Why are ships so hard? (this may be a shitpost)

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
I had to think very long and very hard about whether or not I wanted to melt my StarFarer for a Cat last week. I didn't, and here's why: After 2.4 hit, I really realized how important fuel is going to be (even if they don't keep it at its current, rather steep, price point.) SO, the way I see it, ships like the CAT will require either combat success or seed money to be profitable (Pirating means surviving, trading means having the $$ to buy cargo in the first place) but the starfarer just needs to get out and refine fuel to sell if you find yourself in a pinch. So essentially you are trading straight across: Time for credits. No seed money, no playing at the mercy of the markets. Just simple profit. Pair that with the SF's ability to haul a good amount of cargo on top of that and you have a real money machine.

Buy cargo at point A
Take off and find a good spot to fuel scoop along the way to point B
Sell both cargo and Fuel at point B

My $0.02


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
I had to think very long and very hard about whether or not I wanted to melt my StarFarer for a Cat last week. I didn't, and here's why: After 2.4 hit, I really realized how important fuel is going to be (even if they don't keep it at its current, rather steep, price point.) SO, the way I see it, ships like the CAT will require either combat success or seed money to be profitable (Pirating means surviving, trading means having the $$ to buy cargo in the first place) but the starfarer just needs to get out and refine fuel to sell if you find yourself in a pinch. So essentially you are trading straight across: Time for credits. No seed money, no playing at the mercy of the markets. Just simple profit. Pair that with the SF's ability to haul a good amount of cargo on top of that and you have a real money machine.

Buy cargo at point A
Take off and find a good spot to fuel scoop along the way to point B
Sell both cargo and Fuel at point B

My $0.02
This is the extent of my willingness to do trade in the Verse.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I had to think very long and very hard about whether or not I wanted to melt my StarFarer for a Cat last week. I didn't, and here's why: After 2.4 hit, I really realized how important fuel is going to be (even if they don't keep it at its current, rather steep, price point.) SO, the way I see it, ships like the CAT will require either combat success or seed money to be profitable (Pirating means surviving, trading means having the $$ to buy cargo in the first place) but the starfarer just needs to get out and refine fuel to sell if you find yourself in a pinch. So essentially you are trading straight across: Time for credits. No seed money, no playing at the mercy of the markets. Just simple profit. Pair that with the SF's ability to haul a good amount of cargo on top of that and you have a real money machine.

Buy cargo at point A
Take off and find a good spot to fuel scoop along the way to point B
Sell both cargo and Fuel at point B

My $0.02
Thus the reason my Star-G remains in my fleet, and shall for the foreseeable future.

But I also have a 'Pillar. ;)


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I wouldn't melt them.
Take fresh money instead and buy the Cat combo package! :D
Samamtha you are a very, very naughty girl............................

....................may I interest you in a drink?

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
It's good. But....


What if I told you EVERYONE has, or knows someone with a starfarer so no one is going to need to buy fuel?

Yeah....me and BlindOwl being two of those people. I am thinking on the selfish end of the spectrum. If *I* need credits, *I* can go out and git em. You think Ill GIVE fuel out to everyone just cuz they're a TESTie? Oh definitely not. They'll have to dance for me first. Just like Jamie Lee Curtis in True lies. @Zapp Brannigan is a repeat customer.....keeps forgetting to take the gas cans I fill for him tho....


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
Yeah....me and BlindOwl being two of those people. I am thinking on the selfish end of the spectrum. If *I* need credits, *I* can go out and git em. You think Ill GIVE fuel out to everyone just cuz they're a TESTie? Oh definitely not. They'll have to dance for me first. Just like Jamie Lee Curtis in True lies. @Zapp Brannigan is a repeat customer.....keeps forgetting to take the gas cans I fill for him tho....
Right there with you. Of all the services I'll offer none of them will be free. Just ask @Blind Owl! He's used every service I have available and some I haven't. Had to make up a few for that sick bastard!

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
keeps forgetting to take the gas cans I fill for him tho...
You must be very distracting. Wait, wait, doesn't he dance for you?

Just ask @Blind Owl! He's used every service I have available and some I haven't. Had to make up a few for that sick bastard!
Don't pretend you don't like it.
I know this feeling so well,
I change my fleet every time theres a sale
It's hard staying committed to one fleet.


Grand Admiral
May 2, 2016
RSI Handle
I too have a StarG and will be offering Org Discounts to all of you lovely folks; you'll only be spending a little more than it will cost you anywhere else ;3
The day i get charged more by an org member than anyone else is the day i start relocating assets from said member to other members of the org.


Sabre Addict
Jun 2, 2016
RSI Handle
The day i get charged more by an org member than anyone else is the day i start relocating assets from said member to other members of the org.
So long as you relocate exorbitant amounts of UEC into said org member's wallet as you ferry the overpriced... I mean Org Priced... goods elsewhere, then all is well! COMMERCE! ;3

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
The day i get charged more by an org member than anyone else is the day i start relocating assets from said member to other members of the org.
So long as you relocate exorbitant amounts of UEC into said org member's wallet as you ferry the overpriced... I mean Org Priced... goods elsewhere, then all is well! COMMERCE! ;3
er, i think you misunderstood, its more of Asset Liberation type of work, i dont pay. you pay me if you want to keep it, or you just dont charge me for your services ;)
The Asset Reallocation Division. Take from the rich, and give to the me.

Sounds wonderful.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I don't fight other players in AC, only Vanduul. I only attack pirates in PU. I don't make youtube movies, I don't advertise. I only give tips to anyone who is willing to read them and I practice a lot.
How do I get the big honour :eek: that I'm mentioned as Ace maker :oops::oops::oops:
Practicing is where it's at. Every ship is different and will require different techniques for each ship and each opponent, but in general pilots who fly all the time excel at what they do. That's just the general rule. If you are finishing all the waves of the Vanduul that come against you without even flying the best fighter for that task, that means you have a clue which is probably better than the rest of us. And indeed you have been sharing tips. I'm just nudging you to do a little more of that is all.

For instance, tell us what is the easiest ship to finish all the Vanduul hoards? I'm guessing the SuperHornet with one specific load out, but if you were going to recommend one ship to fight Vanduul fighters, what would it be and what kind of build? Can you get that in Void armor and do you think that is worth it? I know there are a lot of us VERY interested in stealth capability, as well as EM warfare. It's the stuff with "win" written all over it. I think there will be some ways that the Hornet is going to become the go-to fighter, especially given it can take cargo. The ability to swap out between cargo, EM, scan, stealth and added guns, it pretty awesome. Unless you have plans for that S4 mount in the Buck, the Hornet looks a bit more dangerous to me. Do you think that is so?


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Practicing is where it's at. Every ship is different and will require different techniques for each ship and each opponent, but in general pilots who fly all the time excel at what they do. That's just the general rule. If you are finishing all the waves of the Vanduul that come against you without even flying the best fighter for that task, that means you have a clue which is probably better than the rest of us. And indeed you have been sharing tips. I'm just nudging you to do a little more of that is all.

For instance, tell us what is the easiest ship to finish all the Vanduul hoards? I'm guessing the SuperHornet with one specific load out, but if you were going to recommend one ship to fight Vanduul fighters, what would it be and what kind of build? Can you get that in Void armor and do you think that is worth it? I know there are a lot of us VERY interested in stealth capability, as well as EM warfare. It's the stuff with "win" written all over it. I think there will be some ways that the Hornet is going to become the go-to fighter, especially given it can take cargo. The ability to swap out between cargo, EM, scan, stealth and added guns, it pretty awesome. Unless you have plans for that S4 mount in the Buck, the Hornet looks a bit more dangerous to me. Do you think that is so?
I take that to another thread. Combat Flightschool is already taken, so I just created Combat Fighter. I was in Combat Flightschool, but unfortunately there was only one session. I sincerely hope there will be a follow up because the focus of Combat Flightschool was more team flight, and that is something I still must improve allot.


Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2014
RSI Handle
There are just way to many post in here to want to read. So I'll just say this. I have just one ship. One. Remember that when you have trounless deciding which ships to fill your hangar. :confused:
I got too many ships.

But I will be lending em out something fierce to my peeps when need be. I'm flying my Cat and you're joining me for a raid? Bro you can totally borrow one of my Blues or Buccs, or fly one of my Dragonflies if you wanna live dangerously.

Not to mention tons of TESTies have multi-crew ships which, well, require multiple crew members. I can't fly my Cat on my own, so if anyones ship is exploded any they don't have another they can always gun a turret on my Cat!

I got too many ships, and I'm not just gonna let 90% of em sit in hangar doing nothing when someone else could be using them.


Sabre Addict
Jun 2, 2016
RSI Handle
er, i think you misunderstood, its more of Asset Liberation type of work, i dont pay. you pay me if you want to keep it, or you just dont charge me for your services ;)
No, I knew what you were getting at my friend, I just chose to disagree, especially since I believe you overlooked my jest; lucky you, I've had a change of heart! I will gladly fill your ship full of fuel, I just hope your avatar doesn't smoke because I may or may not put said fuel in the tanks. ;3
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