This is from the YJ Brevity :
FOX number: Launch of missile and number of them
So i guess here the intended use was to annouce how many missiles shot at target and not the order of the missile shot from your total ? From the video it seems to be the order of missiles. Need clarification i guess.
@Mich Angel As for missiles i agree FOX is enough.
If annoucing FOX1,2,3 is for the order of missile launched (according to video) this info is not usefull since everyone cant remember everyones' elses ships and how many missiles they carry, highly not probable in the heat of the fight.
IF you fire a missile every 2 minutes, <<targetname>> FOX should be enough (= 1 missile by default), BUT if you plan to fire many missiles in a row (short time), might be still interesting for your wingmen to know how many you are going to fire, like you announce <<targetname>> FOX1 instead of FOX so others anticipate another missile is about to be shot at <<targetname>>, then you announce FOX2 and FOX3 for 3 missiles fired for instance, so they dont fire too many missiles themselves at a same target, knowing how many missiles the target already has on its ass. Because if FOX + number is intended to be told AFTER the launch of said number of missiles, some wingmen could launch many missiles at same time and announce it only after they have launched them, resulting in too many missiles on target.
<<targetname>> FOX (= 1 missile only, no need to know who is launching missile i guess, better to know at which target) and <<wingmanname>> BINGO MISSILES ( = out of missiles) shoud be enough most of the time i guess.

Why reinvent the wheel.. ??
Just saying...
You are yourself telling the brevity should not use the slang for FOX 1,2,3... as not similar to real life

But only real life pilot or simulators fans would understand real life brevity

So we can tweak any brevity as we see fit, nothing wrong here if Yellow Jackets want to change it for the number of missiles fired hehe (even if not really usefull as said above).
final edit : spelling