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You can't blame them for trying.http://www.crowdfundinsider.com/2014/10/51575-piranha-games-kills-transverse-crowdfunding-campaign-begins-backer-refund-process/
And I'm still giggling at what an incredible crowd funding failure Transverse was, the game that intended to be a full-bore copycat ripoff of Star Citizen.
LOL at those shitheads.
If you're for real, then you should've seen my above mentioned post. Do you have a working proof of concept at all, for Starfighter Inc? Because what I'm seeing is mostly on paper, and no presentation of what the gameplay is expected to be like.Hi guys!
I just wanted to drop by and say hi.
If you have any questions about the game, KS campaign or other things related to Starfighter Inc & Impeller Studios then let me know and I will do my best to answer them all as quick as I can ;-)
CM @Impeller Studios
I saw your post. I just wanted to offer the chance to ask me directly :-) . When you say "working proof of concept", then I am guessing that you mean actual game play?If you're for real, then you should've seen my above mentioned post. Do you have a working proof of concept at all, for Starfighter Inc? Because what I'm seeing is mostly on paper, and no presentation of what the gameplay is expected to be like.
It also bears noting that I am indeed deaf, so your kickstarter video does nothing for me.
I do suggest creating at least an in-game cutscene that presents what you're trying to go for. That's what CR did with his proof of concept video for Squadron 42. It doesn't matter if you do "live recorded gameplay" this early in the project. If you show that you have a working version of the game engine, it'll show that you have the expertise to make it happen.I saw your post. I just wanted to offer the chance to ask me directly :) . When you say "working proof of concept", then I am guessing that you mean actual game play?
In that case.. we do have a playable build that we have been working intensively on especially in the last 4 months or so. The main reason for us not sharing any gameplay is because the state it's in right now which is a very early Alpha. KS reps actually advised us not to go for gameplay if it wasn't representative enough in it's current stage. So we are trying to share as much info and show as many concepts as we can. We are aware that it is not 100% optimal, but it is the what we got right now. Which is still a lot in my opinion. But still I understand you :)
I am sorry that we didn't add subtitles to our video. I can't make any promises but I will forward the request.
CM @Impeller Studios