@CrudeSasquatch swears into the CF tomorrow.

The Fox

Aug 2, 2016
RSI Handle
Hey boys and girls.
Our very own @CrudeSasquatch will be swearing into the Canadian Forces tomorrow morning.

I know this isn't news to many of you, but I though that it'd be nice to give him a little TESTie high five on this momentous occasion.

So, brother dearest, I wish you the best of luck. I'm extremely proud of you. Kudos to you for choosing to serve. Love you little brother.

Good luck my friend!


Grand Admiral
Jul 15, 2015
RSI Handle
In all seriousness...
Thank you very much. This is a big step in my life... I really need a pension for when I retire. I blew through two life savings already, and all I got to show for it is a broken down Aurora and a computer from 2011. My life experience has, albeit despite having been eclectic, wild fun, worldy and diverse, not been as fulfilling as I would have liked.
Hopefully the CF is a place I can excel. I'm looking forward to getting trained up in all the fun guns, actual water stuff. I really hope they can teach me how to dress smartly and shower more than once a week. Mostly I'm looking forward to the Dental Plan, the free education, and a lifetime supply of hot nurses.

For all your actual military folk out there... I hope to make you proud, and if I can't make you proud I hope I'll at least make you a clean cup of water (which I will then turn into coffee because water is for suckers).

I sure hope there's someone older than me on the course.... I don't want to be the guy people look up too!
Enjoy the constant shouting and harrassment from the drill instructor!

Jk, Have fun and try not to get shot, you dont want to make us all lonely!

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm supposed to have my house ready for storage by Monday but not fly out until Next Sunday. Where will I sleep? How will I Shitposts?
Ouch! that's a tough one, if I lived closer than I do, it wouldn't be a problem but then you're always welcome to visit Sweden ;)


Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2016
RSI Handle
Dont forget if hillary wins lay a banana peel on the ground so she slips on her fat behind
Despite that I'm still allowed to vote, I don't think I'm allowed to comment on political things anymore. I shall endeavour to serve Her Majesty the Queen, Elizabeth II, her heirs and appointees, and the duly elected members of Parliament.
I guess since you're talking about a rebellious colonial government, I should have to point out that one day, we shall make America Great Britain Again! Elizabeth II 2016!
Hey @Blind Owl am I allowed to say that?


Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle
Best of luck to you! We'll miss you here, but soon you'll be back in your new form, more powerful than the last!
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