Best of luck, the F5 session is a bitch for everyone involved.
I would rather them do it as a lottery style system, not as in "everyone put in 5$ and [random number] of people get an Idris", but sign up (for free, to get around legal gambling laws) to win one of [300 or so] Idris tokens, use it in 24 hours or it goes to the next random person. Much more fair than everyone spamming F5 and seeing who times out last.
Especially since last year for the Javelin and Idris the first 3/4 sales were cash only, with only the last one being credit applicable. Bit of a shitty move imo.
If you can't get the Idris, the Polaris should be back, presumably in unlimited numbers like the concept sale was. Pretty sweet ship, even if she's not a behemoth like the Idris.