There are a lot of us waiting on the Sons of Orion (SoO) storyline, where we can earn big pesos killing Vanduul cap ships. IMHO, the best case for this is not the Idris, but the Polaris with several (9?) scout ships like the Arrow in its hanger. If we suppose 9 Arrow scouts, used to locate and light up Vanduul cap ship targets from 30 km away from the Polaris, then the optimal Polaris crew is up to about 20 positions, which for daily service probably needs close to 25 players. So the entry bar is pretty high but nothing like crewing an Idris.
By contrast, if you wanted to fly a Lib with 3 Eclipse, 12 Arrows and a MIS, you're looking at 17 positions and probably 20 players. That's not a small step down and still will hopefully yield nice Void Bomber kills. It may become common for SoO Captains to start with the Lib and move to the Polaris as their groups grow.
In thinking about the SoO demands, keep in mind that Vanduul Void Bombers are the smallest of the Vanduul cap ships, similar to the Polaris, but with 3 S10 guns rather than torps. Void Bombers typically fly in pairs, so don't underestimate the demands necessary to offing them. Certainly you won't be able to do this with a single Eclipse.