Who's buying a Caterpillar?!

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I think I'll crew on Owls
You're more than welcome to. Adventure awaits!
I already crewed up on @Blind Owl 's Cat.... you can have the bunk next to mine. I made sure it was far away from @CrudeSasquatch ... I am afraid of what he does when the lights are out.
I am too. Very afraid.
I'm not sure if @Blind Owl 's Caterpillar will have any space left for crew after he fills it to the brim with beer. Maybe sit on top of the kegs?
Beer and bunks, a bar, and a mobile coffee bar for @Sam K Macer.
We're going to travel and party.
That's all.
Its ok @CrudeSasquatch, I will bunk next to you. I know enough to hide all the steak and some beer under Zapp Brannigan's bunk.
Hahaha. Perfect.

Krystal LeChuck

Meme Meister
Staff member
Jun 10, 2014
RSI Handle
Any idea when the sale might be happening (if at all)? The SS Spanakopita must exist.


Space Marshal
Nov 26, 2015
RSI Handle

The biggest downside has nothing to do with the ship itself, but rather the reputation associated with it. To every local cop, Advo, merc and Citizen, Drake ships are treated like suspects wherever they go.

The biggest problem with the Caterpillar is the negative attention you’ll receive. Cops will probably scan you more often.

Pros and Cons


  • Command module can detach and self-pilot during emergency events
  • Many defensive configurations
  • Compartmentalized hold options
  • Large cargo hold


  • Slow
  • Light in offensive capabilities
  • Reputation: It attracts attention from Advocacy Agents, cops and mercenaries
Source: http://starcitizen.wikia.com/wiki/Caterpillar

Am I in pirate business? No, probably not. Am I in trading business? Definitely yes. But the one question remains: will CIG definitely implement those planned "features" of the defined "reputation malus/penalty"? That definitely IS a point which makes me sit up - and take notice.
Matt Sherman has said that Drake ships will not be treated differently by law enforcement. Even though some owners of Drake ships engage in illegal activities that's simply their choice. Drake is treated as a respected ship manufacturer in the Verse so unless CIG changes their mind, just because you are piloting a Drake ship doesn't mean you will be treated differently by the in game AI. If you get scanned chances are it's either random, everyone's getting scanned in that system upon entry/exit, or your reputation has spiked their interest. Can't say yet how the player base will treat Drake ships but I would imagine a heightened sense of caution would be a common course of action. Matt Sherman I believed put this in the Buccaneer Q&A but if not there let me know and I will search for the reference.


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
There are rumors around - which sound pretty credible - that CIG will give the Cat into a concept sale again due to the fact that her design utterly varies from the original concept. And this concept sale *could* be launched with go-live of 2.4.

@ Matt Sherman: don't know this guy and what he when says - do you have a source? I only can refer to RSI-pages and -wikis, which I did in this case.


Vice Admiral
Apr 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Regarding Drake reputation, it's mentioned in the Buccaneer Q&A 1 which went up yesterday:
"No, overall, Drake is still seen as a reputable manufacturer, regardless of what purposes their clients decided to put their ships into. They won’t be subjected to a back-end systemic bias or penalty just for owning one."
Matt Sherman: I always listen to what he says. (don't always agree, but who am I to make suggestions :-P )


Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Together with go-live of PU 2.4 - so say the rumors.
Ooooooo, and I bought one on the grey market. Oh well.
I read it on the interwebs - it must be true!
I get all my facts from the interwebs. That's where I learned that sugar in my gas tank makes my car go super fast!!

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I'm no stinky pirate! Drake is a... reputable... organization of shipwrights!
I want to man the forklift in the Cat! Also, can I park my Buccaneer in your haul until the cops stop scanning ships? No reason... really!
Did you bring beer? Yes? Then there's always room for you to hide your ship for no reason.
but but... isn't my cutlass blue a.. cop car? I guess i'll have to watch my every move..
I do this all the time. My wife tells me I'm vane. ;)
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