Rare post from Chris Roberts on forums about Room Systems

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Its a good read, I just wonder how long until we see this in the game.

NEW Star Citizen hit piece from Kotaku UK :D

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Yeah, this was sad..

A review of New World and breakdown of game mechanics and locations

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This was fun, looking forward to getting back in there with you guys!
Some additional thoughts, but there is a lot that is not in yet because alpha. - Need more diversity of enemies - Most towns look the same - Most quests are the same fetch quest from some building that looks the same as the building in the other quest - Great combat for an MMO, but will lag be a big problem? There are a few other issues, but I suspect they will be dealt with in the final release.

Talon Shrike Giveaway!

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Thank you to @August for sponsoring this month's giveaway! Good luck!

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Gamer for life. Currently playing this, X4 Foundations and vaping Imps with my A-Wing in SW Squadrons.
Getting back to Star Citizen after a few years away from the game :3
There and back again...
Server meshing and the next 6 months will be either the triumph or death of this project
Not much is known from whence he came...
His own council does he keep...

Once a fighter for a lost cause,
now all he seeks is a job here and there,
don't much matter what or where,
enough to pay his way,
and keep ship and crew,
whole and hale,

and the peace and freedom...
of the eternal sky.

"May Event and Randomness Be in Your Favor"
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