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  1. KuruptU4Fun

    Berks post on the 4.0 hype Please upvote this if you agree!
  2. KuruptU4Fun

    Just wanted to preempt the Jumpgates - Rings debate currently in Spectrum

    Star Citizen Jump points DO have rings around them. /s
  3. KuruptU4Fun

    VIRPIL throttle issues

    Whenever I'm flying my thrust will simply die and the only way I can get it back up is hitting escape or F4. Has anyone had this problem and fixed it? It is currently at Forward (abs) because I want it to go back to 0 when all the way back. P.S. I'd rather avoid the whole Throttle Gremlin/...
  4. KuruptU4Fun

    Server meshing 2 ISC... Thoughts?

    I think there is a very specific reason they're leaving that episode till closer to the end of the year. The bigger thing they're working on is developing at scale and authority transitioning for you, your ship and smaller items ranging from vehicles to a med pen in your ship. Mind you I get...
  5. KuruptU4Fun

    I need installation troubleshooting help!

    I just plugged in my GeForce 3070 card while watching Citcon. I checked that my 850w PS could take the weight online. My 1070 card pulled 145w out and I checked that the 3070 came in at 220w usage, I then put the recommended 2x 6+2pin VGA cables that went into the PS and the other end 8pin into...
  6. KuruptU4Fun

    Social For those who want to have some fun I have an idea...

    Seeing that we're getting larger and larger boxes here soon'ish and should be able to handle them via tractor beam I am thinking that we could get a team together to make a Jenga setup and play as teams using the tools in the game.
  7. KuruptU4Fun

    Selling VPC Constellation ALPHA Prime [L] & VPC Flightstick Z-Extension (HOSAS L)
  8. KuruptU4Fun

    Things you might have missed in SCL today...

    Nope Sean, I've been burned by those words too many times to fall for it again...
  9. KuruptU4Fun

    Industry Looking for an assist please when it comes to Hosas setup with Virpil for mining/ salvaging/ scanning.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on button layout concerning these game loops? I just bought the left side connie alpha and wanted to hear some opinions. Trying to do what I can to keep ship profession specific buttons on the left and combat on the right.
  10. KuruptU4Fun

    Just bought a Virpil Connie A left side looking for some help please.

    I'm simply lost when it comes to the config tool, I want to set up my left side to control not only throttle but control setup for my Prospector/ Vulcan. Any assistance would certainly be appreciated!
  11. KuruptU4Fun

    Anyone catch this on ISC? 2

    "Special Weapons mentioned as Secret"... I'm thinking Crossbow...
  12. KuruptU4Fun

    Anyone catch this on ISC?

  13. KuruptU4Fun

    Wave 1 PTU is up

  14. KuruptU4Fun

    Looking for a 3D Printer user, discuss some commission work.

    I'm using the Monstertech Chair mount accessories and am looking to solve 2 problems. First, is to create a way for a mouse cord holder that can clip to this thing, clothespin style mounting with a flat upper piece so it doesn't impact mouse usage...
  15. KuruptU4Fun

    Anyone happen to be using reWASD for an Elite controller?

    I could use some guidance here about building profiles. Either recommendations of tutorials or me asking questions directly. Really only want to use it with fps and racing profiles if I can. Prefer using kb/m in PoI's.
  16. KuruptU4Fun

    Call button for ship.

    Mentioned in the SQ42 email, you will be able to call your ship to you. Obviously that will come to us in SC. Do you see this coming in a .x patch for 3.19?
  17. KuruptU4Fun

    Okay don't really know where to put this. Looking for people to play with.

    I'm at a point where I tend to play at certain hours at night (pm CST) I'm often up at 9AM (UTC+1ish I guess) on the weekends. I am aware of the discord (and will actually be linking this in there while I'm on) and have been attending events but at this stage I want to test the traps and not...
  18. KuruptU4Fun

    With updates to SM, AC and racing coming up this year...

    View: Basically the 3 are getting a rework of the UI and updates to each within this year (possibly), what development needs to be implemented between them to create Theaters of War in your opinion?
  19. KuruptU4Fun

    Game that been in development longer than SC!
  20. KuruptU4Fun

    Other Prospector mounting head

    Not a newb but I haven't mined in quite some time. I've got a prospector but the component kiosks keep telling me there's insufficient space to mount a Lancet head and the additional attachments. My Prospector is at that location, it is stored as well, what's going on? How do I get this done...
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