else in the verse, Pirates?!?

Great point that there are no newbs in the PTU. What will his excuse be now?

Is he really going by Kiss enforcer? Kids in satan's service?


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
He has been the Noob all along.
I really can't wait for someone to ask him. He's seen this thread so will have had plenty of time to prepare a response.

At a guess (because I live in his head now) I'd say they will go with the 'Preparing the ground for when all the newbs come along when 3.0 is released to everyone' angle which no one will believe but they'll stick to like ultra-glue...

Well, they would have said that but since I've posted it here they'll have to come up with something else now, since he was rumbled regurgitating what others had said to him earlier in this thread. ;)

Is he really going by Kiss enforcer? Kids in satan's service?
That gave me a chuckle. My wife-to-be has a username online elsewhere with an X at the beginning and end, when she saw x_enforcer_x she asked why all the kisses, because apparently thats what the x's are usually for - hence KissEnforcer.

Hope he doesn't have cooties, whatever the hell they are?
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I think that those who have proven themselves to be trolls / griefers should be given criminal statuses that they can't ever pay off or get removed no matter how many times they die or get imprisoned. Just as an added measure to discourage players from being like that which is a negative for the game to many.


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
So I'm pretty sure Aerospace Alliance are closet pirates. Look at this video at the 29 minute mark. Sorry for the weird resolution.
Wassup, Mr. Albino? Haven't seen you since the 2.6 daze...

Those asshats piss me off, I can never understand hanging around Olisar and ramming people. There were several instances when I couldn't spawn any of my larger ship, because one or more asshats kept using their Scythe to ram'd think it would get old, but this group seem to enjoy it.

Not much we can do, except what you are doing: record it, post it, and see about sending it up the line to CIG. Obviously some idiots work hard at figuring out ways to grief others.


Dec 30, 2017
RSI Handle
Wassup, Mr. Albino? Haven't seen you since the 2.6 daze...

Those asshats piss me off, I can never understand hanging around Olisar and ramming people. There were several instances when I couldn't spawn any of my larger ship, because one or more asshats kept using their Scythe to ram'd think it would get old, but this group seem to enjoy it.

Not much we can do, except what you are doing: record it, post it, and see about sending it up the line to CIG. Obviously some idiots work hard at figuring out ways to grief others.
Yeah i miss the good old 2.6 dogfighting days. Are you enjoying 3.0? I'm loving it....its so beautiful.


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Yeah i miss the good old 2.6 dogfighting days. Are you enjoying 3.0? I'm loving it....its so beautiful.
lol, you were dogfighting, I was just trying to keep my head above water!

Yes, 3.0 is wonderful! I just spent about 10 minutes uploading photos to document our Daymar expedition today, if you like watching other people's travel photos, check out post #45 on this thread:


Feb 23, 2018
RSI Handle
This thread has been dead for awhile. I'll try to shed some light on what I've learned.
VAce claims to be an ex-marine
Scaredpotato resides in Shri-Lanka
VAce has everyone meet up at a cryastro before operations
You cannot disagree with VAce, if you do, you're gone
He does not allow his members to socialize outside his org.

That's all I remember for now, being gone a handful of months and all. I hope this info will help put an end to this madness.
I've seen good people abused, scared to leave because VAce paints a horrid picture of life outside his org.
It isn't the members of AA you should hate, it's VAce. It's an org of good people, but also of a manipulative leader.


Space Kitty
Apr 27, 2017
RSI Handle
This thread has been dead for awhile. I'll try to shed some light on what I've learned.
VAce claims to be an ex-marine
Scaredpotato resides in Shri-Lanka
VAce has everyone meet up at a cryastro before operations
You cannot disagree with VAce, if you do, you're gone
He does not allow his members to socialize outside his org.

That's all I remember for now, being gone a handful of months and all. I hope this info will help put an end to this madness.
I've seen good people abused, scared to leave because VAce paints a horrid picture of life outside his org.
It isn't the members of AA you should hate, it's VAce. It's an org of good people, but also of a manipulative leader.
“Call a jack a jack. Call a spade a spade. But always call a whore a lady. Their lives are hard enough, and it never hurts to be polite.”
I dunno, just wanted to necro some more. :D

Vote for Space Kitty's!


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
This thread has been dead for awhile. I'll try to shed some light on what I've learned.
VAce claims to be an ex-marine
Scaredpotato resides in Shri-Lanka
VAce has everyone meet up at a cryastro before operations
You cannot disagree with VAce, if you do, you're gone
He does not allow his members to socialize outside his org.

That's all I remember for now, being gone a handful of months and all. I hope this info will help put an end to this madness.
I've seen good people abused, scared to leave because VAce paints a horrid picture of life outside his org.
It isn't the members of AA you should hate, it's VAce. It's an org of good people, but also of a manipulative leader.
Welcome to the forum, Exile.

I thought ScaredPotato left AA? It's been quite a while I can't quite remember exactly what went on but I thought he'd left?

If there were any doubt, It became quite clear VirtualAss/NobEnforcer/KissEnforcer was a was a total penis when he took information his followers shared with him in the strictest of confidence and then aired it in public ('Verse Chat) just to hold power over them.

A true leader supports their group, a true tyrant total penis toys with them.

In regard to his members?

If someone joined fresh to SC and AA was their first experience of an Org it is understandable that the tactics he uses would not be recognised as anti-play: Pad Camping, Ganking and ass-hattery in general... But after a while there are only so many people in Chat telling Vass to get fucked that you'd start to wonder if you are hanging out with a fuckerer. With 3.0 Vass should have lost the All Seeing Eye which was the only Ace they had Virtually, if it ever existed at all. So now the only tactics AA have are Pad-Camping, Ganking, Lag Switching and Stream Sniping. But if someone sticks with AA after that realisation point? I'll use the words of the Original Obi-Wan to cover people who stay while knowing: "Who's more foolish? The fool, or the fool who follows him?"

You say its mainly good people living under a Shadow of Fear and that he holds something over you all... Are you still in contact with the good members? Perhaps you'd be better making a separate Org for Exiles and deserters that isn't run by a dick? If everyone just ups and fucks off and he's left with the core trollers it'd be a kick in the spuds compared to him banning you one by one by one which lets face it is whats going to happen as he gets new members in.

Who gives a toss if you go on his kill list and his Org try to kill you at Every turn? If you have 800 members and he has 23 trolls, roll out in force. It's what TEST is going to do, remember these words: "Alone we are as drops of rain, but together we form a mighty torrent!"

When Ass has nothing but Trolls and Traitors to watch his back he's going to be Troll'd and betrayed.

Rise up little souls of AA, fight the good fight, joined The Doomed Legion, leave VirtualAss to tug on his joystick alone in his basement and make an Org the good members can all be proud of!
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Space Marshal
Feb 16, 2017
RSI Handle
Welcome to the forum, Exile.


Rise up little souls of AA, fight the good fight, joined The Doomed Legion, leave VirtualAss to tug on his joystick alone in his basement and make an Org the good members can all be proud of!
@NaffNaffBobFace does this mean that you don't approve of Virtual Pimple?


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
@NaffNaffBobFace does this mean that you don't approve of Virtual Pimple?
Mmmm? Well, I dunno... Lets look at the list of things I don't approve of:

Pad Campers.
Lag Switchers.
Stream Snipers.
Sketchy Dudes.

As VAss is all of the above and more, i'll let you draw your own conclusions ;)
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May 28, 2017
RSI Handle
This thread has been dead for awhile. I'll try to shed some light on what I've learned.
VAce claims to be an ex-marine
Scaredpotato resides in Shri-Lanka
VAce has everyone meet up at a cryastro before operations
You cannot disagree with VAce, if you do, you're gone
He does not allow his members to socialize outside his org.

That's all I remember for now, being gone a handful of months and all. I hope this info will help put an end to this madness.
I've seen good people abused, scared to leave because VAce paints a horrid picture of life outside his org.
It isn't the members of AA you should hate, it's VAce. It's an org of good people, but also of a manipulative leader.
Can't sum it up much better than this.

Don't forget he always claims, "We have never lost an org battle"

That gets really irritating when he says it while they are getting their asses handed to them time and time again.

He calls anyone he dislikes or anyone with an opinion other than his own a "Pirate Troll"


May 28, 2017
RSI Handle
Those of you replying above me making light or that this isn't a "serious" issue.

he spam invites new players to his organization and then many of them leave Star Citizen altogether because of his antics misrepresenting what this game is about. He is a tyrant and a douche bag. And yes he threatens anyone in his org that if they ever leave they will be KOS for perpetuity while playing Star Citizen. If VirtualAce is reading this, perpetuity means forever. He isn't very bright either.

Why the devs havn't banished him yet is atrocious in itself.
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