Let's talk explorers...

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
It won't matter what equipment the ship has stock, it's all going to be interchangeable. You will only have to worry about Item Port size and available power and cooling.
Have you had confirmation of this? I would love it were the system this simple, but I don't think they're going to let us put reactor coolers on weapons so they can run uninterrupted. I suspect there will be further limits.

Either way however, cargo space does not equal room for more installed equipment. Just because the Reliant has room for an EMP generator does not mean you'll be able to install it. Just because the Vanguard variants have weapons ports in the turret does not mean you can install any equipment or cargo like ammunition, or added cooling, or special scanners.

I think we'll see more restrictions than that one have a port, and it is weapons or equipment. Not all equipment is created equal. And note there is a huge difference between internal and external cargo. It is not likely we can use some of the cargo space on the Hull series to install additional equipment. There is probably not a single equipment slot in all that cargo space. It is probably only internal space that may or may not have equipment slots. The Hull C is so flexible that it may have many such equipment slots, and certainly one hopes there are missile packages that fit in some of the cargo slots, but that will never give it the missile capabilities of the Lancer Mis, which has special missile guidance functions specially installed.


Space Marshal
Apr 21, 2016
RSI Handle
Have you had confirmation of this? I would love it were the system this simple, but I don't think they're going to let us put reactor coolers on weapons so they can run uninterrupted. I suspect there will be further limits.

Either way however, cargo space does not equal room for more installed equipment. Just because the Reliant has room for an EMP generator does not mean you'll be able to install it. Just because the Vanguard variants have weapons ports in the turret does not mean you can install any equipment or cargo like ammunition, or added cooling, or special scanners.

I think we'll see more restrictions than that one have a port, and it is weapons or equipment. Not all equipment is created equal. And note there is a huge difference between internal and external cargo. It is not likely we can use some of the cargo space on the Hull series to install additional equipment. There is probably not a single equipment slot in all that cargo space. It is probably only internal space that may or may not have equipment slots. The Hull C is so flexible that it may have many such equipment slots, and certainly one hopes there are missile packages that fit in some of the cargo slots, but that will never give it the missile capabilities of the Lancer Mis, which has special missile guidance functions specially installed.
I can second this, there was a video where 5 guys and at least one of them was adev where talking about this (same video where they said, that nothing in this game is finished jet, and the freelancer dur may get a different windshield.

They said, that the stuff that comes stock with the ships is equal to the white things in other MMOs and we need to eqip the green yellow and purpel stuff, to make it worthy

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I don't think it will be possible to put it into any other ship. Its worth noting the Connie Andromeda also has six launchers, so can theoretically launch 6 missiles at one time, which one supposes dramatically raises the fire rate, and the Connie I believe holds more missiles than the Mis, but they are smaller missiles and that makes a huge difference. The Mis is going to be an extreme force to be reconned with so long as it can stay out of range of real combat. I would hate to be peeping through that tiny windscreen while a fighter was buzzing around me. You might not even see your enemy before you die.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
OK, I was thinking.....

It won't matter what equipment the ship has stock, it's all going to be interchangeable. You will only have to worry about Item Port size and available power and cooling.


Let's start with a generic "SHIP" It has 2 crew and a cargo bay. And you are able to move around in the ship. (Disclaimer: NONE of these are actual figures from SC, I am pulling them out of thin air for demo purposes)

Power Plant = S3
Engines = 2x S2
MAV = 8x S1
Cooler = S3
Weapons = 4x S2
Avionics = S2
Sensor = S2
Life Support = S2

For example reasons, we will say the Power Plant generates 15k "power units" and 5k "heat units". the engines require 2500 power each, and put out the same in heat.
So here is where we stand: Power = 15000-5000(engines) = 10000 (left to run the rest of the ship)
Heat = (2500+2500)(engines)+5000(power plant) = 10000
Now let's throw in some other figures, Power will be (p) and heat will be (h) and we will put this as unit per second. We also know there will be other resources you will need to manage, like CPU power and such, but I have not seen any of those figures in the game so far. I have seen the Heat and power figures used (2.3ish, when the holo table worked).

MAVs = 250p : 250h (I am lumping all of the MAVs into one figure as they don't run all the time)
Cooler = 5000p : 20000h
weapons = (idle)100p : 100h :: (firing)1000p : 1000h (x4)
(weapons are tricky, as they are not firing all the time, and while they are idle, they use a fraction of the resources as they do when they are firing)
Sensors = 500p : 150h
Life Support = 200p : 100h
Avionics = 100p : 100h

Now, that leaves about 3500p when the ship is idle, but in the hole if we have all guns blazing....and NO SHIELDS!!!!!

Crap, I forgot the shields

So, let's put some S2s on at 500p : 500h, that jumps up to 1k each while charging. Which would put us in the hole a lot with everything going at once.

It boils down to available power and cooling and CPU and Item Port size. And out of those, the only one the system won't let you fudge is the port size. If you overdraw the system, it's your own fault. Take the Strife Mass Drivers, and load up 6 of them on a Super Hornet. 1 Alpha Strike and the ship shuts down(well it used to, I haven't had a chance to try it out lately, plus it did it to the Cutlass as well)

Now I am sure I missed a few things, and again, these are numbers I made up on the fly. The point is, those numbers will change based on the component, and what it can do. The stock parts will almost always be worse than the stuff we will find in the aftermarket shops in game, and what we can make ourselves. Or Overclock, as the case may be. And there will be other stats that need to be looked at as well, HPs, Sig, and such. But all the equipment will be interchangeable, with-in reason.

I really need to stop thinking........
So many numbers. Please keep thinking. I'm enjoying your brain.

In a non-creepy way. Or creepy, however you prefer it. #creep

So I reckon I'll do a wee bit more research, but I'm thinking the Red. Unless I just get a DUR again. But dammit I want a bigger windshield...
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
No one has talked about using a Retaliator as an explorer. Given the similarities and differences between it and the Aquila one wonders whether the Tally might be rigged for exploration. The Aquila is going to be hard to beat though. I am guessing the standard explorer progression in size and capability is going to be 3I5P, Sentinel, Dur, Aquila, Carrack. The Reliant is not intended for long haul, and the Cutlass probably lacks the equipment slots.

Also it matters very much what you are scanning for. You don't have to have active radar for instance. You could have omnidirectional EM and focused IR and with that pair search large areas for wormholes and the power sources associated with industry and biology. Probably reading life signs from orbit is going to require one of the bigger ships with very sensitive IR. It will be exciting to see how the scanner technology shapes up but one thing is pretty clear: the similar functions between Exploration and E-Warfare are going to make many ships able to cross over to the other role. It should not take much to make them able to cross over, hence the Sentinel on the explorer list. You might sneak the Warlock on as well.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
If it fits the bill, it'd make a helluva decent explorer.
I think it might. And the Tally is interesting. She's the size of the Aquila but with much smaller shields and engines; and one supposes much higher armor. (She masses out over twice as much but with similar dimensions.) That makes for a stealthier ship, and if you can scan passive over a very large area and yet not be broadcasting you're big ship, you might do a great job there. The Aquila is never going to be stealthy with those engines.

It's weird to think of the Tally as stealthy, but she ought to leave a tiny fraction of the footprint of the Aquila, so in some sense she might be stealthy. If I knew I were doing all passive scans, I would look to optimize around stealth as that can keep you out of trouble. Worth keeping the Tally on the list until we know better.
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Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
But dammit I want a bigger windshield...
Big windshields only help pilots who know what the hell they are doing, so it shouldn't matter too much in your case ;)


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I think it will depend on what you are using your "explorer" for. Are you looking to find hidden ships/threats, etc when with a battle group, therefore relying on strictly passive sensors, or are you going to be looking for asteroid belts, dead ships, etc where active sensors may be more useful (mechanics not strictly out on this). What what I remember, using active sensors will light up sensors all over the place, broadcasting where you are, so if you use a tally, don't expect to be stealthy using an active sensor. If you are trying to be the equiv of a hornet tracker...maybe?


Mar 28, 2015
RSI Handle
I am betting that it all depends on what you are looking for and where.

they do intend to have modularity. The question is to what extent? I doubt any ship can be set up as well as a carrack or aquila. Able to find just about anything you want with little to no modification. I do expect any ship to be able to find anything if it is given the ability to set up to find that one thing. And at what distance or location is another factor of just what it can and cannot equipt.

Ships like the cutlas we know can be fit to find ships and wrecks. How ells can be find where it needs to go to help people in need? Yes every ship can set up a distress call to broadcast its location for other ships to easily find. But what if we lose the transmission? We know it was last seen near x. so a cutlass red (in my own expectation anyways) should be able to go to X and find the ship close by there with its sensors it has on board. That is how it can be a exploration ship that is limited in size and scope.

I am betting the same can be said for any other ship. The customization and ability will be limited in scope and scale of exploration possible. But every ship will be able to do at least a small part of exploration gameplay.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Yes, and yes again. According to the last official word, scan will be composed of active radar, EM sensors and IR sensors.

Radar determines an object's position and direction. It tells you nothing about its composition, so it is not really an explorers main tool, though without one you might not be able to find smaller objects like derelict ships.

EM is a broad-band radio signature that is emitted by all active electrical equipment, but especially things like the reactors that power ships, their weapons and their shields. People and animals also give off EM, so extremely high resolution EM might be used as life sign scanners. Its worth noting there are no StarTrek like life sign scanners in existence, but for game purposes probably EM scan is the thing.

IR measures the heat of an object and if that object is alive or being powered electrically, it will usually have a thermal signature above its background. High resolution IR can give you very detailed info, so I am guessing that for passive sensors in smallish package where you can't just install everything, the combo may often be omni-directional EM and focused, hi-resolution IR.


Space Marshal
Nov 21, 2014
RSI Handle
Granted, you won't be able to fit any equipment into any port.... why would you want to put your avionics package in a missile slot? But, if I go to the shop, and find a set of sensors, that fit in the S3 sensor port on my ship, and they have a greater range and customizable scanning parameters, then, "If it fits, it ships". Now, if I need to find a bigger power plant to run it, or I have to shut down the rest of the ship just turn the damn thing on, then its my fault for not paying attention.

Just because I bought a scanner package from an aftermarket dealer, doesn't mean it will be better or worse than the stock equipment on a dedicated explorer.

Plus, this is all theorycrafting anyways, we "might" know more when we get the rest of Item Port 2 in our hands.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
. . .why would you want to put your avionics package in a missile slot?
I agree it would be the rare occasion I would pull out weapons to put in something else, but I would do that with the S2 turret on the Vanguard just because that ship seems maneuverable enough that it is worth flying the thing hard, and when you do that the turrets are worthless. OTOH, extra ammo, or extra thrusters, or additional sensors or extra coolers all might be useful in place of the turret. And one might do both by putting a fixed S2 in place of the turret and use the empty space for ammo, etc.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I doubt any ship can be set up as well as a carrack or aquila.
The sensitivity to passively collect EM, and even to receive very dim active radar pulses, relates directly to the size of the receiving antennae. The Carrack is the only ship with those friggin' ginormous antennae booms, so my guess is even the mighty Aquila will pale in capability next to the Carrack. It reminds of the Boeing SBX-One:


Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Worth keeping the Tally on the list until we know better.
I've never had an interest in the Tali. This could be an interesting theory though. Keep me posted if you intend to persue this thought through.
I think it will depend on what you are using your "explorer" for. Are you looking to find hidden ships/threats, etc when with a battle group, therefore relying on strictly passive sensors, or are you going to be looking for asteroid belts, dead ships, etc where active sensors may be more useful (mechanics not strictly out on this)
Mainly for asteroid belts, derelicts etc. For infiltration, I'd use a Sabre or a Ghost.
they do intend to have modularity. The question is to what extent?
This is something that I'd like to know as well. If we have a huge amount of modularity on multiple ships, then I reckon a fellow could get by with fewer ships overall. Just mod out your ship for whatever current purpose you're perusing.
Ships like the cutlas we know can be fit to find ships and wrecks. How ells can be find where it needs to go to help people in need? Yes every ship can set up a distress call to broadcast its location for other ships to easily find. But what if we lose the transmission? We know it was last seen near x. so a cutlass red (in my own expectation anyways) should be able to go to X and find the ship close by there with its sensors it has on board. That is how it can be a exploration ship that is limited in size and scope.
Precisely. It shouldn't have any issues finding wrecks and people. Slight modifications should have it finding derelicts and other fun stuff with ease.
so I am guessing that for passive sensors in smallish package where you can't just install everything, the combo may often be omni-directional EM and focused, hi-resolution IR.
Great breakdown. I'm reckoning you're on the right track. It'll be interesting to see if they implement the systems in this manner.
The sensitivity to passively collect EM, and even to receive very dim active radar pulses, relates directly to the size of the receiving antennae. The Carrack is the only ship with those friggin' ginormous antennae booms, so my guess is even the mighty Aquila will pale in capability next to the Carrack. It reminds of the Boeing SBX-One:

And I'm back to the Carrack. This baby will be mine.

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Oh. Right. There is that. Ha.
I learned from accidentally plowing through about a dozen pirates on my StarFarer. Its only an accident if there aint results :cool: (Horrific self-sacrificing explosions are to be counted as results)

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I learned from accidentally plowing through about a dozen pirates on my StarFarer. Its only an accident if there aint results :cool: (Horrific self-sacrificing explosions are to be counted as results)
So long as you don't spill your beer, who cares how you get about destroying your enemies. Or your ship. Or both.
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