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  1. DirectorGunner

    Push the button!

    I wanna know what happens when you push this button... ????
  2. DirectorGunner

    Gamescom2017 Day 1 Recap

    If you missed the 1st day of Star Citizen at Gamescom2017 here's the recorded session on YouTube As a recap: -The #Gamescom2017 #StarCitizen 3.0 demo build (limited demo for Gamescon only) is available at A-051 in Hall 9. -The demo takes place on the moon of Daymar in the stanton system...
  3. DirectorGunner

    Who's going to Gamescom?

    Anyone going to Gamescom? I want to go but not able The CIG booth is going to have some collectibles.. no idea what yet but.. still COLLECTIBLES!
  4. DirectorGunner

    More META gaming Drama.. popcorn ready?

    So randomly was just sent this now.. Why is there no report button in spectrum? I only like spam when it's packed with rice and seaweed.
  5. DirectorGunner

    Support prospecting pledgers by sharing your experiences

    Hi all, I was searching for the keyword "Star Citizen" on google for the last 24 hour period to see if there was anything interesting and found this A Linus Tech Tip forum user is debating whether or not to pledge for...
  6. DirectorGunner

    How to fix 3D version of Bar Citizen Logo?

    Howdy all, So I've come up against something a little out of my wheel house concerning 3D modeling. I converted the Bar Citizen Logo png to a vector (it's not perfect but it's close) And then when extruding the vector I couldn't use cap fillet, only fillet on some of the paths (see pic below)...
  7. DirectorGunner

    The new Marvel Infinity War trailer looks insane!

    Spoiler as this was a privately screen trailer, it got leaked on Facebook a few days ago. Enjoy! edit: Did I post this in the wrong subforum?
  8. DirectorGunner

    F7A is released for testing...

    In Star-Made that is lol Fan made F7A replica in Star-Made, has moving wings, cockpit, and turret
  9. DirectorGunner

    An amazing Gladius replica in Space Engineers

    I was scrubbing the interweb for SC stuff posted today for the FB group, and stumbled across this girl (i think) that made a gladius in space engineers and it looks pretty good I suggested she...
  10. DirectorGunner

    The largest SC FB group banned me from just my application?

    I recently purged my Facebook friend's list of negative un-supportive people I didn't know. I wanted to find supportive fellow Sci-fi fans and fellow nerds to add. With how amazing Star Citizen's community is I'd though I'd look to join a FB SC group. There's only one group that's over a few...
  11. DirectorGunner

    Consolidated Cyclone sales

    For those who want direct links until concept sale is over $405...
  12. DirectorGunner

    Breaking down Lost & Found short film

    Do you have an inner film critic? Well let that little douche bag shine on the thread I started about the film! I love the film, and people were starting to discuss the shots.. so I completely broken down the entire shot list and went through it. It was fun and if you love film production or...
  13. DirectorGunner

    WTB CCU Cutlass Black to Blue with Advocacy Tools (old and rare)

    I'm still looking for is the old Cutlass black to cutlass blue CCU that included the Advocacy tools which you can see here The Black to Blue CCU with Advocacy tools was a special CCU that was released long ago. Does anyone have this CCU unapplied? and willing to part with it?
  14. DirectorGunner

    Do you want more wingless ships? Here's one for ya lol

    I made the above in response to a reply in a render post I shared on reddit What do you think? Does the idea have merit?
  15. DirectorGunner

    NOX bike mini game

    So some of you may remember Xenthor XI for data mining the city Terra prime and putting it together Well, He's making a NOX mini game in UDK live, in a 24 hour challenge. imo check out his channel and show him support, I'd love to play this until 3.0 releases...
  16. DirectorGunner

    Nox packages - Best value? What's the best value here in terms of whatever factors are most important to you? Exclusive pre-buy for all dragonfly owners Nox Nox Kue 2 pack 5pack
  17. DirectorGunner

    Xi'an Nox on sale June 23rd

    The Xi'an Nox will go on sale starting Friday, June 23rd for $40. source:
  18. DirectorGunner

    How To Guide for converting Star Citizen assets

    Typed this guide up tonight for a trimmed down but concise guide for anyone of any skill level to be able to begin playing with Star Citizen spaceships and other assets from the previous 2.5 build which any backer can still re-download...
  19. DirectorGunner

    What's Black and Yellow across the interweeb?

    i was bored and curious... if you're looking to burn through an hour or so.. you're welcome :P
  20. DirectorGunner

    Which Aurora is your favorite? No TAKE BACKS!

    So, I was curious... if you only had to pick one Aurora model... and that model you had to play for your entire life in Star Citizen. Which Aurora model would it be? Choices are: Aurora LX Aurora LN aka Legionnaire Aurora CL aka The Clipper Aurora MR aka Marque Aurora ES aka...
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