Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Did the math because boredom set in, AZ is sitting at 2% of cases equaling a death. And these graphs sure are starting to look like the learning curve of playing EVE Online

It must be getting serious, I've got a 451 "not available in your country" error.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - reports from around the world from today Wednesday 1st of July:

- US: Another record rise day, as New York Times reports new cases in the country have risen 80% in the last two weeks. The next three months world supply of remdesivir bought by the states leaving other countries, including allies, with only their current supplies to go on. Despite this, reports emerge Texans still gather in state capital to continue protests on lockdown measures.

- UK: Government makes electric scooters up to 55kg and 15.5mph legal to ride on the roads to take strain from the public transport system under Social Distancing measures. As most journies are 4 miles or under this should be excellent for the environment too, however private scooters are still outlawed from being driven on the road, limiting it to rented units only, you'll need a drivers license to be allowed to use one and at double the weight and 3mph faster than most other countries who have implemented this allow, this has drawn concerned questions from various quarters including charities for the blind concerned people will use these contraptions on pavements and sidewalks. Meanwhile, hot-spots of contagion identified in several UK Cities.

- Peru: Despite early lockdown country hit hard. Various factors appear to have contributed including health system unpreparedness, and socioeconomic factors which made keeping people apart more difficult.

- New Zealand: No new cases reported for second day in a row, all 22 known cases are from returning travelers with no community transmission detected.

- Japan: Disneyland Tokyo reopens with covid measures.
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Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
I think going forward I'm going to try to focus more on hospitalizations above all else. The numbers rising is really concerning, but leaving out the rest of the data kinda creates a vague picture. Could we just be uncovering how widespread asymptomatic cases are? Are the hospitals being overwhelmed with nothing but covid patients or are people filling the ICU's and hospital beds for non covid related illnesses? I've noticed the deaths drop dramatically, but a lag is to be expected if cases are now back on the rise.

Tampa General is still doing fine considering the massive rise in the area. Jackson Memorial in Miami has halted some elective surgeries as more covid patients enter the system. It's still hard to read between the lines as the data im looking for seems to not be priority for most reporting I'm finding. Take the article below for example from tampa being "On the brink of a possible surge". It's like saying they're prepared to prepare for the possibility of a rise in patients. Words yo, its all about how you frame things. Just tell me how many covid patients are entering your hospital, tell me how many people are staying the night, how many of the positive cases are asymptomatic and how many of the patients in the ICU are covid confirmed. Some of that info is there, but you have to look for it.

The article below sounds scary at face value. Here's a bit of what im talking about, ill bracket my comments.

Coronavirus patients in the health system, which includes the massive Jackson Memorial Hospital [ what do they mean by in the health system? Does merely having a test through their system count as being in the system?], have doubled in the past two weeks [ how many people is that exactly? Again, doubling in the system, does that mean double the people theyre finding positive only? Do those people receive care? If so, is it inpatient or outpatient. Is this virtualweb stuff where they write you a script over the net?], Migoya said, including a doubling of patients in ICUs [very concerning, but have the ICU's doubled because of covid patients? Is this normal for this time of year?].

Also our bars are closed again, some beaches are closing for the weekend, and since today was the end of the moratorium on rent and evictions they decided to extend it another month.


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
Not necessarily COVID related specifically, but I thought it would be interesting for everyone to know how things feel here if you're not in the US. Even if you are, it's a very telling statistic.

"Halfway through 2020, just over 19 million checks have been done, more than all of 2012 and each of the years before that.

Background checks are the key barometer of gun sales, but the FBI’s monthly figures also incorporate checks for permits that some states require to carry a firearm. Each background check also could be for the sale of more than one gun."

Will be interesting to see what they are next month. I think I can smell gun oil from here ;)


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - reports from around the world from today Thursday 2nd of July:

- US: After months of disagreeing with masks, the president states he is "all for masks" and that they make him feel like the Lone Ranger. I'm not being sarcastic that's what he actually said.

- UK: Expert analysis appears to have identified attempts to shift blame for the drastic death toll from ministerial decisions of when and how to act from their shoulders on to Englands Public Health body, with expectations it is to be dissolved.

- New Zealand: Health Minister resigns following reports of of their breaching lockdown on various occasions. Apparently they were demoted and offered their resignation at the time, which was declined due to the crisis. Following further outcry, it has now been accepted.

- Botswana: Since the beginning of May 350 wild elephants have perished in unusual circumstances, many falling flat on their faces with reports of some live distressed animals wondering in circles. COVID-19 has not been ruled out but nothing else has been proved either.

- UK: Schools to fully reopen in September with parents warned they will need a "proper" reason if their children do not attend. Remember: It is legal to own an Uzi in the UK with a "proper" reason. Almost no one has an Uzi. This might go some way as to ascertaining how successful one might be at finding out what a "proper" reason is.

- Sweden: Over 70,000 in the country infected with current death toll at 5,411. To put this in perspective neighbours Denmark have 606 deaths, Finland 328 and Norway 251.

- Japan: Tokyo sees 107 new cases, the highest in two months.

- US: Yet another record breaking day with 52,000 new cases.
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Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
Two things I need to mention.

1.) The news is getting insane. Its like something changed (I think i said this a few days ago), and I think people are going crazy. Not necessarily the news, but the readers. I feel it myself and talking to others, its the same. Its this build up and build up of anxiety and you kinda cant sustain it without asking yourself why you keep trying to sustain it in the first place. Don't forget to take a breather. I don't do anything all day and sit here reading news stuff. The people on twitter who were my intel aggregators are noticeably going crazy. Their emotions are flying and their anxiety is becoming palpable.

2.) I had a lady call and leave a message yesterday to my aunt. Apparently they've been lifelong friends but I didn't really know her, shes not in florida either if im not mistaken. She seemed pretty sad and just said that 3 people in the family had tested positive for the virus including a child. Idk how they are doing or anything, or even who they are really, but hearing that message is my first encounter off the internet of knowing someone who has tested positive.

Oh, and Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Two things I need to mention.

1.) The news is getting insane. Its like something changed (I think i said this a few days ago), and I think people are going crazy. Not necessarily the news, but the readers. I feel it myself and talking to others, its the same. Its this build up and build up of anxiety and you kinda cant sustain it without asking yourself why you keep trying to sustain it in the first place. Don't forget to take a breather. I don't do anything all day and sit here reading news stuff. The people on twitter who were my intel aggregators are noticeably going crazy. Their emotions are flying and their anxiety is becoming palpable.

2.) I had a lady call and leave a message yesterday to my aunt. Apparently they've been lifelong friends but I didn't really know her, shes not in florida either if im not mistaken. She seemed pretty sad and just said that 3 people in the family had tested positive for the virus including a child. Idk how they are doing or anything, or even who they are really, but hearing that message is my first encounter off the internet of knowing someone who has tested positive.

Oh, and Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself.
I think there were a lot of people looking to person X, Y or Z to be their opinion leader through this, be they a political leader, a celebrity, a healthcare expert or just a friend. As it just keeps going on and on I think a lot of people are losing faith in their chosen oracle as one by one assumptions, assurances and unfounded claims come tumbling down.

At that point, when there are no more gods to cradle us and all ones emotional foundations have crumbled to dust, I think it is human nature to embrace the chaos and go just a little bit nuts for a while. Not much, and not permanently, but it is important for people to remember this will all pass. The rain will clear. The sun will come out again. Just look after yourself and if everyone does that, the pandemic will be over faster than one would expect.
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Space Marshal
Nov 24, 2018
RSI Handle
Saw a report that there is now a wave of COVID hitting our fire department in Phoenix, so this should be an interesting one to see play out if it gets bad. I am sure we have the numbers to make sure fire and EMT stay staffed, but this sets a dilemma when responding to someone who can be more susceptible or high risk for infection.


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle

We had enough positive studies on the drug, it was showing promising results and had been around for decades. When they pulled it I couldn't believe it, it was obvious politics. People were actually hoping it wouldn't work and laughing if anything negative popped up around it. Politics.

You remember this news? They even state in the article that the study they are citing hasnt been peer reviewed and evidence to the contrary hadn't been found "yet". Literally pushing unverified information because politics.

"However, the authors said that while there was little effect on the spread of COVID-19 for counties as a whole, it’s possible that the protests caused an increase in the spread of COVID-19 among those who actually attended the protests. "

Orange man bad amirite?


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - reports from around the world from today Friday 3rd of July:

- US: Yet another record single day rise in cases, 37 out of 50 states now reporting numbers going up.

- UK: New numbers from the national department of statistics, the Office of National Statistics (ONS) indicates care homes in the country recorded almost 30k more deaths above last year (66k vs 37k), but only two thirds of that (20k) were attributed to COVID-19.

- EU: The commission approves use of remdesivir days after USA buys all world supplies for the next 3 months.

- India: 625,000 cases and rising.

- UK: Holiday makers warned COVID will invalidate their travel insurance. Prime ministers dad buggers off to Greece to visit his VIlla. UK still under lockdown restrictions which prohibit unnecessary international travel. Response from the prime minister and government gennerally in line with the Cummings incident, response from the electorate generally in line with the Cummings incident.

- Russia: 3500 people currently receiving medical treatment for COVID while health minister warns life not expected to return to normal until February at the earliest.

- Germany: Protesters take to the streets with inflatable dolls demanding brothels be reopened so they can return to work (prostitution is legal and regulated in Germany), with the The Federal Association for Erotic and Sex Services saying their continued closure was “incomprehensible in view of the developments in other sectors”.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
We had enough positive studies on the drug, it was showing promising results and had been around for decades. When they pulled it I couldn't believe it, it was obvious politics. People were actually hoping it wouldn't work and laughing if anything negative popped up around it. Politics.
I don't usually read articles because I can't read, however I took the effort to go through the CNN one and it seems very well balanced, but I fear to the point where it's very easy to read in to it what you want to hear.

The reported benefits of this study were very well explained, however so was one major pitfall: "Finally, concomitant steroid use in patients receiving hydroxychloroquine was more than double the non-treated group. This is relevant considering the recent RECOVERY trial that showed a mortality benefit with dexamethasone." The steroid "Finally, concomitant steroid use in patients receiving hydroxychloroquine was more than double the non-treated group. This is relevant considering the recent RECOVERY trial that showed a mortality benefit with dexamethasone." The steroid dexamethasone can reduce inflammation in seriously ill patients. can reduce inflammation in seriously ill patients."

It was recently discovered patents had up to a 20% better chance of recovery if treated with dexamethasone. I can't say I'm a doctor but from my reading of the article it seems like the test conditions were not carried out with the standard one-variable-change conditions which best suit scientific study. Not saying it's wrong. Can't really say it's right, either. I'd love to see what a comprehensive study really finds.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
Update for Texas - the Governor has ordered the wearing of mass in public in counties with more than 20 cases. It includes 1 warning, followed by fines of $250 after the first warning. Among other things: outdoor gatherings are limited to 10 people, down from 100.

I'm not sure why they thought that they could get away without this, and why they don't make the mask rule universal in the state. It doesn't hurt to wear a mask, honest. Seems naive to me, and now it feels like both too little and too late for a lot of people.


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Update for Texas - the Governor has ordered the wearing of mass in public in counties with more than 20 cases. It includes 1 warning, followed by fines of $250 after the first warning. Among other things: outdoor gatherings are limited to 10 people, down from 100.

I'm not sure why they thought that they could get away without this, and why they don't make the mask rule universal in the state. It doesn't hurt to wear a mask, honest. Seems naive to me, and now it feels like both too little and too late for a lot of people.
The moment COVID-19 got politicized, common sense went out the window.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Update for Texas - the Governor has ordered the wearing of mass in public in counties with more than 20 cases. It includes 1 warning, followed by fines of $250 after the first warning. Among other things: outdoor gatherings are limited to 10 people, down from 100.

I'm not sure why they thought that they could get away without this, and why they don't make the mask rule universal in the state. It doesn't hurt to wear a mask, honest. Seems naive to me, and now it feels like both too little and too late for a lot of people.
I went to the local shop today in my home made mask. I get glared at by slack jawed yocals but if i'm ever confronted I've got my response ready:

"Do you know my job? Do you know how many infected I interact with every day? This mask isn't for my protection, it's for yours. If you have any sense you'll be wearing one after today, too."

It's a lie, I work from the kitchen table at home as the office is closed but it's a thought that needs to be put in the minds of every person: You don't know how many infected any person you pass in public has been in contact with.

I know the person who shops in there who drives a Mercedes is admin in the hospital in the nearby county capital. I also have a friend who works in admin in the hospital in the nearby county capital who has had confirmed COVID-19 and is till suffering minor health ailments weeks after recovering including breathing issues and losing the feeling in one hand.

COVID - Not even once.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
I went to the local shop today in my home made mask. I get glared at by slack jawed yocals but if i'm ever confronted I've got my response ready:

"Do you know my job? Do you know how many infected I interact with every day? This mask isn't for my protection, it's for yours. If you have any sense you'll be wearing one after today, too."

It's a lie, I work from the kitchen table at home as the office is closed but it's a thought that needs to be put in the minds of every person: You don't know how many infected any person you pass in public has been in contact with.

I know the person who shops in there who drives a Mercedes is admin in the hospital in the nearby county capital. I also have a friend who works in admin in the hospital in the nearby county capital who has had confirmed COVID-19 and is till suffering minor health ailments weeks after recovering including breathing issues and losing the feeling in one hand.

COVID - Not even once.
Nobody has confronted me about wearing a mask yet because I'll like to think that Canadians are on a whole sensible.

If somebody did confront me, I'll give them a similar run down.

"I wear a mask because I've been cooking and cleaning for someone who was in charge of the Covid19 ward at a major hospital you've probably been too. That ward has since closed due to a lack of new Covid19 patients BECAUSE people have heeded safety guidelines. I wear it not to keep myself safe but to keep YOU safe. Now get out of my face before I knock you out. And yes, I have alcohol hand sanitizer to disinfect my fists afterwards."
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