So the game isn't working.
I've managed to complete 2 missions with
@DirectorGunner yesterday, but nothing since. I've tried doing the stronghold 3 times this morning. 3/3 times I got the "Server has shut down" in the middle of the mission and got ported back to the Walking Simulator menu (Fort Tarsis).
I'd rather not be able to connect to the game at all, like in the VIP demo, than to let me play half a mission and then kick me in the nuts. No loot, no nothing.
Not to mention, during one of the attempts, I was the only one carrying echoes to silence the relics: the other 3 players were staring at each other like imbeciles, while I had to run around like crazy to progress the mission. So they need to do a better job of telling players what they actually need to do, because it seems nobody understands what the objectives are.
Also, please make navigating through the water less confusing. I always end up waiting on the other players to bang their heads against underwater walls for 5 minutes before they find the way.
Then, I equipped a gear piece and the one I unequipped instantly disappeared, never to be found again.
There is so much stuff wrong with this game, and still everybody is like "wow! you can fly like Iron Man". Okay, I give up.
My disappointment with this game is 8.5/10. I can't refund my 1 month of Origin Premier, can I?