Anthem: I see the path.


Grand Admiral
Dec 4, 2018
RSI Handle
For my 2 cents. I think that Anthem is doing great at launch and it has not failed as a game. From what I read I don't think EA has any thought of shutting down Anthems. Way too many people are playing this game. Every other review you read shows how sales flopped, but that is PHYSICAL sales. Does anyone on hear still go and buy their games at the store? if so, would you be interested on how everyone else buys their games? I can show you if you are having trouble. Welcome to 2016 where people buy their games digitally. No one knows how many digital sales this game has made but I have heard it doing very well.

Is this game perfect? absolutely not. Is this game fun? yes! Am I happy with my purchase? Oh yeah!


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
. From what I read I don't think EA has any thought of shutting down Anthems

The haters did this on Fallout 76 too.

A random posted on reddit that Fallout 76 has failed so it will be going free to play. Totally made it up, just some guy with a reddit account.

Then The Quartering went with it and said that he "read" that Anthem might be going f2p because it sucked so bad.

From there the media sites quoted the youtubers and the story took off. A few days later Bethesda responds that it is not true, but by that point nobody cares what they said because they heard that the game was going f2p from their youtuber sources, which is a more reliable source.
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Space Marshal
Jan 2, 2016
RSI Handle
General Fisting
lol... really? ok, go read my post from last month "What Anthem made me do" I uninstalled Origin because the beta was crap. (I installed again because of Apex blindsided me.) but I have been on the Anthem is trash side all along before I played the full game and gave it the same shot I gave other games. so what biases am I showing? 2 weeks ago I was on your side. every time I mention EA (fuck EA) <-- I do that! WHAT BIAS?!?! or is it just because I am enjoying a game that makes me bias?

No, it's not it's at the same pace as D1 and D2, When D2 launched there was no endgame, we sat around running strikes, and doing public events. That was it. a raid once a week or so. Anthems gameplay is not bad, way too ability focused for me, but after I got the right gun I was enjoying the gunplay. and how long did the raids release after the main game? 2-3 weeks if I remember right. Anthem has everything Destiny had a launch except botched lore and PvP. where you trade out the gunplay for the combo system and abilities (as well as a few guns).

want to put money on that? It's not a car crash, it will be going strong in a year.

We have an issue here. The fact you WANT these things to be true is overriding your ability to make an unbiased assessment of the game's current state.
Yeah sure.

Ill put a Lti 85x on it.

I dont expect you to bet anything in return, as people tend to use the “put money on it” line to end a conversation hoping that the other person wont bite.

In fact, i wont even wait a year, if the game markedly improves by christmas and there is a general agreed consensus that the game is signinficantly better than at launch, regardless of the size of the remaining player base, ill settle up.
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Space Marshal
Jun 26, 2015
RSI Handle
I dont expect you to bet anything in return, as people tend to use the “put money on it” line to end a conversation hoping that the other person wont bite.

In fact, i wont even wait a year, if the game markedly improves by christmas and there is a general agreed consensus that the game is signinficantly better than at launch, regardless of the size of the remaining player base, ill settle up.
well, I was more going for how confident you were in Anthems failer. As a point of argument. So you are confident in its failure by the tune of 50USD. ok, anyone wants to take him up on that? I would but I don't gamble for money, religious thing, but I would be willing to bet all my internet points! that's worth something, right? what do you mean internet points have no value?!?! WHY HAVE I BEEN FARMING THEM THEN!?!?!

But how about this loser has to give $50USD (or equivalent) to the charity of the other's choice? and make a video admitting being wrong and doing something totally embarrassing for all the internet to watch? Do we have a deal?


Space Marshal
Jan 2, 2016
RSI Handle
General Fisting
well, I was more going for how confident you were in Anthems failer. As a point of argument. So you are confident in its failure by the tune of 50USD. ok, anyone wants to take him up on that? I would but I don't gamble for money, religious thing, but I would be willing to bet all my internet points! that's worth something, right? what do you mean internet points have no value?!?! WHY HAVE I BEEN FARMING THEM THEN!?!?!

But how about this loser has to give $50USD (or equivalent) to the charity of the other's choice? and make a video admitting being wrong and doing something totally embarrassing for all the internet to watch? Do we have a deal?
Thats too much fuss.

If the audience rating on Metacritic goes from the appalling 4.5 it is now, to match the 6.0 the critics currently have it at by Christmas , ill pick a random member to gift an lti 85x to.

See, I have reduced my requirements even further! it doesnt even have to * markedly* improve, its just got to get slightly better, in 9 months!

For a live service game!

The way this is going by this evening I will be giving the ship away if the audience rating doesnt get any worse by Christmas.
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Staff member
Jan 16, 2016
RSI Handle
@atpbx that's cheating. Nobody who gives a bad review goes back to improve it.

Anyway there is no point in betting. One of you actually plays the game and enjoys it. The other one read a bunch of bad stuff about it and is a doomsday sayer. Let's just leave it at that.
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Space Marshal
Jan 2, 2016
RSI Handle
General Fisting
@atpbx that's cheating. Nobody who gives a bad review goes back to improve it.

Anyway there is no point in betting. One of you actually plays the game and enjoys it. The other one read a bunch of bad stuff about it and is a doomsday sayer. Let's just leave it at that.
No, thats incorrect, you make the assumption that I havent played it, I suggest you go back through my post history and see where I subscribed to origin premier, specifically to play this game.

Which I did, for a bit, found out it to be not very good, and then stopped playing.

So what we actually have is some people playing them game, some liking it, some people thinking its garbage, and the people that like it dismiss the other peoples opinions out of hand because thats how things are done these days.

You know, like how people cant think the last jedi is a really bad film without being women beating racists, and how people cant just not want to see Captain Marvel without being women beating racists?

People just cant not like things these days apparently.


Staff member
Jan 16, 2016
RSI Handle
No, thats incorrect, you make the assumption that I havent played it...
I stand corrected.

Either way, there is no point in continuing to argue, which is what you've turned this thread into. Different people like different things. There is already a thread for people who hate Anthem, go post there if you feel you must. This thread was for people who think it's moving in the right direction and yet you have essentially taken it over.

Just leave it alone, perhaps, and agree to disagree?
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Space Marshal
Jun 26, 2015
RSI Handle
No, thats incorrect, you make the assumption that I havent played it, I suggest you go back through my post history and see where I subscribed to origin premier, specifically to play this game.

Which I did, for a bit, found out it to be not very good, and then stopped playing.

So what we actually have is some people playing them game, some liking it, some people thinking its garbage, and the people that like it dismiss the other peoples opinions out of hand because thats how things are done these days.

You know, like how people cant think the last jedi is a really bad film without being women beating racists, and how people cant just not want to see Captain Marvel without being women beating racists?

People just cant not like things these days apparently.
I dislike Picasso, that does not make him a bad artist, you dislike Anthem, that does not make it a bad game. it's almost like... Art is subjective! who knew?
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Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
If the audience rating on Metacritic goes from the appalling 4.5 it is now, to match the 6.0 the critics currently have it at by Christmas , ill pick a random member to gift an lti 85x to.
That is actually very interesting to me.

Im curious, how much weight do you put on criticism from metacritic user reviews?

Im not judging you, its just that I personally never looked at user reviews when I buy games because I know that tastes and experiences vary.


May 7, 2017
RSI Handle
I think the bigger story here is the growing trend of "game shaming".
Another thing, is if we as gamers attack games like Anthem, all we gonna get in future will be shitty games, that are safe bets, that don't innovate, have no scope, or anything.
Give EA and Bioware some credit here, they did a bold move with Anthem. Yes it had issues, that frustrate me, and i want tem fixed asp, but there is some great stuff in the game, have not had so much fun with friends for a while. Last time we had fun like this, was Division 1 launch imo.

And for those crying about AAA title status, and 60$ games, how many game titles that are AAA and cost 60$, that are online, with innovative features, work on day 1? And do you truly believe Star Citizen will be better? Big complicated games will have issues.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
That is actually very interesting to me.

Im curious, how much weight do you put on criticism from metacritic user reviews?

Im not judging you, its just that I personally never looked at user reviews when I buy games because I know that tastes and experiences vary.
Working in retail I don't trust any user generated reviews anymore. People are much more likely to review things they found to be below their personal expectation or above their personal expectation than if they just get what they thought they were getting.

If you are buying from not just a good brand but a great brand, like to give an unnamed example "Bagless Vacuum Cleaners", excellence is the default expectation so even when they do everything correctly and produce an impeccable product or service there are going to be fewer positive reviews because it's expected to be good - why would customers leave a review stating they got exactly what they paid for? When was the last time you went out of your way to leave a review on the last bag of chips you ate?

That leaves those with legitamate gripes to be unfairly represented, but worse than that even though a product or service can be delviered to an acceptable level nit-pickers and never-satisfied also weigh in with their own biased opinion. "Although this bagless vacuum cleaner indeed doesn't use any bags, I found it disappointing that I have to change the Dust-Filters on the motor more often than with a bagged cleaner. I find that almost as bad as having to buy bags, two stars."

As for professional reviews, they used to be even-handed, advising where somthing isn't great but also praising what is. But as they say "Bad news sells" so even professional reviews seem to be becoming more and more gripe-fests. Not all by any means, but it seems in the modern era the negatives always seem to outweigh the positives.
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Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
The flip side Montoya is people coming out and treating the people who criticize the game as "failure prophets" or "doom sayers" etc.... I never attacked anyone in my criticism I focused my words and opinions on the game itself yet the people who don't like the criticism are now personally attacking people, I have been called a few things since we started these Anthem topics and I find it funny I am the bad guy here for voicing my opinion on a game.

I don't hold any ill will towards anyone I know its hard to sometimes feel a persons demeanor behind a screen for the most part I have enjoyed the back and forth in a fun debating way, I think everyone's opinions are great, whether you agree with me or not or I with you.

Anyways I am done posting about Anthem it seems its getting personal and we all have prolly gotten a bit to serious over it myself included, enjoy the game I will be moving on to the Division 2 and I am sure I will see some of you there!!!! :P


Staff member
Jan 16, 2016
RSI Handle
Indeed @Phil if it ends up that I have time for Division 2 I look forward to shooting stuff with you. Cheers. 😁
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
The flip side Montoya is people coming out and treating the people who criticize the game as "failure prophets" or "doom sayers" etc....
I don't think it's what you said, you had some very valid points and made them well. I think it may have been the frequency of your saying it - you have 30% of the posts on the first page of this topic. I'm not saying that as a criticism, i'm saying that may be why some respondents may have viewed your posts in that way.

Now I've actually read the thread, I'd like to go back to one of your earlier posts:

You have to compare the 60$ to other games that cost 60$ and then compare those games with the expectations and goals of each game, if Anthem was a single player solo story driven game alone then 25-30 hrs in the story is done(yes I know its a live service and the story continues) and by the industry standard for story driven games its subpar, most give you around 40-60 hrs of story line the good ones anyways, Red Dead 2 was 60+ hrs of story line.

This isn't just a story driven game though by BioWare's own definition its an open-world action role-playing game so we have to compare it to other games in that category, Destiny, Borderlands, Witcher 3, GTA, AC Odyssey these games are listed in the same category and by those instances this game fails in comparison.

As I see their schedule for March, April and May its clear to me this game was released early and then they decided to call it a "live service" I would have much rather had them wait till July and put all that crap in the game at release, but no were stuck with a mediocre game and being tossed parts of the game in sections which leads to our problem and why so many people are disappointed and grumbling about the game, why did they not put all this stuff in the game and just release it in June/July as a more complete game and finished product?? I am sure money has everything to do with it.
You have a valid observations here, however I would disagree with comparing a $60 game to other $60 games.

Seeking comparison with other products is not judging the product you are looking at on its own merits and failures, it's comparing the product to other products it may have nothing to do with and seeing if it contains what they contain/ed.

Comparing one thing to another like that leads one to aequiperantium - comparison my means of equivalent relations, or to put is bluntly it's comparison from ones personal experiences of the thing they are comparing something to, i.e. it's very subjective and not objective. You mention Red Dead Redemption 2 saying at 60 hours of story is the industry standard, but another player may have abandoned it half way through thinking it too long as Montoya has admitted with The Witcher 3 saying it just didn't carry him past a certain point.

Take another example outside of computer games, I do/did photography as a hobby. I made the below picture:


I showed this image to someone and they said "Wow, you must have a great camera!" I asked them what camera they had. Turns out we had the same camera. They used theirs on Automatic Mode all the time, and compared my picture to the results they got from their camera assuming the Auto function was what got me my results and that theirs was inferior to mine not knowing it was the same. I got the above in Manual mode after a lot of work and experimentation. They saw the picture and worked backwards to their own personal experience of making pictures and judged it on that rather than on the pictures own merits and flaws.

That is not to say you did not bring up some very objective points - but I think they were diluted and overshadowed by the comparisons to other games.

This, IMO, may have been what lead to the cookie-cutter "Every game is the same but slightly different" stale industry we see in some avenues today. When changing things, innovating or trying something new is met with offense and horror from customers, why would they try? Perhaps it's time for Game Makers to come up with brand new IP's every time they want to try something different and let games like Fallout become something Akin to Halloween or Friday the 13th movies with tens of sequels a piece but all fairly similar?
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Space Marshal
Mar 10, 2016
RSI Handle
I can wait for new content its only a $60 dollar game much cheaper than ships! Still haven't spent anything yet on it though the "Broccolli" loot drops are not really my thing.
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