That's smart, I will remember that for next time. Will save on ammoAdiran and I cut an engine off one of the pirate connies on wave 16 and it drifted into the barrier.
That's smart, I will remember that for next time. Will save on ammoAdiran and I cut an engine off one of the pirate connies on wave 16 and it drifted into the barrier.
Tis a seperate ship, annoyingly.Care to post a screenshot? Is it a separate ship or a skin to purchase?
Separate ship or CCUCare to post a screenshot? Is it a separate ship or a skin to purchase?
The SH is the discerning gentleman's dickslap to the faces of rivals.Same stats as the Caterpillar
View attachment 5294
I used:
- 2x fixed Panthers
- 1x M6A and 2x M3A
and I had a capable companion, also SH. I only lost 2 ships, one due to a collision with my companion.
Before or after my post?I beat it today in my F7CM with another SH and a Wildfire. The other SH was blasting people with the shotguns.
My loadout is:
3 x Fixed Panther CF-227
2 x Fixed Badger CF-117
My pips are a little offset on group 2 with the 2 x 117 and 2 x 227, but on the bigger ships, I get in close enough to hold down both mouse buttons and unload all 5 repeaters at once. When I'm closing and shooting, I just use the 2 x 227s on the wings.
The guy with the shotguns got 1st place with me in a close 2nd. I tried them out on the Sabre and I was underwhelmed. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.
If after my post, then I can only get one Pirate Caterpillar. That doesn't mean that I can't help other people to get theirs :smile:
Not sure if it was before or after. I switched to that load out a few days ago when I realized 2.6 neutered my 3 x fixed broadsword, 2 x Tarantula 870 build.Before or after my post?
If after my post, then I can only get one Pirate Caterpillar. That doesn't mean that I can't help other people to get theirs :smile:
My first fight in PS was with 3 fixed broadswords and a Revenant. Luckily my companions got rid of the M50s and Gladius, the broadswords really are too slow for them, but against Vanguards and Cutlasses this setup worked just fine, it earned me my Pirate Caterpillar CCU.Not sure if it was before or after. I switched to that load out a few days ago when I realized 2.6 neutered my 3 x fixed broadsword, 2 x Tarantula 870 build.
I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that your leetness exceeds mine. I'm not a great pilot and I had a harder time keeping rounds on target in 2.6 than 2.5. More skill and practice might get me to the point where I can compete with ballistics again. Until then, it's more pew pew pew and less boom boom for me.My first fight in PS was with 3 fixed broadswords and a Revenant. Luckily my companions got rid of the M50s and Gladius, the broadswords really are too slow for them, but against Vanguards and Cutlasses this setup worked just fine, it earned me my Pirate Caterpillar CCU.
I also don't have a good aim and like the repeaters more then ballistics. My 2nd successful run was with Panthers and a M6A :grin:I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that your leetness exceeds mine. I'm not a great pilot and I had a harder time keeping rounds on target in 2.6 than 2.5. More skill and practice might get me to the point where I can compete with ballistics again.
Yes! Please. Is it still available?I'm doing this public. Hmmm, I just noticed that the Pirate Caterpillar is the unlock price. I better pickup an upgrade from Caterpillar to Pirate Caterpillar, just in case it is limited or somebody wants to have one. @Blind Owl, interested in a Pirate Caterpillar CCU?
[EDIT] Yeap, limited, only 1 CCU available. Now I must try it again, but this time with (for me) better weapons.
Yeah, I tried a build like that. You run out of ammo quickly, but you sure are awesome for a while! You could turn that middle Gatling into bullet storage.3 Mantis Gattling and a Revenant Gattling gun.
Still available, @Black Sunder also is interested but wanted to earn one himself.Yes! Please. Is it still available?
When I'm at home again and the kids are in bed (10 hours from now, aprox) I can help out.I need people to run this with. Can anyone help?