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  1. Schmunkel

    3.5 Group Mining Initial Plan

    As a mining noob, are there not certain areas of a planet/moon that have higher concentrations of the minerals or is it random? For example, there is a higher percentage of Quartz on the southern hemisphere of Arial?
  2. Schmunkel

    3.5 Group Mining Initial Plan

    Add location perhaps (which ArcCorp moon) since we plan on going to multiple? I also don't know if the location on the moon is relevant, say near a QD spot?
  3. Schmunkel

    Tried out mining in the PTU, had fun despite the bugs

    The PTU has been a great chance for me to try out the new flight model on multiple ships, most of which I do not own. For example, flying the Caterpillar was nuts as it is so huge (the only ship I own is a Freelancer Max). I was also able to test out mining for the first time as I do not own a...
  4. Schmunkel

    Tried out mining in the PTU, had fun despite the bugs

    After gaining access to the 3.5 PTU, I was able to buy a Prospector on Levski and go try out mining. Every other ship in the game is available to spawn when you load into the PTU except the Prospector, which was kind of annoying. Luckily, with the 5 million in funds they give you I could but...
  5. Schmunkel

    WIP rig project for SC, other spacesims, and racing! (Specs and names of items in the post)

    If you are married you have to let me know what voodoo you used on your wife to allow you to have that in the house.
  6. Schmunkel

    Group Mining in 3.5 - Group Signup ( Channel name is 3-5-Mining)

    Was this on the calendar? If so, I'm not seeing it. I may not have been able to make it anyway, but I want to at least know of it. I need to set up my google calendar for test events.
  7. Schmunkel

    3.5 PTU wave 2 is out (upd: now open to All Backers!)

    I got in! Downloading now and will hop on discord when I log on.
  8. Schmunkel

    3.5 Feature and Sale Link - 3.5 Coming Soon™

    Can the co-pilot operate the other turret in any of the models?
  9. Schmunkel

    3.5 Group Mining Initial Plan

    I'm in. I appreciate those that have Prospectors to loan out so I can blow myself up while learning to mine.
  10. Schmunkel

    Group Mining in 3.5 - Group Signup ( Channel name is 3-5-Mining)

    I would love to try out mining with a spare Prospector! Here is hoping I don't blow it up on my first try.
  11. Schmunkel

    Group Mining in 3.5 - Group Signup ( Channel name is 3-5-Mining)

    No mining ship currently, but would be happy to tag along as crew or escort in my Freelancer Max. I'm available in the evenings on any day where I don't have wife/kiddo/work aggro, which is unfortunately not always consistent. Central time zone.
  12. Schmunkel

    Green Ursa Rover Giveaway Inside! (Thanks to all who donated this past month!)

    TEST is BEST due to glorious leader Montoya! *While I am totally brown-nosing here, Montoya really does motivate me during the Star Citizen droughts.
  13. Schmunkel

    The Division 2 - Another letdown like Anthem or promising? Any insights?

    We removed the roles thing on discord right? I think this is why some people thought we didn't have channels set up for certain games.
  14. Schmunkel

    Tractor Beam - Coming with Argo SRV or implemented later?

    Cutlass has 3 tractor beams. Reclaimer has 2, Caterpillar has 2, and the 315p also has one. None of them currently function. My hope is that if they get this in with the Argo SRV, it will also come in with the other ships. I could realistically see it only working on the Argo SRV for a while as...
  15. Schmunkel

    Tractor Beam - Coming with Argo SRV or implemented later?

    Well the Reclaimer and Starfarer are in the game, and they can't perform their primary roles of salvage and refueling. I am also wondering what exploration gameplay will be in place by the time the Carrack is in the game.
  16. Schmunkel

    Tractor Beam - Coming with Argo SRV or implemented later?

    I have not been able to find this clarification anywhere with regards to the tractor beam on the Argo SRV. I would hope it is coming when the ship is flyable, however, I would not put it past CIG to have the tractor beam show up at a later date. Has anyone seen this mentioned somewhere I might...
  17. Schmunkel

    The Division 2 - Another letdown like Anthem or promising? Any insights?

    I'm not really seeing anything that blows my skirt up so far in the beta. It is a cover shooter with very basic AI and the targets are all varying degrees of bullet sponges. The story seemed interesting, but not enough to make up for the other faults I am seeing. If the combat was more...
  18. Schmunkel

    The Division 2 - Another letdown like Anthem or promising? Any insights?

    I was not aware that it was in open beta this weekend! I'm glad I asked! I will go grab it real fast.
  19. Schmunkel

    The Division 2 - Another letdown like Anthem or promising? Any insights?

    I have been itching for a new multiplayer game and have been sorely disappointed by most of the newer releases lately like Anthem. Anyone have an inside track on The Division 2? I am not going to pre-order as I learned that lesson with Destiny, however, I would love to hear some feedback for...
  20. Schmunkel

    ARGO SRV Q&A is up!

    How about "When will the tractorbeam gameplay mechanic be implemented? The same time as the ship releases or afterwards?".
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