2.4T Patch is on PTU and available to everyone!
Alpha Patch 2.4.0t has been released to the PTU, and is now available for players to test! As of 2.4.0t, access to the PTU is no longer restricted.
Your launcher should show “2.4.0-362929” as the client version. It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Test client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Cloud Imperium Games\StarCitizen\Test.
The full 2.4.0 Patch Notes are located here. Please take full advantage of our Issue Council area of the Community site to report any bugs you encounter, as well as contribute to other players submissions.
- Star Systems
- Ships
- First Person
- User Interface
- Technical
Star Systems:
- Fixed an issue where weapons and missiles were not being restocked on ships properly at CryAstro Station.
- Fixed an issue where spawned ships in Port Olisar would first appear floating 50 meters above their designated landing pad.
- Fixed an issue where textures were disappearing from certain angles in Selfland Hangar and ArcCorp.
- Fixed some reflection and flickering issues with the Starfarer cockpit glass.
First Person:
- Fixed an issue with the inspecting weapons animation looking awkward in Live Fire and Cubby Blast.
- Fixed an issue where inspecting rifle weapons would cause the rifle to clip into the players helmet.
User Interface:
- Fixed an issue where the UI notification alerting users which landing pad to find their ship was missing.
- Fixed a server crash.
- Fixed a client crash during Vanduul Swarm.
- Fixed an error code 7 disconnection.