This means that the Hope will only have ships in its hanger that were placed there and will not be able to spawn ships, ammo, weapons out of thin air. That even modulus for repairs, ammo and weapons will need to be stored and will take up space.
I always thought the Hope would be better served by a suite of 6/10/20 Quantum enabled specialist Snub ships in a dedicated Bay, so once the guys are dropped off by a Cutlass or Apollo in the main landing bay or spawn on the ship they can then Quantum to where
they need to be rather than wait for some NPC to fly a ship to the Hope and then basically be stranded until it arrives or have the NPC then stranded, or have to rely on some NPC taxi that might not take you to the exact location on that moon where you fell off a cliff and all your stuff is, or a player taxi who might ignore your request to go there because they want to get all the whiny players off their Hope ASAP and dump you at the nearest rest-stop to thumb a lift.
The snub could either than return to the hope via an automated beacon or, as Auto-Pilot apparently isn't going to be a thing, just de-spawn once the player gets out and restocks the Hope.
It's a total blocker as far as game-play is concerned, who wants to be stuck on a Hope in the outer-systems waiting five hours for an Aurora to Quantum to you? And as for persistence what happens when the Aurora arrives and it hasn't got enough Quantum Fuel
to go anywhere else??? Does the Hope captain then need to give you some of his and then
he can't go anywhere else?
Medical game play may be attractive to some players but I doubt Hotel and Hospitality game play is attractive to the same group.