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  1. DirectorGunner


    Yea... I think we should try it!
  2. DirectorGunner

    Help with a fan video script? Slaving Mr. Red Pants (NPC)

    So late last night, I think the server I was in glitched... and decided to put NPCs in security koreah... I did a rough edit that I can extend or shorten any clip in the above video... for the most part. I used cinema mode @40 .... anyway... this is rare right? If so, I'd like help figuring...
  3. DirectorGunner

    Forum Signature Requests thread

    So I recently got a PM asking if I do requests... well yes... yes I do.. Challenge me but don't make it too difficult or time consuming and you've got yourself a deal! What I use: After Effects Photoshop Images available on the internet or from videos (videos included) or 3D objects What I...
  4. DirectorGunner

    Rock out with your :rooster: out

    Rock out with your :chicken: out ... Outlaw style
  5. DirectorGunner

    TEST news media kit

    Everything you'll need to run your own news show for TEST in the verse. TEST news After Effects template here I made it very easy to use and edit; however, you'll need optical flares to change the beam colors (or use them). But will still work without optical flares.
  6. DirectorGunner

    Fan Art - Amateur retexturing the Shubin Tick

    Don't hate me, I suck and I love GOOOOOOLD!
  7. DirectorGunner

    [WTB] 890j concept LTI

    I was going to buy a 890j and a few others near end of the month, but that deal feel through due to seller getting a full refund from CIG... so... disgruntled but determined... if anyone has an old 890j concept in their buybacks.. I'm looking to buy for $700 (melt is $600)
  8. DirectorGunner

    Vanguard Valentine short film

    Vanguard Valentine Star Citizen short film With Love, DirectorGunner Shot and edited within 6 hours today I did the best I could to get it done before end of day, I made some editing mistakes but it came out okay. Have a wonderful February 14th 2017! A very special thanks to: JeffCraig...
  9. DirectorGunner

    OBS recording volunteers needed for TEST propoganda

    Hi, I'm looking for some players that can play SC at 1080p60** or greater and also run OBS at the same time in local recording mode with settings explained below for TEST related videos. Most immediate need being volunteers for this week and/or weekend (Sunday) for Combat Flight Leaders...
  10. DirectorGunner

    [DONE] F7a skin

    View: This is really probably the last "collector" item to complete my hangar, if you know anyone that has a spare.. and is willing to sell for a fair price. Please have them PM me. please please please! Thank you Edit...
  11. DirectorGunner

    Any Python scripters?

    I don't have the skill set to code this script, it's for helping with SC fan art Anyone know anyone or are you someone who can write it? TL;DR version: Need a script to parse SC's prefab XML files to rebuild ships/hangars/structures in Cinema 4D using ripetide pro...
  12. DirectorGunner

    Star Marine initialize logo animation

    Was able to extract the Star Marine logo animation (the initialize SM one, not the cooler 3D one in the SC videos). You can use a color matte to make the background transparent to use this on your SM gameplay videos. PM me if you need the actual file, it's under 20MBs @2180p60
  13. DirectorGunner

    Give me the size 4 mining laser please :)

    Found this in an unsuspecting spreadsheet... in the 2015 build.
  14. DirectorGunner

    Were these weapons scrapped or renamed?

    company: Sakura Sun
  15. DirectorGunner

    [SPOILER] No details spared on female character

    I was given a tool to finally and successfully convert the textures from the 2015 L build... and when checking the female v2 character... noticed that just about NO details were spared for this (I guess scanned?) female body... do you agree? :peach: honesty... I was expecting granny...
  16. DirectorGunner

    [purchased] Concept Sentinel or Concept Starfarer

    Anyone have either a concept sentinel or a concept starfarer in their buybacks or hanger they want to sell me? I'm looking to pay melt value + paypal fees + ~5% addition on top of that. I'm able to buy today. Thanks! :pray::fingers_crossed:
  17. DirectorGunner

    Playing with SC assets

    UPDATE 4/27/2020 New method to convert new SC 3.8.2 build to have useable assets ORIGINAL POST: I backed up SC 2.5 and managed to convert everything using tools made available by the community on the RSI website...
  18. DirectorGunner

    TEST short films Collab thread

    Follow the drunken adventures of TEST pilots as they save the universe! Que music Theme established. Give as many script ideas as you can that we can start filming and doing VOs :vulcan: We wanna do SC films, so let's do this! No idea is a bad idea, share, #nojudgement. Keep it PG rated...
  19. DirectorGunner

    Aurora TEST editions in C4D

    Hi, Could use some help if anyone is familiar with C4D in fixing in game assets once converted. I've taken to CIG forums but it's been kind of slow not having someone to immediately bounce ideas/issues off of. So anyone here have any C4D experience? I'm completely self taught. Project brief...
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