Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
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I am glad to see more and more places opting for mandatory masks instead of attempting a new lockdown. I am a bit surprised to see the resurgence of the virus so quickly I figured we wouldn't see the second more impactful wave until mid to late September, but it still could be that we have not seen anything yet as to the number of new cases/death worldwide.

There does reach a point were even with reasonable preventative measures our fate rests outside our hands.


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
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I don't usually read articles because I can't read, however I took the effort to go through the CNN one and it seems very well balanced, but I fear to the point where it's very easy to read in to it what you want to hear.

The reported benefits of this study were very well explained, however so was one major pitfall: "Finally, concomitant steroid use in patients receiving hydroxychloroquine was more than double the non-treated group. This is relevant considering the recent RECOVERY trial that showed a mortality benefit with dexamethasone." The steroid "Finally, concomitant steroid use in patients receiving hydroxychloroquine was more than double the non-treated group. This is relevant considering the recent RECOVERY trial that showed a mortality benefit with dexamethasone." The steroid dexamethasone can reduce inflammation in seriously ill patients. can reduce inflammation in seriously ill patients."

It was recently discovered patents had up to a 20% better chance of recovery if treated with dexamethasone. I can't say I'm a doctor but from my reading of the article it seems like the test conditions were not carried out with the standard one-variable-change conditions which best suit scientific study. Not saying it's wrong. Can't really say it's right, either. I'd love to see what a comprehensive study really finds.

Yeah I just skimmed it tbh. I was surprised to see CNN of all places report on it simply because they're pretty biased against any words that come out of the presidents mouth, and were really cynical about it. It was the politicization of it that urked me. Everyone should be optimistic about any positive studies this early in the game imo.

I went to the local shop today in my home made mask. I get glared at by slack jawed yocals but if i'm ever confronted I've got my response ready:

"Do you know my job? Do you know how many infected I interact with every day? This mask isn't for my protection, it's for yours. If you have any sense you'll be wearing one after today, too."

It's a lie, I work from the kitchen table at home as the office is closed but it's a thought that needs to be put in the minds of every person: You don't know how many infected any person you pass in public has been in contact with.

I know the person who shops in there who drives a Mercedes is admin in the hospital in the nearby county capital. I also have a friend who works in admin in the hospital in the nearby county capital who has had confirmed COVID-19 and is till suffering minor health ailments weeks after recovering including breathing issues and losing the feeling in one hand.

COVID - Not even once.

I ask my aunt when she goes out every day ( still no fucks given if she gets it, even though she recently left the house in an ambulance for flu like symptoms a few weeks ago and her friend just called her and told her half their family is infected) how things look, she says tons of people are out at the stores, but the good thing is that everyone is wearing a mask. No one if forced to, its not mandatory, and its up to local mayors to enact these policies. Ill be honest, I don't think they can create and enforce mandates so quickly considering it is absolutely illegal to wear a mask here in Florida. These were things to prevent anonymity in crimes and protests that turn violent, idk what the law allows them to do and not to do. Either way, people are wearing masks here where I thought we would have a bunch of "fuck that" from everyone.

Ill be honest, if i were to give anyone advice right now, I would say get some sun, exercise, and bolster your immune system. The hygiene stuff is a given, but on top of that, your immune system is your last line of defense. I don't know off the top of my head exactly how to do that over time, but I'm sure google can help out. Something about vitamin D and C and stuff.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Hey people, guess whats new!
It's that Malaria drug time again!

So for some months they keep dissing this despite some scientific evidence and also some personal reports of patients who attribute their survival to the drug, cos orange man bad so anything he likes is from the devil and should be treated as such, and so the first studies got dissed as not good enough cos some guy ( associated with a pharma company that makes a competing drug) on the internet said so.

Now they say it's actually good cos somehow this one random study is now okay to be taken as total proof?

How many lives did it cost then, that they (among many other's on the orange man bad train) kept pushing the "unquestionable truth" that this hydroxycrap is just harmful and should never be used?

And no one calls them out on this. No one seems to remember what they said just a minute ago. They keep posting whatever "news" they want, the next day they can say the exact opposite, get the clicks, get the money, and everyone just acts like nothing happened and goes along with the new gospel they are spouting.
This is why I despise mainstream media. They don't do journalism anymore, they do propaganda and nothing else.
No matter what reality is, they keep spinning it to get clicks and influence people to appease their whoever is their master that day. No matter how many lives it costs, it doesn't matter to them as long as they spread their views, even if those views are outright lies, and they can just go back on those lies when it suits them, with zero consequence.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Hey people, guess whats new!
It's that Malaria drug time again!

So for some months they keep dissing this despite some scientific evidence and also some personal reports of patients who attribute their survival to the drug, cos orange man bad so anything he likes is from the devil and should be treated as such, and so the first studies got dissed as not good enough cos some guy ( associated with a pharma company that makes a competing drug) on the internet said so.

Now they say it's actually good cos somehow this one random study is now okay to be taken as total proof?

How many lives did it cost then, that they (among many other's on the orange man bad train) kept pushing the "unquestionable truth" that this hydroxycrap is just harmful and should never be used?

And no one calls them out on this. No one seems to remember what they said just a minute ago. They keep posting whatever "news" they want, the next day they can say the exact opposite, get the clicks, get the money, and everyone just acts like nothing happened and goes along with the new gospel they are spouting.
This is why I despise mainstream media. They don't do journalism anymore, they do propaganda and nothing else.
No matter what reality is, they keep spinning it to get clicks and influence people to appease their whoever is their master that day. No matter how many lives it costs, it doesn't matter to them as long as they spread their views, even if those views are outright lies, and they can just go back on those lies when it suits them, with zero consequence.
I don't usually read articles because I can't read, however I took the effort to go through the CNN one and it seems very well balanced, but I fear to the point where it's very easy to read in to it what you want to hear.

The reported benefits of this study were very well explained, however so was one major pitfall: "Finally, concomitant steroid use in patients receiving hydroxychloroquine was more than double the non-treated group. This is relevant considering the recent RECOVERY trial that showed a mortality benefit with dexamethasone." The steroid "Finally, concomitant steroid use in patients receiving hydroxychloroquine was more than double the non-treated group. This is relevant considering the recent RECOVERY trial that showed a mortality benefit with dexamethasone." The steroid dexamethasone can reduce inflammation in seriously ill patients. can reduce inflammation in seriously ill patients."

It was recently discovered patents had up to a 20% better chance of recovery if treated with dexamethasone. I can't say I'm a doctor but from my reading of the article it seems like the test conditions were not carried out with the standard one-variable-change conditions which best suit scientific study. Not saying it's wrong. Can't really say it's right, either. I'd love to see what a comprehensive study really finds.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - reports from around the world from today, Saturday 4th of July:

- UK: Pubs, restaurants and hairdressers reopen with social distancing restrictions in place.

- Spain: Catalonia reintroduces lockdown on Segrià region as cases spike sharply.

- Australia: City of Melbourne locks down nine residential tower blocks containing 3000 people, amid rising cases.

- USA: North Eastern states stand out as having level or even falling rates of infection with Vermont being cited as a particular success. 37 states in the union continue to report sharp rises, however.

- UK: Prime Ministers dad claims trip to Greek villa was essential, as it was to make the property "Covid Proof" before the letting season. Members of the electorate confused as to why one relative of the prime minister has been given the secret of how to proof ones home against Coronavirus, while the rest of the residents of the UK are left to contract the contagion undefended.

- UK: Nigel Farage, ex-head of the UK Independence Party and hard campaigner for the Brexit, appears to have breached quarantine rules having attended the USA Trump Tulsa rally and then holding a photo opportunity at the reopening of a UK pub today, not remaining quarantined for the 14 days that are required after returning from a foreign country where the contagion is still surging. Considering the US has a travel ban on people from the UK entering the country it is unclear quite how he got in, however reports indicate he was "granted a special exemption from the US travel ban for his visit, which was deemed to be “in the national interest, as determined by the secretary of state, the secretary of homeland security or their designees” " so there we go.

EDIT - Extra value ultra edit:

- World: World Health Organization announces record global one day rise of cases at 212,326.

- US: Arizona records record hospital admissions.

- Tunisia: Tourism industry slumps by 47% compared to the same time in 2019.

- China: Agriculture Ministry pushes back on Swine Flu concerns saying it is the G4 strain which is not new and does not infect easily.
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Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - reports from around the world from today, Saturday 4th of July:
- UK: Prime Ministers dad claims trip to Greek villa was essential, as it was to make the property "Covid Proof" before the letting season. Members of the electorate confused as to why one relative of the prime minister has been given the secret of how to proof ones home against Coronavirus, while the rest of the residents of the UK are left to contract the contagion undefended.
Can't let that house get sick. Last thing you want is a sick house to further overwhelm the NHS!


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - reports from around the world from today Sunday 5th of July:

- UK: Following yesterdays reopening of pubs, there was no Alcopololypse as feared would overstretch the emergency services, however the chairperson of the Police Federation said it is "crystal clear" that drinkers once under the influence cannot obey social distancing requirements.

- UK: Think-tank advises government to provide vouchers worth several hundred pounds a piece to every inhabitant of the country to kick-start the highstreet economy. The vouchers would only be redeemable for certain goods and services, and only in person, not over the internet or telesales. The chancellor has not yet indicated if they are for, or against, such a move.

- India: New record day of new cases seeing 24,850 new cases in 24 hours.

- US: President Trump continues to attract questions, this time after stating that 99% of infections are "harmless" without providing evidence to back up that assertion - US numbers currently stand at hospitalizations for non ICU at 15% and ICU 4.5%, and mortality rate is currently standing at 4.5% (numbers found from

- Israel: Thousands place back in lockdown as masks made mandatory and social distancing reinforced.

- US: Florida cases raise 10,059 in 24 hours, taking the total past 200,000.

- Australia: 500 police officers swarm area where nine residential tower blocks are being placed in lockdown to enforce the measures.
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Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
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Talked to my buddy earlier, hes a Radiology Technician at the hospital I used to work at and says its getting bad. Staff are getting it and he said he saw about 10 covid patients yesterday.
I guess this answers our question from a two weeks ago about letting us know if the uptick in cases result in more hospital beds getting filled.


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2018
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Oct 31, 2013
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