Cyberpunk 2077 (is here!)


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Played a couple of hours before I go to bed. Started off good I am one nasty corpo mo fo scoff my champagne as I'm landing open the leather clad door and break your nose first ask questions later kinda guy.

I am a tad disappointed with the visuals, playing in 1440p ultra and they're not _that_ great really. mind you after 3.11 every other game in the world is gonna look crapola i suppose.

Also immersion a little bit broken by the thick as pig shit general NPCs who each only have one line of speech and the hilariously bad animations for things like car driving etc. (oh and the steering wheel doesnt steer where your steering lol).

I'll keep playing tho.

7/10 so far.

Butuz Review Out.


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm a bit disappointed with the build I chose. I went with a lot of Cool and Reflexes to do a stealth katana build. I feel it's WAY better to just pick up an assault rifle and mow the enemies down instead of trying to sneak around snapping their necks. I don't get blade xp for stealth kills, but don't get stealth xp for blade kills. It's kinda lame and Skyrim did it much better.

Also, my hacking skills don't seem to do shit. Maybe I need to spend money upgrading my cyberware, but I don't have any money and now the game has led me to the wastelands so I'm not sure how to make it.
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Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
Also immersion a little bit broken by the thick as pig shit general NPCs who each only have one line of speech and the hilariously bad animations for things like car driving etc. (oh and the steering wheel doesnt steer where your steering lol).

I'll keep playing tho.
CP2077 doesn't even know the meaning of "immersion".
No interaction with NPC, IA dumb as hell (copss not even TRY to chease you for example), crafting implemented by a simple menu and it just require to click a button, weapon customization under the minimum level to be even consider (sight and Suppresso yes/no, that is basically it, no laser sight, no extended mags, no stability mod nothing...), FFS, there isn't even some info on mags size and weapons range!!! Apparel and armor are a joke (really shirt and tight with more protection then a bulletproof vest???) and Cyberware is at bare minimum and just a vague reminescent of what was the vast choice of hardware in CP2020... oh yes, and WHY every one in NC have crome nad metal limbs and you can't even change the color of yours??? where the F are the cosmetic implant??' where is the "timesquare" optics? Where is the feet with sonar implant to detect enemies???

From my point of view CP2077, compared to what CDPR claim it should be is a compleatly scam: even DeusEx was better on the cyberimplant and weapons customization... and I mean the first DeusEx the one from 2000....

The ONLY thing that I save form this game are the vehicles: the design is amazing and while driving the cars suchs bikes looks really good.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
From my point of view CP2077, compared to what CDPR claim it should be is a compleatly scam: even DeusEx was better on the cyberimplant and weapons customization... and I mean the first DeusEx the one from 2000....
Bit harsh lol but having played the game for about 30 hours now I agree with many of your points.

My hope is that they’ll continue patching the game. I also have a strong feeling the first DLC will implement many features that were missed the first time around and be given for free. CDPR messed up and having free content will go a long way in winning fans back.

I do feel bad for the previous gen console guys but I also think CDPR should never have released the game for PS4 and the X-Box One. They had to made compromises everywhere on so many platforms and the results showed.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Bit harsh lol but having played the game for about 30 hours now I agree with many of your points.

My hope is that they’ll continue patching the game. I also have a strong feeling the first DLC will implement many features that were missed the first time around and be given for free. CDPR messed up and having free content will go a long way in winning fans back.

I do feel bad for the previous gen console guys but I also think CDPR should never have released the game for PS4 and the X-Box One. They had to made compromises everywhere on so many platforms and the results showed.
Indeed compromising ones game for consoles brings everything down. I have always hoped with the new generation cross platform game engines we would see developers write the game for PC then have flags to turn off features for consoles so they can join the party but that way they always know they are missing out on stuff.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Indeed compromising ones game for consoles brings everything down. I have always hoped with the new generation cross platform game engines we would see developers write the game for PC then have flags to turn off features for consoles so they can join the party but that way they always know they are missing out on stuff.
Yeah entitled console owners really tick me off.

I’m a strong supporter that gaming should be accessible to everyone no matter what their financial situation is. That shouldn’t expect the highest quality visuals and performance on your console.

I mean....people who lose their cool because their $400 consoles can’t match a midrange gaming PC....of which even the GPU of the latter is often double the price of the console? Like seriously?


Space Marshal
Sep 27, 2016
RSI Handle
Im notoriously bad at choosing so im playing all paths at once until I decide. Corpo is a strong contender atm :D
yep restarted as a corpo with a much strighter skill tree (netrunner/pistols)

Yeah entitled console owners really tick me off.

I’m a strong supporter that gaming should be accessible to everyone no matter what their financial situation is. That shouldn’t expect the highest quality visuals and performance on your console.

I mean....people who lose their cool because their $400 consoles can’t match a midrange gaming PC....of which even the GPU of the latter is often double the price of the console? Like seriously?
What i heard the game performs really bad on last gen consoles.



Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
Indeed compromising ones game for consoles brings everything down. I have always hoped with the new generation cross platform game engines we would see developers write the game for PC then have flags to turn off features for consoles so they can join the party but that way they always know they are missing out on stuff.
Yeah entitled console owners really tick me off.

I’m a strong supporter that gaming should be accessible to everyone no matter what their financial situation is. That shouldn’t expect the highest quality visuals and performance on your console.

I mean....people who lose their cool because their $400 consoles can’t match a midrange gaming PC....of which even the GPU of the latter is often double the price of the console? Like seriously?
I generally agree with this line, but I'll also have to say that sometime is only down to the willing of the producer and game developer to doing the things right.
Take for exaple the FinalFantasy series: they are beatiful both on console and PC, another example is Orizon:zero dawn.
Yes they lack the frills of raytracing and other minor things, but in complex those games doen't feel like they've been cheeped out or developed with compromise becouse they are originally developed for consoles, both on graphics interface and gamelay aspect.
I've seen lots of other games developed for PC being far far worst engineered with a feel that they are designed for the use of a gampad instead of a combination of mouse and keyboard.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Well, looking at all the criticism, I agree that they handled the last-gen consoles poorly. This should have been a PC-only release, and a console release in january or so, by the time they fixed it up enough to be playable...
That said, I'd like to point out that GTA5 came out on the 360 first! You could, theoretically, play it on a first-gen 360-fat. It did run, I tried it, it was awful, similar 15-20fps max at the best of times, constant glitches, crashes... Supposedly the exact same system, the 360 Slim version, ran it at considerably higher FPS, I had one of those and played through it without much issues. This is the case with CP2077 as well, the base consoles don't seem to work, while the upgraded ones run it at a roughly playable level. So yeah it sux if you got a bog standard old PS4 or XBone. You could ofc just get a refund, but that wouldn't create enough drama now would it?
As usual, it's all about the narrative. If you look at youtubers, there is a pretty decent base of voices that while criticizes the issue, also points out that CDPR is offering refunds, out of their own pockets. Whether this will work or how is another question, but the point is that they are trying to fix the issue, one way or another, and not just attack their consumers like EA and others.
But if you read top of the line "news outlets" like TOMs Hardware and PCGamer and such utter trash, they outright lie about the issue by not mentioning even once that CDPR said to contact them for refunds, not even providing a link to the apology letter with the email addressee you should contact for the refunds, and so on.
They just point fingers at the "evil" *ist/*phobe Polish studio, cos it gets em clicks... It's disgusting, as always.

About missing stuff from the game: well, I haven't noticed any of that, and I'M 30 hours in. I'm playing a reflex/tech/body build (cos I wanna do a "caster" later on my second playthrough) and I haven't noticed the lack of cybernetics, cos I don't use any. I'm also running the default male V model to experience the game as it was advertised. I'll go nuts on my second time around with some crazy looking psycho girl, hopefully we will have more customization by then, both on the junk area and the cyber limbs and such.

I'm totally immersed tbh. I don't miss the "radiant Ai", or don't mind the really dumb police that much. The cars moving aside while driving fast so you can pass between them is a bit... well, it could have been more subtle, it looks silly sometimes :D But it helps. Driving imo is the worst part of the game so far. The cars look really cool, I wanna catch em all, but the driving itself needs tuning.
The police is sooo derpy with the way they just spawn in behind you, no matter what or wherever you are, that it's best if they don't start chasing you. Less annoyance this way.
I did a bunch of side gigs, and haven't really encountered any noticeable issues there either.
It's also a question of mindset, how you approach it. This is not GTA, it's more like Mafia 1, where the city and pedestrians are a backdrop to the game, not the game itself, as the game is in the characters and story.
I'm sure all the things you guys and others listed as missing and not what was promised is true, but as I only watched the last couple of Night City Wires and haven't followed the game before that, I got what I expected to get. It's not a No Mans Sky situation where they kept showing the same fake video even 5 minutes before launch... except for the console issues ofc.

edited to say, that I'm looking forward to all the free and payed dlc. If it's on the level of the witcher3, it's gonna be awesome!
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Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I think they took inspiration from star citizens AI NPCs



Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
I think they took inspiration from star citizens AI NPCs

View attachment 19961
Either my brain is now trained by SC to ignore these kinda bugs a 100%, or I truly haven't seen a single npc t-pose in this game yet.

I've seen some slight floating, some items or dead flying ball-bots stuck in the air, missing phones and guns from the hands of NPC-s, and that pretty much it. I did have my own char t-pose above the car a bit, but that was days ago...

Just finished (probably?) the desert sideplot, damn that was epic! Well worth the effort.


Space Marshal
Oct 21, 2016
RSI Handle
The only T-Posing I've seen, is immediately after loading a save, with an NPC sitting in my line of sight, but even then only for a split second. And the "T-Pose flickering" when driving at times.

They mentioned at some point during development, that they ended up increasing Keanu's role in the game mid-development, and the 6-month time limit, never even hinted at, except at the very end of the last mission, seems like it was added then to have at least some reason for the player to choose to have Johnny take over the body. The stuff about the chip having affected your body to not accept the original engram, but not being able to have the same effect again, makes no sense to me otherwise.
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