This nickle and dimeing bullshit is a kick in the teeth. They have a game thats still early alpha, no set stats or even classification. Their UI ingame is constantly undergoing changes. Their new ships (E.g. fighters) are always more powerful than the earlier versions, more hardpoints, bigger hardpoint sizes more agile, greater speed while old ships are kinda redundant 300 series, avenger, mustang, vanguard, constellations etc.
This is probably Sandi and the marketing teams idea. If this was a developer they would have implemented coded changes to the system or improved CCU to upgrade, downgrade and dynamically change with increased base ship pricing. This is almost as bad as discounting ships lower than concept prices.
I have around 3k invested in this. At any given moment I customize my fleet based on new updates and stat changes and my needs. Now I'm losing more cause I have to pay a useless surcharge for fleet customizations.