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  1. DirectorGunner


    Where has the time gone? :wut: Here's to the future 🍻
  2. DirectorGunner

    Warframe is a dumb kinda fun, and I like it

    Just want to say, now that my gear isn't complete garbage, and now that I am hunting for mods/rivens and raising my MR.... the game is now more fun... for me. I scored Odonata prime and Nova prime on the marketplace for cheap, and earned my 3rd or 4th prime frame. Equinox. PM Satchii on our...
  3. DirectorGunner

    Joined the ranks of the gold F8 club

    Two ballistas is all it took Finally got the TEST Squadron F8!
  4. DirectorGunner

    SOLD Thrustmaster HOTAS Warthog Flight Stick PC All metal, spare. I'm not gonna try a glorious marcsand2 and train my left hand to be a right hand. No Aeon fluxing here. But if you need one, for your right hand. Or if you have two right hands... this a really great stick. If anything for the way the...
  5. DirectorGunner

    Caught on security cam

    One of our fellow TESTies got caught on security cam trying to move his boat View:
  6. DirectorGunner

    Do gamers not understand logic?

    Another video, which alludes to trying to be centered/unbiased, riddled with numerous reasoning flaws. But toward the end, it gets more balanced and fewer flaws in reasoning than the first 2/3rds of the video. But then the flaws increase again toward the very end... lol. what you think?
  7. DirectorGunner

    WTB 2017-2018 CCU SH To Hull C

    Looking for a regular CCU but from a specific time period. SHIP UPGRADES - F7C-M SUPER HORNET TO HULL C SH turned $180 after 02/2017 and Hull C changed price IIRC this past anniversary or holiday. Figure it'd be a crap shoot to ask, but.. why not? Maybe someone got a few of these in their hangar...
  8. DirectorGunner

    [Bought] WTB Prospector to Gladiator CCU

    Howdy, It's a $10 CCU that's currently disabled to buy on RSI website for whatever reason... I dunno but if anyone has a spare one of these I can buy, it would be most appreciated! Tanks a bunch! CCU purchased, thank you
  9. DirectorGunner

    WTS my NECA Gears of War collection

    It's a world-class collection... View: If any Gears heads in TEST or where ever, PM me. Gears 5 is around the corner.
  10. DirectorGunner

    Suggestions for a good skeleton watch under $300?

    So I don't wear watches, but I need to wear one for my LSAT prep and actual exam. I'm looking for a good oversized case (50mm+) skeleton wrist watch with minute marks and super easy to read for around $300 or so... I need it oversized so I can see it super quick and easy. And I need minute...
  11. DirectorGunner

    After well over 5 years, my ISP finally found the source of the signal interference!!

    For well over 5 years, everyone in my neighborhood has had internet connectivity problems with Cox cable. Especially me as I pay for the highest tier of residential service. 5+ years of senior techs and supervisors coming out to check my property... they replaced the coax line from the hub to...
  12. DirectorGunner

    We made it into Red Bull's CIG promo!

    @Sethious Being a champion helping me out Lots of community members made it in 🍻
  13. DirectorGunner

    Prefight to Manny Vs Broner

    Sucks to be this guy Or this poor referee Btw.. Manny out boxed Broner... by a lot.. and Broner was a very poor sport at the end in his interview. Which makes Manny look like that much better of an athlete. I consider him the Michael Jordan of this decade for Boxing.
  14. DirectorGunner

    Order 66 on content creators

    See new article today It seems to me the terms basically have you give up all your fair use rights. "You agree that CIG has the right to review your use of the CIG Fankit and any other material that uses or derives from...
  15. DirectorGunner

    Help with weird PHP/CSS/JS stuff

    Hey so, just got a couple minor issues left, one is kinda weird in that it's an undeclared CSS styling thing.. might be from the JS but want to see if a way to change the highlight behavior. It's Google Custom Search Anyone styled their Custom Google Search before and is familiar with this...
  16. DirectorGunner

    Server advice?

    Hi, So I've been struggling to find a good CMS solution for a website. I tried Grav which requires understanding Twig in order to edit. It seems a JAMstack with Jekyll + NetlifyCMS + bitbucket would be a fantastic option... self host the NetlifyCMS for collaborative articles, render with Jekyll...
  17. DirectorGunner

    Small PSA to save keychain buyers some time

    A small #StarCitizen PSA, on the coin keychains Apparently they were supposed to include shipping in the price. If you ordered more than 1 they could miss refunding you on the other orders, in my case they missed 3 of the 4, so if you want your shipping refunded let them know your order...
  18. DirectorGunner

    Mod for Software Developer of Chevereto copies SC screenshot sharing website from a paying client

    I have been working hard on something (a website for sharing HQ screenshots, art, and cosplay for SC) with @mr-hasgaha and @RiceMaiden and others. After some research, I settled on buying a network license for Chevereto. I introduced myself and about why I bought a license and a little about the...
  19. DirectorGunner

    Did you know? SC worthless facts thread

    I thought it would be fun to play a game... Do you have a random or worthless SC fact? Okay.. I'll start... this is my worthless fact... back in early 2015.. you could have gotten a ton of AMD Omegas for about $5 each as many people did. They are now among the rarest ships in the PU.
  20. DirectorGunner

    How to have a dynamic blogroll with single php file and static files in one directory?

    I'm having a block and my GoogleFu is shit or maybe Google just sucks now... I've got an empty directory for my home directory for a website. I just want to upload single static files as blog post articles to the home directory. I want the index to be a single PHP file that is like a sudo...
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