Ah the UK is like okayish; Scotland if you minus Edinburgh isn't really the UK. Ireland however is the bees knees and the cats pyjama's if you know what I mean. If you temper your expectation that it's a shit hole, but it's our shite hole, then you'll get why it's gas.
Well, I did travel from southern Germany across Belgium and over to Dover.
I drove along the southern coast , through Cornwall and Wales and then took the Ferry to the Emerald Island.
Again along the southern roads, towards Kerry and from there towards the Cliffs of Moher.
(On route one diabolic sheep tried to lure me into the abyss by standing on a rock in the clouds. Could have fooled me but I wasn't a TEST member yet so I did not dare to stray from the roads.)
I forced my way through the fishermen by the lakes in the middle ("My gran'daughter calls em Punkfish. Because of them finns.") and then through Northern Ireland over to Scotland.
Then back south and home I rode.
So you can easily tell that I am an expert in British and Irish geography and culture.
And through that travel, if I had to pick a place that was the worst, most digusting sh*thole of a dump, I'd name Belgium.
Ireland was nice even though I could name at least 3 near death experiences caused by public transportation.
2 by sheep.
And one by stupidly playing the Wolftones on the tapedeck while riding through Northern Ireland.
Fun times...