Would you pay more for TEST Products in SC

Buying/Selling to TEST members?

  • I would be more likely to buy TEST made products even at a higher price

  • I would not buy TEST products if they were at a higher price than other options

  • I would be willing to sell my products to fellow TEST members at a discounted price

  • I would not discount my products for TEST members.

Results are only viewable after voting.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I'll buy stuff at market rate and sell it at market rate. If stuff is acquirable, I'll likely acquire it myself and save spending any bank at all.

Now, while you are here, can I interest you in this, the TP-20,000 - it's the latest in personal defense and offense from TEST Weapons Research Lab. The boffins at TWRL have outdone themselves this time, simply load this gun up with any standard size toilet roll, a cheap ammo easily findable anywhere there are people, and this gun uses advanced Tractor Beam technology to launch the bumwad in a high speed stream toward its target. Not only that, a small radioactive source irradiates the paper as it passes through the mechanism lending this weapon a deadly touch over a short time. Wrap them up like a mummy and watch them squirm as the radioactivity drains their life away! Oh... not the violent type, eh?

Well how about one of my finest TEST brand Pet Rocks? They are made from only the highest quality spoil from the Orion of Black Sunder himself, and the Stick-On googly eyes have been made especially stuck-on with ultra-glue. Your TEST Pet Rock makes an ideal space-pet. No food, water or oxygen requirements mean it won't drain your life-support when you most need it. Not only that, it's your friend in a pinch: Need to hammer a bulkhead back into shape but have lost your tools? Grab your pet and get to work. Ninetails thugs breached your airlock? It makes an ideal Blunt Instrument for bludgeoning at close quarters, just grab your Pet Rock and start swinging!
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I don't think selling at higher prices for any reason is a viable business plan. Trying to get more for your goods because you know someone is backward to say the least. I'm surprised anyone would ask this. If anything you would want to give discounts to keep trade in house.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Capitalism will find a way.

Free markets will dictate our actions unless there is a specific need or security advantage to not use the free market system.
The free market was last discussed on this forum in regard to the USA Broadband market... so... like that?


Space Marshal
Dec 22, 2015
RSI Handle
Exactly. It wasn't a criticism, it was agreement. You asked why would you pay more, my answer was "It is a good question" - as in why would you pay more for something when you can just go to Harbor Freight or Walmart.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
You're a Brit... we (the rest of the world gets fair market price) but you get fair market price +50% tax. :slight_smile:
I dunno because i'm not malicious enough to be a polatician, but:

Half way through last year a two mile stretch of the A17 (a major route east/west in the east midlands of the UK) came close to collapse in part due to maintenance and inspections being reduced in the name of "Austerity". Some how the £2.5 million to fix it was magic'd out of someones arse in double-quick time but the road is on a 30mph limit (usual limit 70mph) for the foreseeable future while the work is carried out - wonder where the cash came from if it wasn't just being horded away somewhere?

It's all bull, isn't it?

And VAT is 20%. It used to be 17.5%, they dropped it to 15% for two years to make people spend more but then realised that you can't make people spend more than they have, so put it to 20% instead and hoped the retailers would get into a price war and suck up the extra tax because free market.


Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
It's no coincidence there is a vault under London which contains the same amount of gold as the countries national debt (Over £1 trillion). Should it be there?
Should we hijack this thread and talk about the federal reserve and Britten's equivalent? Just kidding, I know Europe and the UK tax everything, no wonder you do not trust the NN stuff... because you may be associating your political culture with American political culture - I am not a psychologist... just saying. The VAT tax is a big deal for sure.


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I don't think selling at higher prices for any reason is a viable business plan. Trying to get more for your goods because you know someone is backward to say the least. I'm surprised anyone would ask this. If anything you would want to give discounts to keep trade in house.
One of my uncles once boasted to my father about how much he ripped off another of my uncles when he sold him a car from the dealership he worked at. Unfortunately, my dad liked my other uncle (one of the people I got my middle name from) and told my mother about it. Now, telling one of the sisters is like telling all of them, so after that, my car dealer uncle never got invited to a family gathering anymore. My aunt was always welcomed, but she was told she had to leave her husband at home.

Never charge more to org members, and always give a premium for pay. At the same time, never expect stuff for free either. A reasonable deal can usually be reached that benefits both parties.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
A reasonable deal can usually be reached that benefits both parties.
Ooh, I like that. Also, selling to an orgmate guarentees a buyer so maybe i'd be willing to barter a better price for an easier sale.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
If someone is looking for a special benefit to offer TEST brothers and sisters, let me suggest that contracts where you agree to supply on schedule, that don't screw with someone else's lead times, are a great way to go. Basically this is just saying "I will do thus. . ." and then you do it. Since we're all in this together, there is at the least some peer pressure to perform on schedule.

It is a fantastically useful, valuable and rare thing to know you will have your needs supplied on schedule. That is total value-added for participating in TEST and it doesn't actually cost the supplier nor the buyer anything save that they honor their word. Yeah, as a supplier you might have to grind out a couple nights mining that chromium to get it to your purchaser on time, but you will know you will get paid, and that has value too.
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