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  1. DirectorGunner

    WTB My final grey market shopping list - Got any of these?

    Here's my final 3rd party marketplace JPG shopping list Physical COLONEL LTI Weekend Warrior LTI Concept Blade LTI Concept Hull B both Tali cargo modules LTI Endeavor Bio Pod LTI Concept Genesis Starliner $400 Concept Hull D $350 Concept Crucible $350 Concept Vanguard Harbinger $280 Concept...
  2. DirectorGunner

    Who's good in Fusion360?

    I'm making an Xbox One controller wall mount... And.. instead of using a mesh of an Xbox One controller to subscract from the solid model (gives the polygons you see below) I'd like to actually model the depression I need in my mount to snuggly mount the controller. How can I do a crazy ass...
  3. DirectorGunner

    Really powerful then and now photo gallery

    These photos are powerful.. some may appreciate them more than others, but even so I thought I should share. View:
  4. DirectorGunner


    @GrumpyCat 's thread was closed, I never saw it in time and losing my mind about it... lol.. but if these are still available.. or if anyone else has these original concept LTI's and things on buybacks... ADD-ONS - RETALIATOR REAR CARGO MODULE (concept LTI - $25 pledge) ADD-ONS - RETALIATOR...
  5. DirectorGunner

    2nd Developing USA Housing Bubble... ???

    I've been suspicious with rising prices in the US housing market.. that perhaps we're developing into another bubble... well... the data may just confirm that. What could this mean for us? Well...
  6. DirectorGunner

    I waited so many years for this

    My wait is over, I can now relax.. and enjoy the Zen... that will be mining
  7. DirectorGunner


    Does anyone have an AVENGER TITAN RENEGADE LTI available? Thank you
  8. DirectorGunner

    Rice & Gunner & TEST RC Nova Tank

    So, Let's make an RC tank! Game plan: Make a functional RC Nova Tank.... TEST edition Send it to Disco Lando to play with after we do a fun video with it Background: To stay out of trouble, things like this (unless given express permission from CIG) needs to be either one off personal use /...
  9. DirectorGunner

    What the heck is this?!

    According to the file name... it's a Gladius Xi'an Rocket ..... whatever that is. This was from the most recent SC email. edit: Related reddit post
  10. DirectorGunner

    And now... LTI is limited... (new MISC Razor variants) Not only do we have to pay cash now for LTI... but let's make it even crazier with limited LTI on concepts And yes my dumbass bought one...... I fall for this every time....
  11. DirectorGunner

    Win a Hercules!

    double post sorry, delete this
  12. DirectorGunner

    An evening with Chris Roberts
  13. DirectorGunner

    Contribute ideas and lyrics for TEST cover music videos?

    So I get occasional ideas for fun videos for TEST propoganda... I am currently looking for a cover band to re-record a parody kind of version of Premise something like "We built this verse, on alcohol" If you have any ideas to contribute for lyrics and in game engine shots or scenes that we...
  14. DirectorGunner

    My experience at the Concierge event and cosplay

    A general review video of my experience at the concierge event and my cosplay. No NDA's were harmed in the making of this video, but because of the NDA I can't talk about any of the Q&A and personally asked questions during the event or the after party that I missed. So the video is completely...
  15. DirectorGunner

    Recommendations for 2K urethane top coats?

    I've vacuum formed plastic helmet. I need to gold chrome it. I have all the equipment, 30 gal compressor, 1.4mm dual nozzle siphon feed spray gun, 3M accuspray system, and will be ordering the chroming chemicals from Angel Gilding (since those seem to be the cheapest source of quality chroming...
  16. DirectorGunner

    My mind is blown, someone please explain this!

    I stumbled across this when bored browsing kickstarter tonight What in the find voodoo? The shape makes no sense to roll like a sphere in keeping an object above it level... I feel...
  17. DirectorGunner

    Star Citizen Wind Tunnel Tests

    More to come, taking requests
  18. DirectorGunner

    Demonitized by YouTube, and I am partnered by BBTV

    I am really pissed today, just saw this within the last hour I have a partnership contract with BroadbandTV, Google shouldn't be able to just unmonetize partnered channels which are in the green/no violations. I earned $35 of beer money last month from my channel, never... never.. fuck with a...
  19. DirectorGunner

    SC Cosplay: Help programming Arduino Uno to play GIFs?

    Howdy, I'm working on making the Heavy Marine as a personal cosplay project. The two displays on the Torso I have been trying to find a reasonable solution to make it happen IRL. I bought an Elegoo Arduino Uno and an Elegoo LCD TFT display I'm trying to get this gif to run on the displays (for...
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