This Week's Concept Sale - MISC Racer The Razor

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Didn't CIG clean up after more of Ben spewing shit form his mouth and say that the premier UEE fighter would not be sold. Now this could mean the F8 got changed to something else and the old F8 title given to a older ship or something along those lines, but we are not going to get the premier f8 fighter. For all we know the hurricane may be the f8 hurricane as IIRC it was designed after the hornet.
I do believe the F8 is the lightning, and the hurricane is a heavy fighter that should be available to us eventually. That was the impression I got.
Anyways, I never did follow up on that situation, so thanks for clarifying. :)
No worries. They will continue to make ships better than last months best.

The civilians get to buy the old used worn out ones.
At least we can install and use our beer holders while flying without consequence.
Beer holders. That's all I need. Beer holders. Haha
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Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Yeah i missed that sale completely.
But the gull B is a cargo ship right?? i would prefer something more like a prospector or reclaimer, on a smaller scale and not as effective as their bigger brothers, new argo variant maybe?
Unfortunately you not gonna get any of that for $100. You could however got a hull b!


Dec 4, 2016
RSI Handle
agathon orti
Unfortunately you not gonna get any of that for $100. You could however got a hull b!
lol yeah i think you are right.. but a man can dream right :P
but why buy a hull b if one allready has a taurus.
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Space Marshal
Sep 24, 2016
RSI Handle
I went back and forth on the Hull-B and the Taurus.

The Hull B can carry more shit and is easier to operate with a smaller crew, but doesn't appear to be able to land planetside while loaded down. The cargo may or may not be protected by the ship's shields also. And if you intend to take a loaded Hull-B through a jump point, tell me in advance so I can buy a Mako News Van and record the attempt.

The Taurus is more expensive and carries less shit. It can however, load/unload in space or on land, travel through jump points fully loaded, has a small 'secure' (read resistant to scanners) cargo area, protects all cargo inside the shields/hull, and can defend itself to an extent. The constellation frame is quite a bit more customizable as well.

I bought a Hull B during the anniv. sale, but I changed to a Taurus. Just too much versatility to ignore.

I will go back to the Hull series if you can put bombs in the cargo pods and do a death blossom full spin auto release super explodey fun time, or if it ends up being lucrative in-game to do so.


Dec 4, 2016
RSI Handle
agathon orti
I dont think the taurus wil be that customizable compared to the other connie's, as far as i know it wont be able to mount the snubfigter or the bottom turret.

But the way i see it the taurus makes the Hull B a wee bit redundant, like you said the taurus has better shields/armor and guns making it ideal as a blockade runner of sorta, making high profit runs through unsafe space, or safe space, while the hull B or any of the Hull series is pretty much locked to safe space unless they have a decent escort backing them up.


Space Marshal
May 22, 2014
RSI Handle
Latest RTV the lead designer Chris Smith hinted in the end he is also going to working on a Bike and since he mostly works with Anvil and little Origin I expect a Dragonfly type vroom vroom coming from there.

300i redo
F8 lightening

So all of these are next year.
Jul 6, 2014
RSI Handle
I do believe the F8 is the lightning, and the hurricane is a heavy fighter that should be available to us eventually. That was the impression I got.
Anyways, I never did follow up on that situation, so thanks for clarifying. :slight_smile:

Beer holders. That's all I need. Beer holders. Haha
F8 is the lightning, and it as far as we know is a heavy fighter.

Hurricane is a light fighter, that is on the heavy side of light like the hornet is the heavier side of medium fighter.

My point was that the original F8 lightning is maybe now a the F9 thunderbolt, while the hurricane is now the f8 lightning. This would let Ben be technically correct the F8 lightning is on sale, but no its not the big heavy fighter that we expected but the light fighter that was made for mercs and civilian owners. This would allow the UEE to have the Premier Anvil fighter for fighting against the Vanduul, and the f8 to be sold to us.

Though know CIG current track record the "premier fighter" will be a RSI ship because you know... fuck ever other company in any category they compete.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
F8 is the lightning, and it as far as we know is a heavy fighter.

Hurricane is a light fighter, that is on the heavy side of light like the hornet is the heavier side of medium fighter.

My point was that the original F8 lightning is maybe now a the F9 thunderbolt, while the hurricane is now the f8 lightning. This would let Ben be technically correct the F8 lightning is on sale, but no its not the big heavy fighter that we expected but the light fighter that was made for mercs and civilian owners. This would allow the UEE to have the Premier Anvil fighter for fighting against the Vanduul, and the f8 to be sold to us.

Though know CIG current track record the "premier fighter" will be a RSI ship because you know... fuck ever other company in any category they compete.
Cool. I'm picking up what you're laying down. I honestly thought the Hurricane was a heavy fighter for us civy types. That's a bummer.


Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2014
RSI Handle
Anvil Hurricane- Some ships avoid dangerous encounters with speed, some with stealth and others with maneuverability. The Anvil Hurricane's philosophy is that it should be able to blast anything that gets in its way out of the sky. The Hurricane won’t win any races and its electronic signature won’t let you sneak behind enemy lines… but it features a wide array of fully customizable small bore weapons hardpoints plus the ability to customize weapons types in several ways. Hurricanes are often used by militia squadrons and private organizations seeking to add a "heavy" to their lineup.

That's from the "3rd starter ship" poll. Please note that the Terrapin and Dragonfly were both in there too, but were pretty different from "starter ships". Dragonfly has no Q-drive or Jump Drive so it's not really a "ship", and the Terrapins price point doesn't make it a starter ship imo.

I wouldn't mind seeing the Hurricane changed into a civilian/militia heavy fighter. Makes there more leeway to mess with the Vanguard, which as of right now is really the only "heavy" fighter we have.
The "fully customizable small bore weapons hardpoints plus the ability to customize weapons types in several ways" could be a neat way to have the Hurricane have something like a unique ability to have X hardpoints that you could swap between guns, drop tanks, and missiles at your preference.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Anvil Hurricane- Some ships avoid dangerous encounters with speed, some with stealth and others with maneuverability. The Anvil Hurricane's philosophy is that it should be able to blast anything that gets in its way out of the sky. The Hurricane won’t win any races and its electronic signature won’t let you sneak behind enemy lines… but it features a wide array of fully customizable small bore weapons hardpoints plus the ability to customize weapons types in several ways. Hurricanes are often used by militia squadrons and private organizations seeking to add a "heavy" to their lineup.

That's from the "3rd starter ship" poll. Please note that the Terrapin and Dragonfly were both in there too, but were pretty different from "starter ships". Dragonfly has no Q-drive or Jump Drive so it's not really a "ship", and the Terrapins price point doesn't make it a starter ship imo.

I wouldn't mind seeing the Hurricane changed into a civilian/militia heavy fighter. Makes there more leeway to mess with the Vanguard, which as of right now is really the only "heavy" fighter we have.
The "fully customizable small bore weapons hardpoints plus the ability to customize weapons types in several ways" could be a neat way to have the Hurricane have something like a unique ability to have X hardpoints that you could swap between guns, drop tanks, and missiles at your preference.
So it IS a heavy. Dammit. Haha, I knew wanted one.
Thanks Squeaker
Jul 6, 2014
RSI Handle
So it IS a heavy. Dammit. Haha, I knew wanted one.
Thanks Squeaker
It is a starter ship, no starter ship is going to be a heavy out the door. Lets look at 1st and 2nd tier "starter" ships, aurora, mustang, reliant and if you want to include the avenger too. None of those are near heavy fighters. If they came out with a sub-60 dollar heavy fighter that outmatches the hornet and is on par with the Vanguard and Stinger, you would see riots.

The closest dedicated fighter is the Gladius and it is a old retired light fighter.

Hurricane is not a heavy fighter.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
It is a starter ship, no starter ship is going to be a heavy out the door. Lets look at 1st and 2nd tier "starter" ships, aurora, mustang, reliant and if you want to include the avenger too. None of those are near heavy fighters. If they came out with a sub-60 dollar heavy fighter that outmatches the hornet and is on par with the Vanguard and Stinger, you would see riots.

The closest dedicated fighter is the Gladius and it is a old retired light fighter.

Hurricane is not a heavy fighter.
I think it may be getting re-purposed, as per your orignal post on the subject.
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Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2014
RSI Handle
It is a starter ship, no starter ship is going to be a heavy out the door. Lets look at 1st and 2nd tier "starter" ships, aurora, mustang, reliant and if you want to include the avenger too. None of those are near heavy fighters. If they came out with a sub-60 dollar heavy fighter that outmatches the hornet and is on par with the Vanguard and Stinger, you would see riots.

The closest dedicated fighter is the Gladius and it is a old retired light fighter.

Hurricane is not a heavy fighter.

Says who? The original description for the Terrapin had it made by Aegis, and it was a small armored mining vessel.

Now it's a 195 dollar heavily armed and shielded explorer/scout.

With that jump in price and scale, it's very easy to see how a starter ship could jump up to be a 200 dollar heavy fighter. Like a Vanguard but minus all the redundant backup systems and long range shenanigans.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Someone in another thread mentioned that 2016 appeared to be the Year Of Drake with all the work they had on their models and additions to the line, the cutlass rework, Dragonfly, Buccaneer, herald flight ready in 2.6, Cat flight ready in 2.6...

I'm hoping Origin gets 2017 to itself, the 85x rolled up out of nowhere with some serious hardware so I am crossing my fingers for a concept sale to head up great things to come for the brand. The company that bought you the 890j has to have a full product line up to support that kind of top-of-the-line development and at the moment its lacking somewhat...

Orig 600.

Or Origin space bike with race speed, one seat and smaller than the Dragonfly but much faster.

Or something else Origin.


Random Emoj :trumpet:
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Space Marshal
Sep 24, 2016
RSI Handle
Someone in another thread mentioned that 2016 appeared to be the Year Of Drake with all the work they had on their models and additions to the line.

I'm hoping Origin gets 2017 to itself, the 85x rolled up put of nowhere with some serious hardware so I am crossing my fingers for a concept sale to head up great things to come for the brand. The company that bought you the 890j has to have a full product line up to support that kind of development and at the moment its lacking somewhat.

Orig 600.

Or Origin space bike with race speed, one seat and smaller than the Dragonfly.

Or something else Origin.


Random Emoj :trumpet:
I feel like @Shive put you up to this...


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I feel like @Shive put you up to this...
Naa, I got a 350r recently and it figuratively blew my socks off.

Its been noted even in the latest Aerospace Expo that Orig has the smallest lineup of all the companies and stuff should be arriving soon so my fingers are crossed so hard they are turning blue.
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