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  1. DirectorGunner

    How are older ships built in game without prefabs?

    I made a thread So basically, trying to figure out where the game stores directions on building older ships, older as in pre-SOC file, like the hornet so I can finish...
  2. DirectorGunner

    Star Citizen Content Creators? All of them?

    Hi, I'm cataloging a massive playlist of all Star Citizen content creators on YouTube. If you or anyone you know is not on this list PLEASE add a best YouTube video for you or them below please. I want to get this list as...
  3. DirectorGunner

    Gunner's motion graphics thread - Test Propaganda!

    Not sure if I already had a thread for this but, here's where I'll add more motion graphics, free for all to use in your own works of art! *que the music maestro*...
  4. DirectorGunner

    LTI meme's

    Gonna share my LTI meme's here, might come in handy for someone else :P
  5. DirectorGunner

    Record 4K60? Solutions under $500 USD?

    I made this question post recently on linus tech tip forums I looked at the following 4K60 capture devices AJA - Kona 4 ~$2000 USD Atomos - Shogun Inferno ~$1500 USD Avermedia - CE511-HN ~$1200 USD Blackmagic - DeckLink 4K Extreme 12G ~$1420 USD Datapath - VisionSC-DP2 ~$2000 USD Magewell -...
  6. DirectorGunner

    Say goodbye to all your $0 CCU's by version 3.0

    See post on May 16th "The second part is longer term, but very important: we will plan for a process to expire the unused $0 CCUs from the system. We want existing CCUs to be used as intended: to pick a...
  7. DirectorGunner

    TEST's official initiation TEST?

    Recently uncovered this scared right of passage
  8. DirectorGunner

    help being IP trolled on YouTube

    The idea of what this company is trying to do to me is an outrage! Here's my video View: How many of you have a video over 5 million views? this is my only one... this video is all I got for any kind of success on YouTube at all. Just because the...
  9. DirectorGunner

    New fan art thread (HOW TO) in spectrum

    Save it, bookmark it, love it, have babies with it.. this is the new home for all the how to with SC assets for fan art, don't lose it! Just incase my reply on that thread...
  10. DirectorGunner

    I should have bought more subs... this is not enough

    This is not enough Big Benny machines for me to stay in business :*( lol
  11. DirectorGunner

    Average cost across USA for 1Gbps up and down fiber?

    So.. got this quote today when researching a business idea. Is $4,000 a month for 1Gbps up stream / down stream dedicated line average or on the high side? This would be in terms of USA service... I'm stuck with where I'm at. This is a business quote, not a residential quote. so that's a total...
  12. DirectorGunner

    WTB Digital Mercenary or Bounty Hunter for me wifu!

    So, on vacation this past week, I successfully talked my wife into playing SC with me while watching Rogue One. SCORE!!! She was resistant at first, but finally, I have WON! So.. she's going to be using most of my ships, but I wanted to get her a starting package that has LTI.. there's only been...
  13. DirectorGunner

    Economy Starfarer Geminis

    Can't afford a Starfarer Gemini? have no fear! Economy versions for sale soon (no furnishings). Eg no chairs or joysticks
  14. DirectorGunner

    CIG did this just for TEST!! <3

    View: We can now fly drunk! LMAO
  15. DirectorGunner

    Combat Flight Nights Sunday 2pm CST

    Join us tonight for some combat flight training!
  16. DirectorGunner

    Play SC and Record via OBS Tutorial

    [spot reserved for video] First thing so everyone is on the same page, For this tutorial you'll need: Star Citizen Custom user config file Discord App (or spectrum if voice ever gets implemented) OBS Studio (newest 64 bit edition is fine) An Nvidia graphics card that supports NVENC recording Or...
  17. DirectorGunner

    Operation pitchfork and the mining industry hmmmmmm..... ;D
  18. DirectorGunner

    How to party a full instance by GorgonTheDestroyer

    From GorgonTheDestroyer a reliable way to get large parties in an instance together. its a long post but feel free to copy/paste it somewhere for future use. Get the PARTY LEADER in a random universe instance, everyone else on MAIN MENU ("Universe, Arena Commander, Star Marine, Quite Game...
  19. DirectorGunner

    Mining in 3.0 confirmed!!!

    I literally threw my arms up in the air and almost fell out of my seat to this response View:
  20. DirectorGunner

    Yellow Jacket Training Video 1 - How to clear interiors

    Video 1 is finally done!
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