Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today Thursday 25th of June:

- UK: Despite having no contact app, UK track and trace system has already contacted over one hundred thousand people and asked them to self-isolate following persons who confirmed positive advised who they'd been in contact with previously. 25% of positives have not provided details to track or trace, however.

- US: New York lists nine states visitors from which will be asked to quarantine for 14 days before being allowed to move around the city.

- Australia: 1000 troops move in on Victoria to help control outbreak.

- UK: Emergency services declaire "Major Incident" as tens of thousands of day trippers ignore infection warnings and go to the south coast beaches in hot weather.

- Austria: Research and testing in ski resort village Ischgl, which was at the center of a hotspot of cases during the counties peak, finds 40% of people living there have developed COVID antibodies.

- US: 18 members of a Texas family contract COVID after family birthday party. Seven infected at the party and 10 more who those had contact with after the party. The state is due to halt reopenings as cases spiral

- US: $1.4 billion in stimulus checks sent to dead people.
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Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
When the coronavirus first emerged, the world took it as seriously as we could expect. Most people understood the threat and were not primarily concerned about the repercussions of a lock down. Now, cases are quickly rising to april numbers, but this time the gravity of the situation seems to be lost on a lot of people. I really think we are getting into grim territory. I'm sorry, but I see an absolutely horrifying future ahead of us. I have been searching around the net, and its just chaos. Everyone is mad, at everything. I am like 51% positive the next 5 years will literally turn into hell. I have not read anything in history that gives me any inclination that what comes next is just going to be "fine". There are too many things rocking the boat right now and they just keep compounding. I said it months ago, and I'll say it again. This is just the beginning.

Am I alone in this? Am I being paranoid? I don't want to say the sky is falling when it's just rain.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
Am I alone in this? Am I being paranoid?
Deal with one thing at a time.

COVID-19, its a mess, some states will need to go backwards and re-introduce the lock downs. Call in the national guard, not for riots but to enforce curfews.

The jackasses that were concerned about the economic repercussions of being shut down and rushing to re-open, now have to go back into lock downs, whereas if they simply stayed locked down a few weeks more, we would have been on the tail end of this like most of Europe.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
So much for the Sweden model.

In Canada....we're still pretty effed in the East Coast. West Coast (British Columbia) is opening up though.



Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
Deal with one thing at a time.

COVID-19, its a mess, some states will need to go backwards and re-introduce the lock downs. Call in the national guard, not for riots but to enforce curfews.

The jackasses that were concerned about the economic repercussions of being shut down and rushing to re-open, now have to go back into lock downs, whereas if they simply stayed locked down a few weeks more, we would have been on the tail end of this like most of Europe.

I'm listening to a news report my aunts listening to in the kitchen. They are saying people have made cards to show businesses they are exempt from any ordinance requiring a mask. It says stuff like they are protected under the disabilities act and shit like that. They say they look super legit.

And I'm still one of those jackasses that's worried about the economic fallout because i do feel the very foundations of society are being rocked and that is territory I don't want to even inch towards. Stability brings world peace. Instability causes world wars. I do not have enough information that thoroughly convinces me that one option is less catastrophic than the other. I see suffering regardless, like a lot of it. So I'm stuck. Some people are 100% concerned about the virus or 100% worried about the future of society detached from the virus itself. I am dead in the middle and thats why the uncertainty is pissing me off so much. I don't want to come across as not being concerned about the virus, but theres just this feeling in my gut that says I cannot get tunnel vision or assume things with the world won't get "that bad". I still cannot be convinced this virus is going away.

Here's what I see happening if curfew was enforced by national guard. If it's not in every state simultaneously, it wont work. People will not accept that they are on lockdown while other states have freedom of movement.

I'd like to be a fly on the wall in the room of people deciding the best course of action moving forward. I'm trying to zero in on a solution that I'm satisfied with, one that seems likely given that people are idiots and predictably unpredictable in a time of crisis.

I am going to take it a day at a time like you said though, or at least try. Something has changed in the last couple days that has me on edge again. I think it was the realization that complacency had set in, and to the point things felt like they were almost normal. It's like the eye of a hurricane if you've ever experienced that. An absolute devastating storm, followed by still winds and sunshine as the eye moves over top of you. It eventually passes over completely and the wall of the eye slams you harder than ever.

This is the last month of extra unemployment benefits and the moratorium on evictions is ending too so idk how that's going to go.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
In Canada....we're still pretty effed in the East Coast. West Coast (British Columbia) is opening up though.
We went to get the kids report cards yesterday as the semester concluded.

The classes were voluntary, they only had 5 kids in the class, but the school was running normally, albeit with lower number of students. I asked the teacher if they had any reported cases and she said there were none! So that is good!

I still expect numbers to ramp up when the colder weather comes back, but for now its getting back to business as usual.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the wold form today Friday 26th of June:

- UK: Following beaches on the south coast being besieged on Wednesday and Thursday by half a million visitors, Prime Minister Mr. Johnson speaks to the nation and tells them to stop "taking liberties". Nation likely asks what the 260 mile trip his chief advisor took at the peak of the outbreak with two infected in the car was if it was not taking a liberty at the one very worst time to do it. PM probably responds that we should move on.

- USA: Thursday sees a new daily high of 40,000 new cases. The previous high record holder was 36,400 on April 24th. This time there is a noticeably higher number of young adults who are positive, around half of new cases are under 35 years old, so deaths are not expected to be as severe as previous. Vice president insists rising numbers are due to increase in testing and that this is incredible progress. Although increased testing is fantastic, it could be argued incredible progress would be more testing and falling confirmed cases.

- USA: Trump administration asks Supreme Court to axe the Affordable Care Act however have put no plans forward with what to replace it with, having spent many years saying they would "repeal and replace". The timing, in the middle of a pandemic, has raised eyebrows.

- USA: Florida and Texas to close Bars again.

- Italy: Army sent to control a town near Naples as outbreak in illegally occupied tower block causes tension between locals and migrant workers.

- Russia: 6,800 cases in one day marks the first day since April where new cases were below 7,000.

- Thailand: Country reports 4 new imported cases as they go 32 days with no community transmission.
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Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
And I'm still one of those jackasses that's worried about the economic fallout because i do feel the very foundations of society are being rocked and that is territory I don't want to even inch towards. Stability brings world peace. Instability causes world wars. I do not have enough information that thoroughly convinces me that one option is less catastrophic than the other. I see suffering regardless, like a lot of it. So I'm stuck. Some people are 100% concerned about the virus or 100% worried about the future of society detached from the virus itself. I am dead in the middle and thats why the uncertainty is pissing me off so much. I don't want to come across as not being concerned about the virus, but theres just this feeling in my gut that says I cannot get tunnel vision or assume things with the world won't get "that bad". I still cannot be convinced this virus is going away.
I'm worried about the economic fallout too but also regret the lost opportunities.

A couple of us here commented MONTHS ago that we're better off shutting entire countries down for a month or so instead of implementing half measures or no measures at all. Many countries in Europe and Asia enacted seemingly draconian measures to stem Covid19 and it seemed to have worked. Both continents are opening up and going back to business while we're still struggling. I really don't know what to say. We lost critical months arguing about the damage shutting down will do to our countries in the short term. In the meantime, we lost sight of the damage that will be inflicted in the long term if the pandemic was prolonged due to half measures taken against it.

There's this proverb in Chinese: 先苦后甜 (Xian Ku Hou Tian). It's translated as 'Bitter first, then the sweet'. My old man would say that to me all the time when I was a kid. It's basically a warning to apathy and procrastination. That you must do the hard work and make the hard decisions if you want to enjoy the 'sweet'. I don't know why I remembered this but It seems rather relevant right now.


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm worried about the economic fallout too but also regret the lost opportunities.

A couple of us here commented MONTHS ago that we're better off shutting entire countries down for a month or so instead of implementing half measures or no measures at all. Many countries in Europe and Asia enacted seemingly draconian measures to stem Covid19 and it seemed to have worked. Both continents are opening up and going back to business while we're still struggling. I really don't know what to say. We lost critical months arguing about the damage shutting down will do to our countries in the short term. In the meantime, we lost sight of the damage that will be inflicted in the long term if the pandemic was prolonged due to half measures taken against it.

There's this proverb in Chinese: 先苦后甜 (Xian Ku Hou Tian). It's translated as 'Bitter first, then the sweet'. My old man would say that to me all the time when I was a kid. It's basically a warning to apathy and procrastination. That you must do the hard work and make the hard decisions if you want to enjoy the 'sweet'. I don't know why I remembered this but It seems rather relevant right now.

Of course we should have. Everything should have just been put on pause and everyone go on hard lockdown. Everything before the pandemic will always seem alarmist. Everything after seems inadequate. Not a single country handled this well, not a single state handled this well. Relative to each other you can have fingers flying around about who's doing *better* than others, but the global response was horrible. It wasn't just concerns for the short term, everyone knows in the long run, without a doubt, a lockdown would be a huge hammer to our way of life. As for euro countries opening back up, keep an eye on what happens in a month. The virus isn't gone and the start of on again off again lock downs is in our future, unless people go insane (which they will) and just wont stay home anymore.

If you are a leader, and no one is listening to you, you can't just keep trying to make your plan work, you have to be able to change it. People aren't listening so you have to work with what you got and its a shit position to be in. People obviously arent listening and wont ever listen. Its going on in every country and its all completely predictable. So what options do you have with the population you are in charge of? Each state functions under its own authority and the governors are responsible for their people. If your people won't listen to everything, don't want to wear masks, what do you do? You don't have enough cops to enforce mandatory mask wearing and the like. Businesses will stay open as long as possible, risking their license because otherwise they are going to drown. You saw in NY, the people would see makeshift morgues being brought in, and still deciding its a good idea to march by the thousands in the street. Things will never go the way you have them on paper.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
...still deciding its a good idea to march by the thousands in the street...
That struck me about the inequality protests and I've not found the right place to say it (Facebook is an acrid sewer right now) so I'll say it here.

From my vantage point it didn't look like people choosing to ignore lockdown rules.

I may be mistaken, but it looked a lot like it was people who felt death by COVID-19 was the better option between either staying quiet and staying persecuted, or letting your voice be heard at the potential cost of your lungs being destroyed and life ended.

When an infection of COVID-19 is considered a better option than anything, you know whatever that thing is just 'aint no good.
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Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
That struck me about the inequality protests and I've not found the right place to say it (Facebook is an acrid sewer right now) so I'll say it here.

From my vantage point it didn't look like people choosing to ignore lockdown rules.

I may be mistaken, but it looked a lot like it was people who felt death by COVID-19 was the better option between either staying quiet and staying persecuted, or letting your voice be heard at the potential cost of your lungs being destroyed and life ended.

When an infection of COVID-19 is considered a better option than anything, you know whatever that thing is just 'aint no good.

I only partially agree and with that I am 100% not saying you are wrong. From my perspective there was a grave injustice that acted as a catalyst for people to vent their frustrations over everything. I don't think most people protesting were concerned about falling ill even before the protests started, especially the younger crowd. They cared enough to wear masks ( a lot of them did from what I saw) which definitely helps, but its not enough. It was just enough to give people a sense of security. I'm not sure I would say they are all martyrs, like the lockdown protestors they have conviction but aren't making the best decisions. I encourage people to exercise their rights, but it doesn't mean we can't judge their actions.

No wonder I haven't caught it yet! 😂

Edit: @NaffNaffBobFace Sir, I implore you to delete your facebook. You will only be doing yourself a favor. And every other form of social media you are on as well. The less noise in your head the clearer you can think, although you seem to have a clear and level head as it is.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Edit: @NaffNaffBobFace Sir, I implore you to delete your facebook. You will only be doing yourself a favor. And every other form of social media you are on as well. The less noise in your head the clearer you can think, although you seem to have a clear and level head as it is.
I know what you mean, recently I am a lurker who only really pops up to fact check the latest viral posts which end up using images/quotes that while they look innocent and making the point perfectly looking in to their origins unearths that they are from some atrocity or xenophobe which no one in their right mind would share if they'd taken two minutes to search the image on TinEye or google the quote to see where it originally came from.


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
I know what you mean, recently I am a lurker who only really pops up to fact check the latest viral posts which end up using images/quotes that while they look innocent and making the point perfectly looking in to their origins unearths that they are from some atrocity or xenophobe which no one in their right mind would share if they'd taken two minutes to search the image on TinEye or google the quote to see where it originally came from.



Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
Then there's also this....Wearing PPE is now a culture war issue? I get disagreements about a locksdowns but wearing masks is somehow an attack on the Constitution and personal freedom? Yeah I give up lol.



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