New Kickstarter "STARFIGHTER INC"


Stream Meister
Staff member
Sep 29, 2014
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I dunno, man. It basically just sounds like Arena Commander without a gigantic space sim MMO fueling hype for it or even a single player campaign. That and the Descent remake is pretty much already doing what they are planning on doing. Space sims are coming back hard thanks to Chris Roberts, but we don't have to pledge for every single one coming out just because we are pumped for Star Citizen.

Also, they keep mentioning over and over how the guy worked on X-Wing and TIE Fighter. Why not just make an actual new X-Wing game and get people really excited?

Oh wait...that's right. Disney wouldn't license out their new honeypot in a million years, especially not for something as awesome as an X-Wing remake. :(


Grand Admiral
Apr 25, 2014
RSI Handle
I have my doubts about this new kickstarter, primarily because they didn't show us a good proof of concept to convince me.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
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Space Marshal
Apr 14, 2015
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Sadly, being out of work going on 8 months now, my wallet has to be picky about who I support. SC is where I hang my hat. I wish them luck, however. Good to see the return of the genre.


Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2014
RSI Handle
Backer-Only In-Game "Shrike" Information Warfare Ship: A super fast, extremely maneuverable recon ship with top of the line information warfare gear, the Shrike will only ever be available to Kickstarter backers.

Backer-Only "Pegasus" Assault Transport: A massive assault transport built for getting shock troops on board an opposing ship and keeping them safe while the boarding action is happening, the Pegasus is an extremely powerful, multi-seat ship that will only be available to Kickstarter backers.

Yeah, let's not. Having stuff that is ONLY attainable by a prepurchase, regardless of whether it's on kickstarter or not, is a big no no for me. A big chunk of why I'm interested in SC is that no ships are locked behind paywalls once the PU hits.
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Space Marshal
Nov 3, 2014
RSI Handle
Come guys, enough with the negativity what the fuck is this an EVE Org? LOL Its a cool as Spaceship game by some cool ass dudes who have been in the business a long time. Let's get behind this game because it's going to be fun, it's cheap as frak to back, its going to look really good, and let's face it its good for gaming to see awesome stuff like this on the horizon.


Vice Admiral
Apr 18, 2015
RSI Handle
Come on, people... Dice on the Table! Dice. On the. Table...!

"Hey look, everyone, we're COLLABORATING!"

I'll probably back them to support the industry, but I won't get too excited about it until I hear more details. Who knows--maybe this game will fill a nice little niche between the "realism" of Star Citizen and the "arcade"ism of *ahem* Other Titles That Shall Eemain : Dameless. :)
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Space Marshal
Oct 20, 2014
RSI Handle
I've got 2 major reservations about this project.

1: There is nothing even resembling a game!

They have an idea and a crap ton of concept art. The idea isn't original in the slightest (pvp in space omgwtfbbq!) and the concept art is just generic "this looks like space right?" art (There are literally tens of thousands of artists that do concept work so having some of that done doesn't mean much).

This isn't to say that they aren't capable of making a good space pvp experience, nor is it saying that the aesthetics of what they have in mind won't look good. But there is nothing there to make me want to back it. I don't give a rat's ass about "it's the guy from x-wing". One guy that worked on a team that made a great game 20 years ago isn't a strong sell. I don't care if they make sure to show him playing with a Y-Wing.

2: $250,000 is not going to pay their salaries from concept to shipped.

Period. No way. No how. The only thing I can figure is that this game is a side project for a lot of these people. Unless this kickstarter is to gauge interest to get a publisher (or someone with pockets deep enough) to bankroll this, I see it either being abandoned (like most video game kickstarts) or scaled down to a very small size that they hope to expand upon later (assuming the IAPs pay for it). Yes, I expect IAPs. The majority of Coray Seifert's experience is from mobile games and if he's the executive producer, he's going to want to get his money back as quickly as possible. IAPs are a smart way to do that (not because they're good for the game, but because most people are dumb enough to dump loads of cash into them).


Space Marshal
Nov 3, 2014
RSI Handle
Updated the OP. Been talking to some people I know in the business. I know a winner when I see it and this is going to be a really fun and awesome game. It's also really good for the industry!

Also let me just add that as Gamers we need to support project like this. Chris and Co. opened up the doors, nay BLEW THEM WIDE FRAKKING OPEN, for awesome teams and devs like these to come through. Let's support this next-generation of Gaming Studio's. Come on guys, its $75 measly bucks if you can't afford that you probably shouldn't be gaming. You should be focusing on getting a better job [Shots fired!] #antipeasantcoalition :p



May 6, 2015
RSI Handle
Hi guys!

I just wanted to drop by and say hi.

If you have any questions about the game, KS campaign or other things related to Starfighter Inc & Impeller Studios then let me know and I will do my best to answer them all as quick as I can ;-)

CM @Impeller Studios


Grand Admiral
Apr 25, 2014
RSI Handle
Hi guys!

I just wanted to drop by and say hi.

If you have any questions about the game, KS campaign or other things related to Starfighter Inc & Impeller Studios then let me know and I will do my best to answer them all as quick as I can ;-)

CM @Impeller Studios
If you're for real, then you should've seen my above mentioned post. Do you have a working proof of concept at all, for Starfighter Inc? Because what I'm seeing is mostly on paper, and no presentation of what the gameplay is expected to be like.

It also bears noting that I am indeed deaf, so your kickstarter video does nothing for me. It's all yappity-yap-yap talking with no real substance to show for it - that's what it looks like to me. You want to convince me, show me the goods - even if it's concept, you have to show me something that's actually a proof of concept and not just concept art. Show me ships flying, show me ships dogfighting.

Chris Roberts pulled this off by doing it all in-engine for the Squadron 42 trailer before going live with Kickstarter.
Last edited:


May 6, 2015
RSI Handle
If you're for real, then you should've seen my above mentioned post. Do you have a working proof of concept at all, for Starfighter Inc? Because what I'm seeing is mostly on paper, and no presentation of what the gameplay is expected to be like.

It also bears noting that I am indeed deaf, so your kickstarter video does nothing for me.
I saw your post. I just wanted to offer the chance to ask me directly :-) . When you say "working proof of concept", then I am guessing that you mean actual game play?

In that case.. we do have a playable build that we have been working intensively on especially in the last 4 months or so. The main reason for us not sharing any gameplay is because the state it's in right now which is a very early Alpha. KS reps actually advised us not to go for gameplay if it wasn't representative enough in it's current stage. So we are trying to share as much info and show as many concepts as we can. We are aware that it is not 100% optimal, but it is the what we got right now. Which is still a lot in my opinion. But still I understand you :-)

I am sorry that we didn't add subtitles to our video. I can't make any promises but I will forward the request.

CM @Impeller Studios
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Grand Admiral
Apr 25, 2014
RSI Handle
I saw your post. I just wanted to offer the chance to ask me directly :) . When you say "working proof of concept", then I am guessing that you mean actual game play?

In that case.. we do have a playable build that we have been working intensively on especially in the last 4 months or so. The main reason for us not sharing any gameplay is because the state it's in right now which is a very early Alpha. KS reps actually advised us not to go for gameplay if it wasn't representative enough in it's current stage. So we are trying to share as much info and show as many concepts as we can. We are aware that it is not 100% optimal, but it is the what we got right now. Which is still a lot in my opinion. But still I understand you :)

I am sorry that we didn't add subtitles to our video. I can't make any promises but I will forward the request.

CM @Impeller Studios
I do suggest creating at least an in-game cutscene that presents what you're trying to go for. That's what CR did with his proof of concept video for Squadron 42. It doesn't matter if you do "live recorded gameplay" this early in the project. If you show that you have a working version of the game engine, it'll show that you have the expertise to make it happen.

That's the main problem here. There are too many people skeptical about the team's ability to deliver. Credentials is one thing, showing that you actually have in-engine work done, is a whole 'nother can of beans.
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Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle
I'm interested enough to at least put my quarter on machine. I'll be paying close attention to this when I'm not theorycrafting about Star Citizen.
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